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Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma October 3, 2007

Posted by angryscientist in Bad Science, Uncategorized, Whistleblower Corner.

Laurie JessopChad JessopCrystal JessopJessop FamilyAn unholy alliance of California Child Protective Services (CPS) with a hostile doctor and judge is attempting to railroad Laurie Jessop, framed as a threat to her son and the establishment for finding a way to cure him of malignant melanoma. She is now on trial, under a gag order, since she had gone to the press. When she was arrested, she was put in maximum security, solitary confinement, in the Orange County, CA jail. They claim that everything about. her says anti-Establishment, so she was told, as she was considered a threat in starting a riot.

On the morning of Sept. 12, Gary Null read on KPFK, a Pacifica station in Los Angeles, an e-mail from Ron Miller, who had met Ms. Jessop at the Cancer Control Society annual convention during the Labor Day weekend. They had discussed this persecution by Big Brother in the guise of saving her son from this evil mother who has failed to protect him! She disobeyed doctor’s orders and found a natural way to cure her son. These forces arrayed against her and insisted he must have the cancer removed surgically and attacked with the standard chemical fare. The cancer is gone, but nobody in authority will accept that because her doctor doesn’t believe that’s possible.

The initial biopsy of the mole was done in February. Their regular doctor was on leave when test results came in. A nurse informed them of the bad news. On May 8, Chad Jessop had a follow up appointment with a medical group doctor, by the name of Dr. Masciana, who insisted he needed surgery to excise the site within a week, or he could die any day now! This doctor is a general practitioner, not an oncologist or qualified to do cancer diagnosis or surgery. Chad and his mom decided to pursue holistic treatment for him. Incensed, the doctor reported her to Child Protective Services on the grounds of gross negligent child endangerment. She yelled at Laurie “all of you Jehovah’s Witnesses are all the same,” never mind Laurie and Chad are not Jehovah’s witnesses. Dr. Masciana also told Laurie, with her son present, that his death was imminent. At the close of the appointment, Dr. Masciana informed Laurie that she was referring the case to Social Services. In further investigation, Child Protective Social Services is a misnamed government agency whose employees get paid bonuses every time they take children away from their parents.

That evening Laurie called an attorney who advised her that she had 48 hours or less before Social Services showed up. If she could not prove she was following doctor’s orders, they’d take her son. Since Dr. Masciana had created such a traumatic experience for Chad, he feared the doctors and threatened to run away. In honoring Chad’s wishes for continued holistic care, Laurie took her son to San Diego to continue holistic care using a number of various alternative treatments such as: ozone, hyperbaric oxygen chamber, hydrogen peroxide, energy work, Rife, nutritional supplements, and deep emotional work. Laurie also used “black salve” that she purchased from Canada to remove the mole tissue. Black salve was developed by Native American Indians more than 200 years ago, and used in the treatment of skin lesions, cancers, warts, and moles. Figures our FDA banned it, because it works.

When Chad insisted on hitting the road to continue alternative therapies and getting further diagnostics, that left a question as to where Laurie’s daughter Crystal would go. A close friend of the family and Crystal’s best friend agreed, and this felt like a perfect fit under the circumstances, so Laurie legally signed Crystal over to the family and gave them all the necessary medical insurance information. On May 22, the local sheriff and CPS had taken her daughter out of class, interrogating her mercilessly, telling her lies about her mother, trying to force her to reveal where Laurie and Chad had gone, and then forced her to go on a police joy ride and show them where they reside. All of this was done against her will and carried on for six hours!

They applied “Black Salve” directly to the area in question, thus giving Chad a holistic version of a large border excision. It took about two and a half weeks for the wound to heal. When it was healed Laurie took Chad to a Del Mar dermatologist for a biopsy. The test results were negative of any signs of melanoma! The next two weeks were concentrated on once again healing the tissue to get another biopsy. Upon the wound site being healed, a melanoma specialist did a punch biopsy and a complete lab analysis on Friday, June 15. Again, no sign of cancer could be found in the biopsy and the blood work was in healthy ranges with no distinguishing markers that would otherwise be present in a patient that would have advanced stage four melanoma, as had been previously reported! Was it a miracle, or an activated immune system in a healthy young man, with some useful help, that healed the melanoma?

The following Monday, June 18th, Laurie and Chad turned themselves in to the San Diego Social Services office, with all of their documentation. They were detained for 4 hours, then told that arrest warrants for Laurie and Chad were issued from Orange County. Chad was locked up at the Palenskie Center in San Diego for one night. He had 2 guards watching him around the clock, since he was considered a flight risk. When Laurie went to visit Chad they could not have any privacy, as both guards listened to every word that was said. Laurie spent over nine thousand bucks in San Diego for the treatments done over the five week period of time, and has all the receipts as proof. A new social worker, David Harper, was put on the case. He picked Chad up in San Diego transporting him to Orangewood Children’s Home in Orange County for the next two weeks, where he got fed spaghetti and meat balls, food not fitting one healing from cancer. One aspect of Chad’s treatment was a healthy diet of living foods, but Ms. Jessop’s requests of this social worker that Chad get proper food fell on deaf ears. He did tell her she was allowed to see her daughter graduate from Junior High School. She told him nobody could keep her away without a court order, and that she would be there! The social worker informed Laurie that he completed the paper work to lift the warrant order on her.

After her daughter’s graduation, on June 21st Laurie went to make academic arrangements for her son, having missed five weeks of school. Laurie showed the documentation to the principal and vice principal. The Vice Principal knew Chad well, as Chad did his Eagle Scout project for him at the high school. Chad is now an advanced Eagle Scout. No matter, the VP called police to arrest Laurie at the school and haul her off to the county jail. The arresting deputy harassed her. When Laurie protested, the officer told her she didn’t have to like her or be nice to her. After arriving at the county jail, her first telephone call had been to the social worker, David Harper, although he did nothing to get her out of jail, nor was he willing to help correct the record. Laurie was physically abused, they spread her legs twisting her knee, when she complained they called out “Resisting…Resisting” then they pushed her violently to a cell wall (behind the cameras) causing her to twist her neck, shoulder and arm. After being worked over, they took away her jacket, shoes, socks, and toilet paper, and locked her up. Her holding cell was extremely cold and she was deliberately denied toilet paper. She asked for toilet paper, only to be answered it must have been taken for good reason and she was not getting any. She was denied toilet paper from approximately 3:30pm until 11:00pm. One has to wonder, what was she going to do with the toilet paper, hang herself? By 11:00 pm Laurie got taken to be assessed. She asked “is this a madhouse run by animals, who is running this place?” Laurie told this officer her story for half an hour. He let her talk, then said he sees all kinds of characters, his job is to ascertain threats. He told her she has the fire, the spirit and the power to overturn the system and create a riot. He informed her she’d be put in solitary confinement, but she might get a roommate, probably a drug offender. She was forced to take a chest X-ray against her will, without any explanation and ridicule from the officers. Laurie and her two children have never been in any type of trouble with the law, but were treated like hardened criminals. She was shocked to learn women taking showers have no privacy, that male guards are watching. The next night she got a 58-year old roommate charged with kidnapping her children from her husband 20 years ago, after being extradited from Tennessee on outdated bogus charges tagged with 200 thousand bail. It would appear that Orange County is desperately trying to maintain job security at the expense of the innocent!

Laurie was released on the streets of Santa Ana after midnight, in an unsafe area of Southern California for a woman, after five days of incarceration. Upon Laurie’s arrest, officers impounded her van and turned it upside down looking for drugs. She had to pay over 300 dollars in impound fees to get the van back.

As Laurie was seeking legal counsel, she was told that Paul Wallin Attorney at Law was one of California’s leading attorneys for litigating against Child Protective Social Services. Laurie eagerly faxed over documentation on the case, and they spoke for more than forty-five minutes. In the course of the conversation, Paul Wallin claimed to be reasonably supportive to alternative therapies, as his mother had been cured of cancer and wrote a book “I Beat Cancer.” The attorney jokingly mentioned that he had spent the entire day in court with the very Judge Carolyn Kirkwood who will be ruling on the case, and the very same senior social worker David Harper, that has been re-assigned to the Jessop case. The attorney went on to explain that he is also a Judge Pro Tem, and his position was both of a Judge and an attorney.

Paul Wallin began to verbally shred Laurie, and the course that she took! Paul indicated that Laurie did it all wrong, citing that she did not respond quick enough, and that she was negligent in not forcing her son to see an oncologist at that time. Paul Wallin said that he would be willing to take the case at the tune of $14,000 and double that if it would go to trial. There was a condition however, and that was that Laurie Jessop throw herself on the mercies of the court and tell the court that she suffered from “temporary insanity,” and lost her mind when she was informed of Chad’s diagnosis of melanoma. Paul Wallin indicated that Laurie Jessop would probably be placed in parenting classes and community service and that she MIGHT get her kids back. Paul Wallin again reminded Laurie that he would only take the case if she’d follow his advice, and tell the court that “she did it all wrong!” This is a classic example of the kind of money motivated characters out there. Laurie was paying attention to what this attorney told her! In the very opening dialogue he informed Laurie that he had been in court with the very same social worker and Judge that would be deciding the case. Based on his response, it seems that he was more interested in protecting the back side of his courtroom comrades, than in the interest of justice!

Social Services approved the foster families that Laurie had arranged for Chad and Crystal. Now Laurie is on trial, forbidden to speak under a gag order, by the very judge that had issued the bench warrant for her arrest, because she refused to go along with orthodox medicine. The dermatologist, appointed by Social Services, testified in court that the melanoma is playing hide and go seek, that they’d have to subject Chad to unnecessary and dangerous further biopsies and medical procedures to find where it migrated to. The dermatologist further stated that the melanoma had become even more deadly, claiming it has now traveled to different organs. The prescription for surgery is a large border excision to the skullbone. Chad says he is old enough to defend this country’s freedoms, but he is denied that same freedom of choice when it comes to his own health and he is also under gag order. Ms. Jessop intends to sue anyone who touches her son against their wishes. All Chad’s blood tests are consistent with a healthy 17 year old 6’2″ young man. They refuse to tolerate anyone trying to clear their conscience at his expense. Laurie says her record stands, she will not back down, and she wants parents to know they do not have to be intimidated by this system! The judge has stated twice that she doesn’t want Chad to die while she is on the bench; which sounds like she has bias in the case! Surgery and chemotherapy had been intended for the following week. The doctor is still of the mind Chad could die any day now. When giving testimony, the dermatologist was asked if he could perform surgery on Chad, knowing that Chad would not cooperate with any Western medical butchery. His answer was emphatic No, he could not perform an operation on anyone against their will.

What Big Brother has been doing to Ms. Jessop and her children is unconscionable, beyond outrageous, a gross miscarriage of justice and an abuse of authority. Many families have been torn apart by lesser abuses of CPS and modern medicine. The Jessop family is very united and strong in their convictions, very aware of their constitutional rights, and will not give up to our corrupt system. Being a single parent for the last 11 years, Laurie has done herself proud raising her children and is extremely close to both of them. Laurie and her children have stood the test and this hellish ordeal has brought them closer together as a family. She said at the press conference, “I am a mama bear and no one is messing with my cubs!”

Laurie’s deadbeat ex-husband, Marcus, has never voluntarily paid for child support or any of the children’s medical bills, even though he is legally bound to pay for half according to their divorce agreement. She has had to drag him into court to get a judgment and garnish his wages in order to collect on past due medical bills. It so happens Marcus is in agreement with the state, he wants his son, (having had no contact for the last 10 years) to be butchered and drugged to eliminate this incredible cancer, that refuses to carry out its death sentence and is too clever to show up on tests. Marcus is in court with his own public defender, pushing for this even though he has no legal or physical custody, not even any visitation rights. If he was in agreement with Laurie’s medical beliefs, this court probably wouldn’t allow him in the courtroom. Our tax dollars, hard at work!

In the state of Virginia, a brilliant 17 year old young man went through a very similar ordeal, but won his battle with CPS. Once his case was over, he was instrumental in passing a new law in the state of Virginia. Abraham’s Law, that gives a minor the right to make their own medical decisions when they are bright and understand their choices. Laurie wants to get her story out and push through a similar bill in California, called “Chad’s Law,” so that other families do not have to go through the abusive nature of a department that is supposed to be protecting our children. As “Roy of Hollywood” stated on KPFK recently, who is protecting us from the Child Protective Social Services Department? Pushing through a bill like this may be very expensive, but once Laurie makes up her mind that she is doing something, she is all steel, determined, and will persevere to find a way to make this happen. If you can help her in any way, please contact me via e-mail.

Orthodox medicine is unwilling to admit it does not know everything, and it hates competition. Its methods of treating cancer are not the only ways that can work. Ms. Jessop believed she could find another way, and her son, given a diagnosis of imminent death, is now free of cancer. Never mind, the doctor is sure it’s still there, so Big Brother intends to make an example of her as an unfit mother for disobeying her doctor, putting her son in mortal danger. That’s not happening, but truth often doesn’t matter to Big Brother, as is apparent in most government policy. If Chad were actually endangered by not getting conventional treatment, the authorities might have a leg to stand on, but in this case, it’s not his mother putting him in jeopardy, it’s the system! The doctor has egg on her face, because she was sure Chad would die quickly without aggressive conventional treatment, and she has been proven wrong! Instead of learning from her error, she wants to make Ms. Jessop and her son pay for showing her up!

I’m helping her get her story out. One newspaper did a story, but in general, very little has been reported so far. I tried to find the story online, but no luck. A press conference was held on Sept. 6th, just before court. Two of the major TV news stations and one of the largest AM radio all news stations showed up. KNX radio ran the story immediately that day. As soon as court started the judge announced that there was a gag order on this case and threatened jail time and contempt of court to anyone (including the minor in question), that spoke to the press or anyone else for that matter. One of the TV news stations didn’t want to run the story without interviewing Chad and getting his viewpoints. The judge denied a continuance six different times, ignoring all six times valid reasons for the requests. The judge also denied Laurie the right to hire her own attorney! She retained a law firm with her own money, but the judge insisted she has to keep her Public Defender, presumably as a public servant easier to control than a private attorney not so dependent on the system.

If anyone reading this wants to help get the story out, feel free to blog away. I could give out phone numbers for Ms. Jessop or Mr. Miller if you send me a note at alexwren@pacbell.net This blog is angryscientist.wordpress.com. Laurie can’t risk violating the gag order, but she’d appreciate your prayers and support in her very difficult time of fighting our corrupt system in order to keep her family together. Thanks for taking the time to read this long story. Now that you know what sort of injustice masquerades as protecting children, you can do something to help wake up sleepwalking friends and neighbors, trusting “The System” to know what’s best for the children, and adults too.

This sentence of misspelled names is to assist searchers to have a better chance to find this information: Lori Jessop; Lori Jessup; Laurie Jessup; Chad Jessup; L. Jessop; L. Jessup; Lauri Jessup; Lauri Jessop; Laura Jessup; Laura Jessop.


There is deep gratitude for all the many angels who stepped up, and put their lives and careers on the line to assist in the healing of a young teen. Although many individuals have been honored with anonymity, below are named some of the angels that have assisted in Chad’s recovery:

Abundant Life International, Inc.
Mark Lawson
905 E. Twain Ave. A-1
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Alternative Health Center
9225 Chesapeak Dr.
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 467-1500

Life Center for Health
Calvin Ross, D.C.
31882 Del Obispo
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 661-9476

Gary Null talked about this case on his daily show September 13, 2007, starting at 11 minutes and 45 seconds into the broadcast, for over five minutes. That show was available for listening or downloading at http://garynull.ws/2007/09/13/the-gary-null-show-91307.aspx but Null has moved his archives to Itunes.

Chuck Aubrey aka “The Baron” interviewed Laurie Jessop on his Gnosis show on KJLL in Tucson, Arizona on November 03, 2007 between 6 and 7 PM. If anyone wants to get a copy of the show, send a request with your snail mail address to dashoak@netzero.net.


Laurie is committed to being an instrument in legislative reform, enacting a minor’s bill of rights and to assist those who are experiencing similar intimidation tactics by social services. Laurie is looking for the best vehicles to educate and inform the masses, as to the importance of standing up for our “Sovereign Rights.” Any suggestions that you may have with media contacts would be greatly appreciated. Laurie is in the final stages of setting up a non profit organization called the CHAD FOUNDATION (Choosing Health Alternatives Deliberately). If you have any ideas or suggestions, please send e-mail to chadfoundation@gmail.com, or if would like to make a tax deductible donation to assist in reform and help with legal expenses for the cause, you may do so by mailing to:

Laurie Jessop
C/O Chad Foundation
P.O. Box 808
Lake Forest, CA 92609


1. Nicolette Amoroso - October 4, 2007

I am one of the people who did energy work on Chad and Laurie at the time they were in San Diego. It makes my stomach turn to hear what they have been experiencing, but I do trust that it is happening for a divine reason and that many people will have their eyes spread wide open as a result and we can start taking back our power as people!

I spent my time ‘serving’ this country so I have a LOT OF FIRE within me because I know first hand that what we do to ‘protect’ our country is a bunch of B…S…

2. I Am Health » Blog Archive » Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma - October 4, 2007

[…] This is about a client we originally worked on and as a result helped achieve a clean biopsy. This case is ultra important and we cannot afford to allow it to get by us. Do what ever you can to assist this or the next time it might be you or one of your family members. This article was posted by “angryscientist” in Bad Science, Whistleblower Corner. trackback […]

3. Michael Bedar - October 4, 2007

I would like to contact you to help.
This may be an important piece of humanity’s work for health freedom rights.
Best regards,

4. Chief Cloudpiler - October 6, 2007

When this was brought to our attention, we immediately went into action. Laurie and her children are members of the Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization (Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete ), in fact, they are all Ministers of the Church. This datum was overlooked until almost too late.

A very significant part of Native American Traditional Belief Systems falls or stands on the fact that Natural Healing is Religion! Our religion is protected by the Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act – a Federal Law that would have forced this case before a Federal Grand Jury. This law is not mere theory, but has been tested in State and US Supreme Court.

We invite all people who can state categorically that Natural Healing is part of their Spiritual Orientation to contact the Nemenhah Band and request Spiritual Adoption, and begin training as Medicine Men and Women.

We know that our methods of teaching our religion may be different than those of many tribes. For that we can only apologize. But, if we can help in situations like this, and preserve religious and health freedom for all people, well, we will brave the disapproval of a few.

5. Rose Cherrix - October 26, 2007

I am Rose Cherrix. Abraham Cherrix is my son. I know what it is like to go through this. Even though returning calls and answering emails is hard, it is important to send your support to this family. Even though the case cannot be discussed by the family and people involved as they told us due to a gag order, the public issues that have already happened and is knowledge can’t be stopped. The public has a right to know. Yes it is hard to deal with but I too believe that it is for a greater purpose that we have had to endure what we have. I welcome anyone to email me. I will talk to anyone. This family has the support of Abraham and myself. They need more.

6. Abraham Cherrix - October 26, 2007

Luckily I woke up this morning to find my mother had still left this web page open in my browser.

This is very similar to the experience I went through with CPS a while back, although I tend to think my experience was nothing near as horrifying as what Laurie and Chad went through. One must wonder, is this really the medical community that we we all knew, or “thought” we knew? Apparently the government is against alternative medicine, but is that because they think is won’t work or they know IT WILL?? I think the latter.

I used to tell people when I was being pushed through this case, that if you don’t have any rights over your own health care or what you do with your own body, what rights do you have? If the system is going to railroad you into their methods and call themselves docters (The word doctor came from dek, meaning something proper and acceptable, useful. HAHA.), then those are the kinds of people who need to get cancer, find out chemo failed, and see if they don’t try something else!

If you are in contact with these folks, and they are able to, please have them contact me. Maybe someday America can really be free.

7. Catherine Clark - October 31, 2007

This is a travesty! Our medical system is broken and needs to be overhauled and injected with compassion and objectivity, rather than staying in a box! They have proven, and many have proven that there are better methods of dealing with cancer then poisonous drugs. What a horrible thing for this family to go through! My compassion is all for her, and I hope that these “doctors” who are not true physicians, will learn to “First, do no harm,” which used to be the creed of the medical profession. But I guess that doesn’t make any money, and that is what today’s medical profession boils down to now – making money hand over fist for doctors and the pharmceutical industry, which has way too much influence. Every time I see a commercial on television for a drug I gag and then mute it. They throw drugs at everything, rather than using their brains and finding causes. They will get their just reward in the next life, and it is one I don’t think they will like!

Catherine F. Clark
Chicago, IL

8. Panda - October 31, 2007

I know what lengths the pharmaceutical industry will go to, to get their dreadfully poisonous drugs into as many of us as possible… we must ALL fight this until we finally win our right to have the natural health we all deserve!

9. northern - November 1, 2007

I am Gobsmacked at the disgusting underhand tactics of big pharma to keep us all sick and dying!! I have posted this story EVERYWHERE!!

10. Daptain Shays - November 1, 2007

Warning to all those who support government funded health care. You will lose more freedom over your choices if it ever comes about.
This is the real difference between an administration run by Ron Paul and one that is run by Hillary Clinton or John Edwards.
Do you want freedom? Or, do you want government goons to make all your choices for you?

Choose now and get involved today or you may be next.

11. secured party - November 1, 2007

this lady needs to free herself, her “all capital” letters means she is a product.She needs to become what we all were born as, a Sovereign American national. Through the UCC (uniform commercial code) redemption process, this action can be stopped.
You are all on the wrong track. UCC 1-207, 1-103, & 1-308.,look them up and start freeing yourselves. 25 million Sovereigns have done so.
Bar association (british accredited registry)all lawyers are foreigners, agents of the British crown. (bench (as in bench warrant) is the latin term for BANK. Educate yourselves and be free. Public defender, private att’y are one and the same. Look up Corpus Juris Secumdum. They are first and foremost, officers of the court, second, loyal to the public, THIRD, to the client. Wake up. Att’y is not the answer.
one website:moorishrepublic.com can help.
don’t play their game, end it.
good luck.
this is more than we had when we went thru our own situation, so appreciate this as a gift from our creator. Become a secured party, a creditor, and own your strawman, (all capital letters) who is a debtor.
educate, educate, educate yourselves. god bless!

12. Narendra - November 1, 2007

We need to collect support signares and fight the big brother before he bacomes too big !

13. Marjean - November 1, 2007

My heart goes out to both the families and I so appreciate their stand for those of us that don’t ‘buy in’ to everything the medical establishment wants. I fail to see the ‘Health’ in the Health-Care System.
Obviously you aren’t some of our ‘dumbed-down’ citizenry caused by mercury in vaccines. I don’t believe in advertizing drugs that need to be prescribed, either.
Thank you so much for what you are doing for the rest of us that want the right to make alternative choices. Bless you.

14. Cheryl Rounds - November 1, 2007

This country is no longer about freedom and human rights. It is controlled by corporations who put profit above everything else, including human life There is an excellent website http://www.cancertutor.com that discusses the politics of cancer as well as alternate treatments and other information. On this site they make the point that if the government really wanted to find a cure for cancer, you would see alternative treatments tested against Western medical treatments, which is currently considered the only viable treatment, However, because they know that the cut, burn and poison methods they use would stand up poorly against alternative methods, this testing is not done. And when alternative treatments show promise they are quickly made illegal in this country (Hoxley, laetrile, black salve, etc.)

Because the medical mafia is always on the look out for people who are cutting into their business – the wisest course of action is to always seek treatment from people other than MDs. In my state it is currently legal to chose a Naturopathic Doctor as a primary care physician, so I have gone this route form my daughter. If you are a parent and live in a state that this also applies, I strongly urge you to go this route even if your medical insurance will not cover the cost. Your health freedom may depend on it. And lets get this story out to everyone we know – if it happened to this family it could happen to any one of us

15. Kent B - November 1, 2007

If you get a chance, Watch “Big Bucks Big Pharma” * Marketing Disease & Pushing Drugs. A multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry exposed of the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated and created, for capital gain.

a short clip of it is below:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-634917600336592397 also watch

I want to extend help. I have connections that can help combat the system.

16. Ingrid Naiman - November 1, 2007

I am the author of the book Cancer Salves: A Botanical Approach to Treatment. One of the most disturbing aspects of the research that I put into the book was the 350-year battle over patents for cancer cures. Perhaps the struggle is more ancient, but it became totally clear to me that the interests of “professionals” might often violate the interests of patients.

Without taking a lot of space in this blog, I would like to make a few brief comments.

First, Jane Heimlich, wife of Henry Heimlich, and author of the book “What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You” advised me to write as much as possible on the history of this particular cancer treatment. I owe her a great deal of credit because my life was irrevocably changed by what I discovered.

Second, a former student who has gone on to achieve great tasks, Kenny Ausubel, produced a film called “When Healing Becomes a Crime,” also about this method of treatment. It was nominated for an Oscar but did not win as best documentary. Still, it was a contender for this recognition. The film later came out as a book and DVD.

Third, a British film producer is in the process of making a similar film that focuses more on the medical implications of the treatment than the political.

Four, this method of treatment is probably the safest and best strategy for addressing melanomas so the Jessops appear to have done their homework well.

My book took an enormously long time to write. Friends and advisors urged me not to publish the formulae, but once I understood the suffering that has ensued as a result of greed and misplaced egos, I defied their well-intentioned advice and put everything in reach of all who need the information.

The fact that the Jessops are facing the problems they are having in a state that recently granted citizens freedom is deeply disappointing, I hope not discouraging. Our health care system is in a profound state of disrepair, but no family should have to go through the double or triple agony of cancer, legal hassles, and financial stress. This is frankly shameful. Our Nation must awaken to its responsibility to its citizens and become an ally rather than an adversary of the People.

17. S-J Walsh - November 1, 2007

That poor family. OMG. I am disgusted that Laurie even got arrested and lost her children in the first place. I was a single Mom once and even though I’m in Canada, I feel her pain and her children’s pain. That Chad was cured by holistic medicine scares the heck out of the medical society because it doesn’t line their pockets. It’s the same in Canada. They don’t like the fact that perhaps they are not needed for certain treatments. If Chad was healed by holistic means, then so be it. What can I do to help???? S-J

18. Patick Judge - November 1, 2007

These people tore a family apart

time for to show our support so it dont happen again

horrible thing to happen

these people who did this have to be exposed

let them see the pressure maybe lsoe their jobs

what goes round comes round

19. billy m - November 1, 2007

the longer a doctor keeps you sick the more money he makes.giving drugs does not cure only masked the problem.
now about the lady and her son. a plan of attack (turn the tables)
lets put the doctor on the hot seat! the lady should claim her son never had cancer! claim the doctor is a quack.if the doctor is claiming the son had cancer and the lady didn’t cure the son.but the cancer is gone..the doctor lied to the lady, for scam profits.in other words two can play the game.

20. billy m - November 1, 2007

next a malpratice suit is in order.the suit must be in place before the trial starts.but the lady has to drop that she cured her son.she needs to demand trial by jury. in court when asked if she cured her son ?she has to say NO! that will force the doctor to prove she son had cancer.you can’t prove something thats not there.also she has to tell she didn’t trust his judgement.malpratice suit helps in two ways,
1# shows the jury she stands behind her charge of malpratice .
2# beating him in court will make the malpratice suit a cinch to win.

21. Ronny - November 1, 2007

I think it’s disgusting that the Big Pharma and the so called Children’s Services are allowed to use the tactics they use. I, for one, had dealings with the Children’s Social Services many years ago…My children were taken from me because my one child needed help. I was told that I had to do this or else!!!.. At the time I had no one to go to for help.. My children to this day suffer from that experience.

As for Big Pharma, I cured my Lung Cancer with alternative methods.
I am cancer free 3 years. Lung Cancer… cancer free???? Isn’t that amazing!!! Everyone in the entertainment industry (news media included) who suffer from cancer can be cured. They are afraid to go out of the box.. Afraid of the Big Pharma…afraid of not listening to their doctors who are looked at as GOD… who don’t know the meaning of Cured….. they only know Perks and Money…
And we all know that Big Pharma gives all kinds of Perks to so called doctors to push their “DRUGS” . Drugs that make people sick and not cure..Drugs that kill….

So to the 2 families …. Thank you for curing your children.. I really feel terrible that you have to endure the terror you and your family are experiencing.. My blessings go to all of you.. I will pass your story and these blogs to everyone I know.. We have to stop this kind of brutal terrorizing methods. We have to be free to choose – after all, isn’t that what America is supposed to be??? Free!!!

22. Ray - November 2, 2007

We should ask, where do these people get their authority to interfer in our lives. When did we give them the authority to treat us as their own. Who is ‘the State’, who is ‘cps’? will they please step forward?
Where and when did we give up our authority? Was it the birth certificate, drivers license, school papers, social security cards?
Show us where we give them our permission!
The State has no Authority.CPS has no Authority. The Police have no authority. It’s time we show them, “we are the master, they are the servant”. It’s time we make clear, they do not have the authority they espouse! Do we or do we not have constitutional protections?

23. levi philos - November 2, 2007

Post #10 is the most important so far. Chad must revoke the bondage and regain sovereignty. He was sold into bondage by his parents signature on the so-called “birth certificate.”

A trust has been created in his name through commercial processes and associated through the SS#. He must de-fund the trust by actions.

Search “redemption of the strawman.”

24. Christina - November 2, 2007

Hi, I am a mother of 3 and i want to share my story with you. I delivered my 1st child 6 weeks premature. After getting out of the hospital 3 days later my sons face would turn blue. I took him to the hospital and later they transferred him to a childrens hospital to have test for acid reflux done. Yes he did have acid reflux. My 2nd child was also born 6 weeks premature. She wouldn’t hold anything down, i took her to the Dr’s and there i was told she was allergic to breast milk. They put her on formula and she continued throwing up. I had been through this with my 1st child so i knew what was wrong with her, but the Dr wouldn’t listen to me. While in the childrens hospital with my son, they showed me videos and trained me and told me what to watch for. Still the Dr’s didn’t listen to me. I had taken her to the hospital in hopes of having her tested for acid reflux like as my son was. I was told that if i wanted her to get tested for that, that i would have to drive her in my car to the childrens hospital and that they would not transfer her there. I did just that i signed her out and took her right then to the childrens hospital. She was tested by a camera down her throat, the same way my son was. She was also diagnosed with acid reflex. After getting out and back home i received a letter in the mail from Child Protective Services. That Dr. turned me in to CPS because i DEMANDED that my baby go to another hospital to be tested for acid reflux which in turn took her out of his hands and into another Dr.’s. Still today after going through all that and having the PROOF that i was right, i still have a record with CPS. It is inhuman not to listen to out mother instincts.
For this family, i pray for you. Don’t back down from what you believe in. You MUST face our county with a steel backbone. I pray that you overpower these people who call themselves humans. May love be with you and your babys. Your a HERO.

25. Christina - November 2, 2007

Visit http://www.naturalcures.com

I was once told, “everything you will ever need is right here on my earth”,
“When man alters anything natural, it turns to poison!”

26. Jen - November 2, 2007

Doesn’t Child Protective Services have anything better to do??? Oh, I don’t know, how about going after people that have an actually abused their children? This is absolutely ridiculous-I have no faith whatsoever in “big pharma” or “orthodox medicine”-I applaud all of you that have taken it on and done what was best for your children. Bravo!

27. Olive M. Pipe Balabanov - November 2, 2007

Amazing! I am writing a book on the history…
This case reminds me of one in my book in the 1970s about laetrile.
Its hard to believe they can still do these awful things.

The Case of Joey Hofbauer
“In 1978, young Joey Hofbauer had Hodgkins disease. Joey’s parents took him to a medical clinic for natural therapy in Jamaica. Their doctors in the USA claimed that the only treatment for him was chemotherapy. They filed a child abuse claim against his father, John Hofbauer. After the parents had returned home to Albany, New York with Joey, the sheriff and deputies were there to take Joey away to receive chemotherapy treatment against his parent’s wishes.
The parents could not find an attorney to represent them so they contacted radio and television stations. The story became news on every station in Albany, and by that night they had an attorney.
They found out that the Saratoga Department of Social Services were secretly planning to move Joey to another hospital, so Joey’s friends set up a twenty-four hour watch in the hospital. Dr. Binzell examined Joey in order to prepare for testimony in court.

Keep fighting.
Olive Pipe Balabanov

rockycartmaker - November 18, 2014

Yes and in 1980 poor Joey died. Don’t let the truth get in the way of the point you’re making though!

angryscientist - November 18, 2014

Sometimes conventional treatment works. Sometimes it doesn’t. It depends on many variables. The same is true for alternative medicine. What’s your point? If you’re implying that conventional treatments have proven to be effective and alternative treatments never work better, your head is buried in the sand.

28. Peter O'Leary - November 2, 2007

Support Ron Paul for President. He introduced the Health Freedom Protection Act H.B. 2117
He is the only candidate who will stop this madness.

29. Tera Vicario-Sturgeon - November 2, 2007

Something like this happened to me as well. I am a single Mom, (whose husband left us for another woman), and I was studying microbiology, and got a job over 10 years ago working with a neurologist, who was also a brilliant scientist, and I learned alot, enough to cure myself and my son of various diseases, including cancer in me. I was branded as a “witch”, more or less, and some of the most derogatory opinions came from my “Christian” family! So, I can really sympathize with Laurie, and all I can say, is to run, not walk away from this situation, and start a new life if that’s what it takes, because people like these are on a type of “witch hunt.” I have encountered this attitude also before, and they will do nothing but tear apart your loving family, and you will never be the same if you allow them to do this to you. God Bless You & Your Children Laurie, and Good Luck to You All, and Stay Healthy! You are a Great Mom!

30. Cos Mikel - November 2, 2007

I hope you succeed against these bastards – The America we see in stories like this is just evil, and it is being exported to the rest of the world.

We Europeans have been gradually (rapidly if you lived in Bliars Britain) losing our free health services and rights of choice these past years and the reason we are being given is “to empower the individual by giving them choice” Ha! Now there is political rhetoric for you.

But once they have managed to change it from the present inclusive system to an American style exclusive one, it will only be for the wealthy and those who have been frightened/intimidated into signing up to an American style insurance system. Thereby giving ‘Big Pharma’ even more control of our health options.

Unfortunately our media is becoming more and more like the US, a mouthpiece for the powerful. People are too afraid to speak up for fear of affecting their careers or any number of reasons; the lies are not being challenged and people are being gagged one way or another (though not as obviously as that corrupt judge).

They would never have got away with that here though; there would have been a public outcry. Abuse of power is a way of life it seems in US, judging by what we read in the papers here and see of your reality tv police programs. People just seem to accept it as a fact of life that you can’t do anything about it.

Just look at the Bush election such obvious corruption and they got away with it, damn you must feel like you are one of Guantanamo prisoners sometimes – No rights (unless you fight tooth and nail for them).

We wonder how you can stay sane living in a society that has a manufactured state of anxiety all the time, no wonder you have one of the worst health ratios and some of the biggest problems in the whole world, that’s their design; the power elite, keeping you too stressed and busy trying to survive; to be able to follow the trail of their evil and corruption. My heart goes out to you.

Corporate controlled politics is the force behind all that is wrong with your system. Democracy? such a misnomer when used in the context of the USA.

What we need is a French style revolution, and to put the power of the people and real democracy (not media-ocracy) to work.

Though there are times that using such an emotional solution plays into the hands of your torturers. Though I feel its just a question of time before it happens and it will be in the US. As to free the world must start with those who are the main oppressors and looking at it from the outside it IS the USA that is the problem with what is wrong with the world all that BS about the greatest country in the world. The greatest country in the world would care for and empower its people not use all their power to control them.

Sorry for the rant, I was outraged at the injustice, the corruption and abuse of power that has put you in this situation.

Hang in there.

May you Blessed!

31. JOE - November 2, 2007







32. ishpa - November 2, 2007

I knew a boy who was taken from his Mother by California Child Protection Services when he was six and by the time he became old enough to leave them he had been forced to be drugged by rittalin for years and sexually assaulted many times. He now has AIDS, which he got in thier care. She loves him and fought in court for him to keep his vegetarian diet and stay drug free but lost due to the greater force of thier corruption. It destroyed thier happiness. California is a police state. And it is a tragedy that children are used for it’s profit and to maintain the McMansion lifestyles of the perverted money grubbers. I understand what these folks are going through and they are not the first, just one of the first we get to hear about. Being right does not make it stop hurting. May the power of thier love and honor keep them strong. May they always have the faith to trust in thier love of each other and the greater force that drives them.

33. EJ - November 2, 2007

Once the police get involved in anything people are abused and the financial impact on them is extreme. but what do you expect in a runaway police state ? I’ve been through it myself and there isn’t anything an average person can do about it.

34. james w. - November 2, 2007

This Judge has no honor or common sence, and should be removed from the bench.

35. Jay Morran - November 2, 2007

When we discussed a similar scenario a few days ago, your disbelief was politely dismissing this idea. Take a look

36. michelle - November 2, 2007

I was thinking like the person that wrote for the docs to PROVE he had the cancer in the first place. When I read this, not saying that if he did have cancer, he wasn’t cured. I don’t doubt that is possible with alternative methods.
But, what if….
And isn’t it possible…
That HIS biopsy and someone else’s got mixed up somewhere along the line??
Possibly check DNA on the “cancer” sample, with the kids.
What if it isn’t even HIS???
There you go,… an even BIGGER malpractice suit!!
I’ve had doctors myself (transplant: kidney) that have yelled at me to my face that I am stupid for using herbs and vitamins instead of their drugs. Asked my why I would take something that is NOT FDA approved over something that is.
My comeback… herbs have been tested over thousands of years, just because they aren’t FDA approved mean nothing! The FDA is all about making the dollar!!
And one other thing…
I think it’s time for them to contact Montell Williams and/or Oprah.
Even if they have a gag order (I mean, seriously… what’s going to happen if they talk? Go to jail??) I’m sure there would be enough of a public outcry that something would be done, in their favor.
As a matter of fact. Montell did a show about something VERY similar years ago. A boy (teenager) going to Canada for cancer treatment and getting cured, but social services trying to MAKE him do conventional treatments. Him and his mother were on the run for along time. He had these people ON the show to tell the story.
Can’t hurt….
Good luck to both of them and anyone else in this position.

37. Thomast - November 2, 2007

I guess that what happens when you u good people live where you are controlled by big pharma, BP, which in turn is majority owned by your govt. Now that is why the cops are always there to enforce BPs barbarism.. BP is so terrified their trillion dollar fraud will be exposed, that they have to gag and and put into solitary. Lucky the internet is still alive and well. I use that black salve, imported very carefully into Europe, on my tens of kerotoses and and small cancers I got from 40 years of high altitude sun exposure. Works fine, and as I keep away from the quacks, they say nothing. Maybe one of you locals could send a copy of this to Arnie, he is a health man and will get him thinking, dont know if he wants his reputatiion tarnished any more after his mistakes re the fire prevention in CA.

38. lilibit - November 2, 2007

there are groups that are active in fighting just this kind of thing by CPS , please join us in the fight CPSreform@yahoogroups.com , childprotectionreform@yahoogroips.com , childabuseallegations.com , I also have some media contacts that wont care about gag orders . please contact me

39. lilibit - November 2, 2007

it is a well known fact that CPS can charge you with neglect for not getting vaccinations for your kids , once they take your children you are guilty until proven innocent , and then they get all kinds of meds from the drug companys to treat their PTSD , they are used by big pharma for mengela like tests . and if you have kids under 5 there is a very good chance that they will give you a case plan that they set you up to fail then they adopt them out , there is big money in this its called an adoption bonus , the states have quotas that they need to keep to get government funds from social security funds. our sites can supply you with this info , you will be outraged . it happens all the time.

40. lilibit - November 2, 2007

yikes i need to correct links sorry childprotectionreform@yahoo.com cpsreform@yahoo.com childabuseallegations@yahoo.com these are groups

41. Steve - November 2, 2007

Its time for people to take back their power and stop cooperating with the system in every way. Don’t shop unless you must and buy only what you need. Don’t vote at any elections, this will delegitimize the crooked system. Educate yourselves, don’t go to doctors, unless you must otherwise avoid them like the devil. Eat vegetarian and do juicing. plant your own garden if you can and become as self sufficient as you can. Avoid so called law enforcement, they are no servants to the public, they are goons all of them and enemies of the public, cops, lawyers, judges, the entire system is rigged. They are all enemies of the people. Stay away from every kink of religion, it turly is the opium of the people. Regilion is in cahoots with the establishment criminals. People need to develop a paralel society, it starts by people refusing in everyway they can to participate in their criminal enterprise, and it is everywhere. Just shun it all to the greatest extent one can, and organise and start to push back, it is time to start pushing back everyway you know how. They are already using force against us.

Jessica - July 7, 2010

wow u dont get out much do you steve?

42. Southern Victims of CPS - November 2, 2007

The link between CPS and the medical community is very tight. CPS has its own doctors that swear they are not part of the system but further investigation shows many if not all the funding ties between the two..
Since the beginning of America we have done nothing but destroy a land that had no disease and the disease free people in it. It’s a long road but I think there is a lot to be learned from alternative medicine.
This family has been through hell and we can not change the world for anyone in a flash of light. Things have to be torn down as they were built up. Bit by bit, piece by piece. Why can’t we start with the reform of CPS? Sever that link between the medical commuity and CPS. If we didn’t have CPS doctors, paid by CPS, and a doctor wasn’t required to report things he/she knows is not abuse, CPS would be forced into reforming itself into a branch of the government that did the job it was supposed to do and the children that are truly abused would have the input they need to overcome the situation and the majority of CPS “investigations” that are now invalid would become valid.
CPS strives to divide and conquor. That is how they win, while the family loses. Does it matter to them? No, only dollar signs matter.
For the family that endured this torture, please know even strangers wish you well. Be as strong as you have been and know there are people out there telling your story, even if you can’t. They can’t put a gag order on an entire nation of people. Thank you for everything you have done as a mother, a son and a daughter.

43. Archie1954 - November 2, 2007

It is important to the judicial system that judges who are misfeasant in office as this one is be reported to the judicial council for censure. Judges know that justice must not only be done it must be shown to be done. This judge is going out of her way to prevent both those things happening and she shouldn’t get away with it.

44. angryscientist - November 2, 2007

Thanks for all the comments, everyone! However, I must say I won’t publish any incitements to violence, or stupid remarks like one that stated Ms. Jessop deserves to be in jail for obeying the gag order. I do have standards for this blog. Some of you seem to be pushing your own political agendas. That isn’t the point of this post. You can do that on the outside forums all you like. By the way, Ron Paul isn’t the only candidate who’d stop this kind of crap.

The point I’m making is, the Constitution should prevent this kind of thing from happening. It didn’t, for a whole variety of reasons I’m not going to get into here. Government has way too much power, and I doubt any mainstream candidate for President has any plan to change that. Ron Paul might have such plans, but I can’t imagine he’s going to win the Republican primary. Ralph Nader might have such plans too, but if you readers really want to see major change in this country, I don’t think a male politician is going to bring it about. Women rising up from the grassroots, like Laurie Jessop and Heart, the feminist revolutionary blogger running for President, might have a better chance of bringing about major change. Just my two cents.

45. the dave - November 2, 2007

Somebody should get Michael Moore involved. I’ll email him the link, but I dont know if that’ll be enough.

46. Is Socialized Medicine the Cure? - November 2, 2007

[…] losing our freedoms folks. “De-nile” is more than just a river in Egypt. ASAn unholy alliance of California Child Protective Services (CPS) with a hostile doctor and judge is […]

47. Clayton Jones - November 2, 2007

Dear Angryscientist:

This matter is political in the highest degree. Healthcare has become political. I don’t mind people injecting their politcal agendas into this discussion; its healthy.

Ms Jessop and her son chad are victums of nazism. Our inaction over the last forty years has cost us our freedoms. The chickens have come home to roost.

Europe is ahead of America when it comes to the “Police State” but America is making up for lost time. England is a total mess right now. Germany is close to a Fourth Reich. As the countries of the world embrace communism/federalism/fuedelism or tyranny by any other name we are going to suffer endless Ms Jessop tragedys.

People from around the world don’t count the American People out. Their best is yet to come and when it does each any everyone of you will benefit. There is a great boiling among the people here in the states and when it blows god help those who have betrayed us.

Angryscientist, you’re wrong about Ron Paul. He can win the nomination. Congressman Paul is not the cure all, but the Doc is a good beginning.

Lastly, Ms Jessop I am going to extend my help to you and your family.

48. Helen - November 2, 2007

This is unbelievable how this mother was treated here in the USA. Why on earth does it happen??? She needs to go to her Congressman and also the Governor. So let’s talk out loud and clear.
This son is being denied so much due to the FDA who is owned by the Pharmaceutical companies, they pay up sooooo much for their drugs to go on the market, oh yes I too read the Internet.
Yes, some would think she was denying her son treatment but look what chemo does and look how long this disaster goes on and on harming the body and killing the good cells as well as the bad.
I have two nieces in New Zealand who have Kerotoses or Cancer due to moles, we are a moly family. These two girls, 40 >50 have been cut up all over their body to rid them of the semi cancerous moles.
I will for sure send them this link about the Black Salve.
Puleeez do not mention the name Michael Moore, go to your Congress, shout it out, go to Arnold, he’s the main man and as he’s a genuine person of main stream, he’ll reach out to you. Best of all no don’t laugh, go to the Enquirer, they put the truth out there and help so many. This is asinine and my blessings go out to all of the family.

49. a living being upon the land - November 2, 2007

The reason that the CPS and medical establishment and legal system prohibit real cures is because the people have no rights since they are 14th amendment citizens or US citizens (aka, slaves). The people who had rights were ‘We the People’ of the original republic that died at Appomattox in 1865. The constitution gives no one rights!!!! The constitution is a contract between the states and the federal government. The states originally held the power (confederation) and only give the federal government certain enumerated rights in the contract known as the Constitution for the united States of America. The problem arose between two factions popularly known as the federalists (actually the Nationalists) and the anti-federalists (actually the Federalists). The federalists, aka. Nationalists (Alexander Hamilton et al) had plans of a strong central government controlling the states, the exact opposite of the founding fathers who established the Republic. It took a war (Civil War, sometimes called Lincoln’s War) to reverse the government from a Republic confederation to a National government (empire). At this point the central government held most of the power and the power of the people diminished. However, it took the passage of the 14th amendment (sometimes called the Red Amendment) to diminish the people’s power even further. A new class of citizen was created called the US citizen who was distinctly not ‘We the People’. The central government about this time was also corporatized and the US citizen was under the corporation, not over the government like ‘We the People’ were the creators of the Republic and thereby over that government (the Republic ruled with the consent of ‘We the People’).
One of the provisions of the Constitution is that we have the unlimited right to contract. We can form good contracts or destructive contracts, it’s our choice. We can also contract all our rights away (unalienable rights by government but not immune from contracts contracting them away). The US citizen has essentially contracted away his rights by signing certain documents (and not reading them). These documents are birth certificates (parents signed that one) which place the child’s output into commerce and also social security and driver’s licenses, bank accounts, using courts, using Federal Reserve notes which pass as ‘money’, etc, in short, taking any privilege from the central government. At this point the US citizen does not own his own body (or much of anything else as he has not paid for anything since he is not using real money) and enter the courts, medical establishment dictating health care etc to the US citizen (but not to ‘We the People’). It is possible to give up the US citizen contracted status and return to the ‘We the People’ status.
At the same time the judges and public servants take oaths to the Constitution to be able to be a public servant. The curious thing is many haven’t even read the Constitution and know little about it. If one goes into court they have to place a judge’s oath of office into the evidence file and hold the judge to the oath to even approach anything that resembles justice, although regrettably most people don’t know how the courts of today work. The courts work under contract and presumption that you are an US citizen (rebuttable); it must establish a contract with you to proceed (i.e., establish you are a US citizen or get you to argue with them); if you do not contract with the court you can walk out. Courts only work when there is a conflict; if you can settle a case beforehand the case does not proceed further. Since the people have no education in law (this was taken out of schools after the Civil War) it’s no wonder that they don’t understand the workings of law (it bears no resemblance to the popular conception).
Any reform of the medical system will require a large scale reform effort and a knowledge of who ‘We the People’ are and a knowledge of the legal system and contracts. The system is expert at picking off individual effort.

50. David Currie - November 2, 2007

To say that this story is outrageous is puttting it too mildly. Medical fascism in this country is out of control. It seems like the AMA and ADA are trying to destroy our countries health. I got my mercury fillings removed recently and feel like I can think clearly for the first time in my life (I’m 51). Mercury was intentionally put into vaccines to destroy our immune and neurological systems, just as the “elite” (international banksters) told us they planned to do over a hundred years ago. When I visit my family in Los Angeles the fluoride in the water makes me ill if I take a hot shower which produces fluoride gas in the steam. Now they are TRIPLING the amount of flouride in the water in LA, supposedly to help the poor children who might not “benefit” from it otherwise – like they really care about poor children! They have been trying to flouridate the water in this city (Portland) since I moved here 15 years ago, but it keeps getting voted down. Flouride is important to the elite, because it makes people docile and easy to control, which is why the Nazi and Communist regimes put it in the water they gave prisoners. Vaccines are another scourge that destroy immune systems – we are forced to pay for the destruction of our own bodies (and childrens and pets) even though they don’t work for their supposed uses. Cannabis is NOT allowed even though it’s the most useful plant on the planet and totally non-toxic. It was the MOST used medicine before it was banned, but now our government and AMA say it has no medical use? This story makes me so-o angry! I wish we could prosecute that doctor and the social agency workers who kidnap and injure innocent children. The legal system in this country is rigged, just like the politics. Pharisee and scribes just like always. If we can get Dr. Ron Paul elected in 2008, maybe he will do something to fix this mess our country is in. With Ron Paul their IS hope!

51. Glenn Boyle - November 2, 2007

Medicine is alleged to be a science, inferring that it should be practiced in a scientific way. In this case that means not making guesses and claims about a patient’s condition that can not be supported by the evidence of tests results, biopsies and lab work.
It is obvious from the start of this fiasco that the doctor who originally diagnosed Chad with Melanoma has some problems and is too quick to jump to assumptions (very unprofessional & unscientific). This doctor is not God. She can not possibly have known with 100% certainty the course that Chad’s Melanoma would take. There are cases of spontaneous remission in the medical annals so her statement in front of Chad that he would be dead soon are completely inappropriate, unprofessional and tactless. These kinds of statements can actually be quite harmful to the mental health of a patient increasing the risk of a negative out come. Doctors should NEVER make a statement like this in front of a patient Just her having made this overreaching statement alone in the presence of Chad is reason for professional censure.

That she insists that Chad still has Melanoma after his alternative treatments, even though there is not one whit of supportive scientific evidence that her claim is true should result in a stiff and speedy reprimand from the state medical board if not the outright removal of her license to practice medicine.

She is making a diagnosis based purely on her opinionated guess work as there is absolutely no lab work or tests to support that she is even remotely correct. In fact entirely the opposite. Chad’s testing after alternative therapy indicates that he has recovered and is completely healthy. So this doctor’s claims are groundless, unprofessional and just plain wrong. Perhaps this doctor would be better suited to a career as a fortune teller! Then she can make all the proclamations she wants without having to back them up with evidence!

My guess is that if Chad had followed the doctors treatment plan and had received the same great test results the doctor would be claiming victory against Chan’s Melanoma and proclaiming that she had cured him!

If there is a reacurrence at some point in the future then that bridge should be crossed when they actually come to it, that is it should be dealt with only if the Melanoma has been proven to actually have reaccurred.

Even if the Melanoma were to return at some future point the medical establishment should not misinterpret the situation and claim they were right all along. Melanoma frequently progresses or returns despite the most drastic and invasive treatments that medicine has to offer. Treatments that ruin the quality of life and other health aspects of the treated patent.
Chad and his mother are to be congratulated for making a wise decision regarding his treatment options and sticking to their guns.

A similar situation occurred in Australia, except in that case the state succeeded in forcing their chosen invasive treatments on the child and now that poor child is dead.

Chad’s original diagnosing doctor should not be allowed to continue practicing medicine. imo she is just the kind of doctor who will end up harming many patients, hurting them instead of helping them. This doctor does not have her head on straight if she thinks it is acceptable to claim that a patient still has melanoma without of shred of scientific evidence to back that statement up.

52. Anton Jackson - November 3, 2007

Stand up and be counted…

The people rule every other western democracy…O wait USA is a capitalist oligarachy not a democracy. You had better scrap my idea then…

Maybe vote for a candidate who will represent you and not a corporation and i cant stress this enough, READ BOOKS INSTEAD OF BURNING THEM

53. Rabbit - November 3, 2007

This is hideous and I know it is just the vanguard of an approaching wave of beastial government controls which will reduce human life to something little better than the worst lot of farm animals for slaughter.

In Australia we are on average about five years behind the worst decisions made in the USA such as this. I have already seen the medical establishment have to eat crow on numerous occassions thanks to natural remdies which cured various ailments supposedly unucrable and even fatal according to the establsihed corporate medical fraud. this includes several supposedly terminal cancer cases…..fully cured. A case of full blown Aids cured. This one even made it into the medical books as a cure, the woman who was responsible one of the finiest Naturopaths in Australia, and to whom I owe a miraculous cure of my own though not terminal itself.

This is war folks. If the bastrad would rather kill us and our children rather than let us make the choicers which work for us, then what else is it? War, and that means you need to consider if you are going to go down passively or start making the threat mutual!@!!

I will be offering support to the family in my next act. I admonish anyone to do the same.

54. Rabbit - November 3, 2007

When it is our right to choose the best course for our health and that of our children, the I repeat, IT IS WAR!!!

I salute Moma Bear in this and as Papa Bear I repeat, WAR!!!!

Mess with my kids health you scum sucking bottom feeders in the drug and slice medical establishment just became the enemy!!

There is no act to extreme if it ensures the safety of your children. I say this with complete awareness of the serious consequences in the USA, which trhankfully is NOT my land. Anyone who wishes to agree with my fury and who is American, please be careful about what you post. I have lost several friends already in the USA who have dissapeared after posting things similar in expression to what I have written here.

55. Rabbit - November 3, 2007

PS. Excuse the lousy spelling but my emotions ran away a bit before my spell chack could catch up.

56. susannah - November 3, 2007

I am a mother to six children, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 birds, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, a king snake, a lizard, and an infinite number of visitors. Currently visiting, an injured bat.
My partner is a naturopath so we only use our GP for breakages and when stitches are needed. My 6 year old was moaning the other day. when her brother had to have a fishhook removed from his leg at the doctor, that she had never been and was this unfair.
I recall when my third child, son named Tao picked up measles at 22 months. I took him to a GP in the town who could not even diagnose what it was but offered me antibiotics to treat it.
We left and took him home.
He had a high fever for a week, which would spike and drop. And you know the whole time you have been made fearful of meningitis, He was too small to take capsules so we were treating him with oil and some mother tinctures to cool him down and moisten his body.
It was a huge responsibility and part of me just wanted to hand it over to someone else.
Yet another part of me had just seen too much of allopathic medicine to hand over my trust again.
So we nursed him full time and tried to create the optimal environment for healing (which can never be a hospital).
I recall once reading the Chinese healing opinion that very strong fevers in childhood are for removing unnecessary karma.
That when you incarnate into two parents, it might not be your destiny to inherit all the traits. So the fever comes in and burns karma away.
The anthroposophists claim that when children break their bones, a similar thing happens.

So here we have a situation, the son was healed.
So she is obviously being charged with creating his well being.
Which means that this government has the intention that healing is not a good thing. Therefor she must be punished.

If the child had died then they would have some vaguely rational request into culpability but he was cured.

Every day I look at things on the net and I realise how the powers that have been have become so pathetically transparent and demeaning in their lack of respect for any intelligence we might have.
Every day we have it thrown in our faces the lies.
The liars being the illegal despots who get paid for trying to and successfully destroying human society.
The good news is that story is out.
We can all see how ridiculous and help her in turn sue the justice department for idiocy.
Thank God for the internet for exposing this collapsing tower as it collapses.
It is such fun to see it all crashing down.
Just remember not to fear and to keep you mouth always pointing in a slightly upward position.

In my own whacky idea of time I think the way energy will divide groups into ape man and man divine will be my our mouths. Those mouths who curve upwards – they get to shine.
Those who curve downwards – well they get to stay in this shitty reality, with its leaders , wars. violence, eternal suffering, pollution, extinction and of course don’t forget the free world press .
For in truth, this is hell if you believe it.

57. susannah - November 3, 2007

I had just gone back to read the posts and saw your name.
I love the name as I love those creatures.
They are so trusting, loving, nurturing.
The other day I watched how our old black rabbit, who lives in the garden but hops upstairs to sleep, picked some comrey to the new baby white one. And whilst it ate, she licked it.
Imagine if us humans, could become as these creatures.

You are right this is war.
But I think it will help this war if you already stand outside the system.
Once your children are in school, you have already had you sword removed.

Pleasure meeting you in this absurdity.

58. Laura Deloris Booth - November 3, 2007

I too salute Mama Bear, I WOULD DO THE SAME THING. What is happening or should I say has happened to this nation. God help us.

59. David Wolf - November 3, 2007

Sure, this story is tragic and has been repeated around the world many times in many ways, ie: Nazi Germany. But fanatics foaming at the mouth, and simple emotional responses, do more to harm the cause of freedom and individual rights than they do good and are used by those in power to discredit any descent.

If you are going to argue use facts, and a spell checker.

D. Wolf

60. FRANCES - November 3, 2007

i’m praying for you in support of whatever you want to do to MAKE THINGS RIGHT once more in this great nation.

61. Ann - November 3, 2007


Maybe someone can find out where this case is being held, if in Santa Ana, CA and who’s the judge and start writing.

62. Melanoma Cured by Mother - Mother and Son Go to Jail - November 3, 2007

[…] Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma October 3, 2007 Posted by angryscientist in Bad Science, Whistleblower Corner. angryscientist.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/mother-jailed-put-on-trial-for-curing-her-son-of-melanoma/ […]

63. bell - November 3, 2007

The boot of the police state on her throat and all she can say is ill sue you if you touch my son. Sheeple.

And the whole deadbeat dad story. Sounds like more feminist rhetoric.

I dont know who im afraid of more, the police, the sheeple or chauvinistic anti male propoganda.

Who do you really work for?

64. The Skeptic - November 3, 2007

Where are Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein when you need ’em? From the blog entry:

On the morning of Sept. 12, [year unknown], Gary Null read on KPFK, a Pacifica station in Los Angeles, an e-mail from Ron Miller, who had met Ms. Jessop at the Cancer Control Society annual convention [location unknown] during the Labor Day weekend.

This is hardly enough information on which to form an intelligent response. No one knows if “Laurie Jessop” even exists, much less place complete confidence in the story. It does say here at the website for Radio KPFK Los Angeles that…


Gary Null is a weekly guest on his [Roy of Hollywood] Tuesday night (or morning) program.

So, let’s review…Gary Null read an email on the air (date unknown) from someone named Ron Miller who allegedly met Ms. Jessop at a convention. True to form, the left loonies break the story to the blogosphere without bothering to perform even minimal fact checking.

From the blog entry:

When she was arrested, she was put in maximum security, solitary confinement, in the Orange County, CA jail. They claim that everything about her says anti-Establishment, so she was told, as she was considered a threat in starting a riot.

If the story was newsworthy AND it resulted in the actual incarceration of a mother and/or her son, it would probably be posted here. (As you can see, the story of Sandra Bullock’s husband, Jesse James, is reported here.) I know for a fact that there’s a site at the Orange County District Attorney’s office where one can check arrest records, but records go back only 30 days online. (See Jail Log and Arrest Records)



I’m not saying the story isn’t true, and if the story is true, it was an outrageous breach of doctor-patient duty and privacy, but, so far, we’ve got bupkiss on which to rely as to the story’s veracity. So far, the only reference to Laurie Jessop and/or her son are on mirrored alt med websites and loony left blogs all over the Internet.


Sorry, there are no matches for laurie jessop on the County of Orange web sites.

65. Squawman - November 3, 2007

This is exactly what Kevin Trudeau says that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) AMA (American Medical Adminstration) are all trying to stop any information on natural cures. Its all about MONEY and Profit and they do not really care about the health of the American people. They will stop at nothing to stop this information getting out to the general public.
Kevin is a billionaire and has filed law suits againsts these agencies.
“His book Natural Cures “They” Don’t want you to know about ” is a must read Go to http://www.thewhistleblower.com this website exposes the vaious companies goverment agencies and people who are taking advantage of the average consumer

66. douglas gray - November 3, 2007

The “black salve” referred to is sold under the names of CANSEMA, CANSEMAL, and TUMOR “X”. In nearly 50,000 cases, it has proved 95% effective in treating Melanoma and Carcinoma topically. It is totally safe. I have used it myself several times. The original maker was shut down by the FDA; a woman sued as she used the product on her nose and it disfigured her, but on any area of the body except the face you can more or less self treat with no complications.

67. jackie - November 3, 2007

I think that all these types of actions by the so called child protective agencies ( in various states ) is going to do is cause parents not to seek out health care of any kind for their children.

Most states want ( or already do ) license natural health practitioners, or won’t let them fully practice. Beware of this. Once the government grants licensure….they demand compliance with their rules to keep that license!!!

So, the best thing we as the consuming public can do is educate ourselves, about how our bodies work…..and then about natural treatments. Not all so called natural treatments work, some are shams. But, the good ones….they are great!! So, learn about the anatomy and physiology of your body…..know as much as your doctor does about this.
Then, learn and study about natural healing methods. Once you have done that….you don’t need the doctors.

68. WalkingBear - November 3, 2007

Where is the boy now? in foster care?

Lori file a 488 petition and get a lawyer asap…

69. California Cures « Flynn’s Blogs - November 3, 2007

[…] PM After browsing my favorite forum feed, I came across a WordPress.com article entitled ‘Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma‘. I decided to post this link because I did not like reading about how justice is being […]

70. Ex Patriate - November 3, 2007

This is why it is time for Americans who still want freedom to expatriate from this Soviet/Nazi government. There are greener pastures out there where governments still leave the people alone. But don’t look for this kind of freedom in any other Western countries because, as someone else pointed out, this type of tyranny is going on in all of them. Ironic that some of the second- and third-world countries are now the lands of liberty.

71. Kevin Morgan - November 3, 2007

What a pity you don’t live in Australia, where we are having great success against the TGA in regards to “Natural” Cancer cures.
They began by preventing my best friend from taking Latrielle, among other preventatives, and forced him to take the chemotherapy the doctors prescribed…and he died!!
Now the TGA are running scared because we are using David-Wynn Miller’s technology, to defeat them in the local courts. Now we are following up with a class-action in the International Criminal Court at the Hague. You too can do this by getting in touch with Mr Miller, who I know will help you win this case!! http://www.DWMLC.com

72. parvati - November 3, 2007

“…do not have to be intimidated by this system!” – this is the key. do not let the system intimdate you for the healthy choices that you make.

when my son was 13 i had to threaten to take a psych dr. to court when he insisted i put my child on ritalin. i tried educating him since i clearly knew more than he did – i gave him a manila envelope filled with articles on ADHD, and the danger of drugs in an effort to “treat” it, and using diet and supplements instead. he was not interested, of course.

it wasn’t the first time i was told to drug my son; a multitude of teachers and others insisted, but i refused, and kept refusing.

the most important thing that any of us can do is to educate ourselves, and make informed choices. and sometimes, we’ve got to keep our mouths shut, because big pharma and big brother are watching.

73. Shona Shimmers - November 4, 2007

This story reduced me to tears… I applaud Laurie Jessop and Chad for being so strong… May all who wish to help these people and the rest of Western Society have the strength to follow their hearts.

Eating Raw Living Foods and Alkalinizing the body has healed many with all kinds of illnesses and diseases including cancers, diabetes types 1 and 2 arthritis, heart disease, thyroid problems,,,,(and the list goes on)

Sending you all much love…

I will be forwarding your story on

Have Peace in Your Hearts
Love Shona xoxoxo

74. Sir Vincent Mbirika - November 4, 2007

This case is an example of what happens when a society allows itself to be ruled by the wishes of some greedy corporations mascareting under the disguise of “protecting” the welfare of its people. What is wrong receiving healing by non-traditional method? Why should anyone be forced to follow the wishes of, excuse my French, a stupid medical doctor when there is a better method of handling a particular sickness? The western society has much to learn from African village doctors who have been curing numerous sicknesses without the blessings of western medicines. By the way, did the west not learn the science of medicine from Africa? Leave the lady and her son alone. She is most likely more intelligent and gourageous than some ill-trained doctors and their pharmaceutical boon companions.

75. angryscientist - November 4, 2007

I’ve approved some stupid comments and censored others. I’m going to respond to a couple I approved. First I want to say, I’m not trying to control the discussion, and I’m not going to discourage anyone from telling this story. It needs to get out, even though some of you jumping on the bandwagon I think are trying to exploit it for your own purposes.

This case involves a lot of issues. The health freedom aspect is a big one, but it isn’t the whole picture by any means. Uncle Sam makes a lot of trouble for mothers with unorthodox opinions or lifestyles. In this case and many others, Big Brother tried to enforce the medical orthodoxy. Ron Paul’s health freedom bill would have helped in this case, but what I see as the larger issue is how society enforces its standards of normalcy on women. In other words, this case is also a feminist issue, and I do support feminism. So does Gary Null. I’m not so sure about Ron Paul or some others pushing their own agendas.

The foolish skeptic who thinks this case is bogus could easily find Laurie Jessop on Google. She has been involved in alternative health for years. She is a real person, and this really happened. I know. I’ve met her, Ron Miller, and Gary Null. I know a lot of stuff off the record I can’t even hint at. Year unknown? This all happened this year. I guess I should’ve made that clear!

76. dollface - November 4, 2007

A question not being asked is “Why” do intelligent people (Doctors) stringently defend something obviously harmful to the very people who have come to them, trusting “Doctors know best”?

Several possibilities:

1. Doctors incur huge debt to get through medical school, sacrificing years of their lives investing in the system. In that system, they are taught how to influence people to agree to do all kinds of things “for their own good.”

Doctors have huge overhead to maintain. There is office space, equipment, managers and nurses, personnel to all be paid for. The paper systems to prevent lawsuits are complicated and usually purchased (for a rather large sum of money). Technology is demanded by we the people. Those machines all cost money. The updates to the machines cost money.

If a doctor admits to being wrong, they open themselves up to huge lawsuits and a serious look at themselves, what they have bought into. (We have allowed the lawsuit mentality to drive them.)

Defending themselves, “I am right”, with every ounce of their being becomes imperative. If they are wrong, then that means everything they have done for the last 10 years, the huge debt, the pride in themselves, is for NOTHING. They are left with no alternative but to dispense immoral advice and treatment.

The family doctors I know are not rich by any means. They are struggling to pay their bills just like the rest of us. Specialty docs, such as cardiac surgeons, radiologists, etc., are the ones who are over the top rich.

Ask Dr. Science used to be on the radio back in the ’80’s: “I’m Dr. Science. Remember, I know more than you do.”

http://www.drscience.com :Welcome to the Ask Dr. Science Web Site, the home of America’s foremost authoritarian on the world around us. Or at least the world around him. “There is a thin line between ignorance and arrogance,” he says, “and only I have managed to erase that line.”

2. Insurance Companies dictate who gets treated and how. Jumping through the hoops for insurance reimbursement requires Olympian skill.

I hear people say all the time, “My insurance won’t pay for it.” And so doctors order tests and procedures that insurance will reimburse for. People are “trained” to let insurance dictate their care. Insurance often DOES NOT cover the “natural” care costs.

When it comes to paying cash for their own care, people tend to not do it. Therefore, doctors will most likely follow what they will get reimbursed for so they can keep up with all the aforementioned costs incurred in maintaining a medical practice.

Many people writing in here have paid out-of-pocket for their health care that has resulted in being healed. I say Bravo! for looking outside the box and doing whatever it took to get your life back.

We are at fault for wanting someone else to take care of us and then when that is abused, we cry “foul”.

Yes, the system is abusive, wrong and cock eyed. However, we have allowed the rot to set in by giving away our personal power. It is time to re-educate ourselves as to who we really are and how magnificently we are created.

4. Lawyers, cops, and social services: There is a plethora of lawyers, cops, gov’ment workers that also need to generate incomes. How else can this be accomplished except by encouraging trouble, dissatisfaction and turmoil among the populace?

Having our children stolen from us by the system is horrible. We must stop being “victims” and grow into our full potential. It behooves all of us to become educated about our bodies. We can save our own lives and the lives of our loved ones.

The internet provides so much good information. The books available are full of information. I am cancer free myself because I took this advice. Had I gone to ANY doctor, I would have been “sliced and diced”, “slashed and burned” and probably dead because it would not have answered the problem.

PS If you want a great job with perks and salary, become a retail pharmacist.

77. Dan Ecklund, MD - November 4, 2007

I strongly recommend that anyone concerned about the loss of our rights consider the methods published at http://www.citizensoftheamericanconstitution.org/homepage.htm to rescue oneself out of the unconstitutional administrative law system, and to win in a real Article III trial. THis group has won more than 300 cases, losing only a handful, by actually requiring the judges and the courts to follow the Constitution. THey also teach us to do it ourselves, without using lawyers who, even if well meaning, are a part of the system, and unable to see an alternative to the corrupt system that they have been trained in. It is NOT too late for this woman, or her son! Contact me if you need more info.

78. Nikolas Maricic - Wolf - November 4, 2007

Hy, it is time to take care of ourselves, not to make others take care of us because that is sure thing (if they are not one with Universe, God,…) they will bewrong, no matter waht is their intent.

A while ago I had nausea and headaches every day (nothing serious) beacuse of my head injury. And when I told one of my doctors I am going to have my Martial Arts school big and successfull because i want people to gtake charge of their lives , she said that i am a dreamer and my dream has no base in reality. Boy , she was wrong , at thast time my students (with no finacial, emotional or any other part) where National champions and not only once. And recently , in August this year I won Gold medal in China in Taijiquan (TaiChi) at International Jiaozuo Taijiquan Exchange Competition (I am going to world Wushu Champ in 6 days in Beijing China to compete again) so I am now International taijiquan champion as they say. My photos are at my web site.

So , it is best to believe in oneself, to keep heart clean everyday and send good wishes to everyone. I am glad that cancer is gone, and the quantum physics explain it all clearly as I understand from my point of view. We are part of the whole or better yet, the whole is part of US.

Coach Nikolas

79. helen/zhebee - November 4, 2007

Please note. The following is an unauthorized and unwanted solicitation of funds. See my comment #120.

Angry Scientist

What we need is a lobbyist in government to lobby for those of us who want health choices and freedoms. Would you be willing to pay money on a monthly basis to fund such a lobbyist at, let’s say, $10 per month? …or more if you can afford it? Every single month?

WE HAVE SUCH A LOBBYIST in Dr Rima Laibow and Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF). Go to > > > http://www.healthfreedomusa.org They need our help. A handful of people cannot do this alone. Adopt NSF as your lobbyist and support, support support them.

When you go to the site, take note of how we can help with donations and actions they ask us to take all of which is minimal both in money and time.

While at the site, listen to Dr Rima on the video. There are 3 videos. You can listen to the first one simply by click on the Play button. I consider it the best one. The other 2 videos are listed at the bottom of the video.

Remember that the pharmaceutical companies have many lobbyists in Washington on a daily basis ….experienced, well trained lobbyists.

Dr Rima and others associated with her are quickly becoming experienced and knowledgeable in their lobbying efforts and they have already had some very good success. Let’s support her and let’s ask others to support her. Don’t let up. Keep donating, keeping petitioning when she asks you, subscribe to her emails and keeping reading them, and keep reminding everyone on your email list. Just sitting around talking about it or just sending an occasional email around is not enough. If you can’t afford $10 per month, then put a $5.00 bill in an envelope and mail it to her EVERY MONTH if you want to sleep guilt-free.

If you need help with composing an email to your list, contact me at ZHEBEE AT YAHOO COM and I will compose something for you and when you get it, you can edit it, if you wish, and mail it to every email address you can get your hands on.

A person taking supplements and herbs on a regular basis is far less likely to need prescriptions than those who do not. If supplements weren’t working or doing much, why do the pharmaceutical companies consider them such a threat? I’ve heard it said that the pharmaceutical companies are the most unethical, ruthless and immoral companies of all industries. The chemical companies are run by the same evil devil.

Remember that it is big pharmaceutical companies that are behind almost ALL problems of the kind talked about in this blog. It is big pharma that wants to get rid of supplements because if we keep taking them, we won’t need their drugs. Do the drug companies want us to die? No, they just want us to be sick as long as possible.

80. Teresa - November 4, 2007

I honor Laurie, Chad, and all who are helping them at this time, for their courage and strength. They are the pioneers for change. It is a sad truth that our social systems, which are supposed to serve the people, have little interest in the well being of the people. And we have had our ostrich heads in the ground for too long. It is unfortunate that it takes intolerable experiences like these to propel us towards real change.

My loving thoughts and prayers are with Laurie, family & friends. God speed!


81. Scarier than Halloween: A Cure for Cancer : The Horror Diet - November 4, 2007

[…] the marauders of justice at California Child Protective Services. Unbefreakinlievable. This story is currently making the rounds of the blogosphere. Major media isn’t picking up on […]

82. Tonya Hountingwolf - November 4, 2007

I am outraged of the “traditional doctors”. Only because they don’t believe in alternative medicine – and maybe because then they cannot make more money, doesn’t mean, that they can rule somebody’s free choice.
And it is no surprise for me, that Big Brother is doing anything to hurt them. Like I always say :” Money talks and B.. Sh.. walks”.

I am a Crystal therapist and also a healer, and me and my husband had many people here, and were able to help them in different sicknesses.
Also I am doing Aura Photography and with this I can proove that alternative medicine, like Crystals, Reiki, or any other healing method is working!!!! Because you can see the difference on the photo.

So I want to say following : I have a lot of respect of this mother, who did the right thing for her child.
And I want also to say, that everybody must have the free choice of doing things. And don’t always believe the traditional medicine or only one doctor. At least get more then one opinion.

I myself was told from a doctor, I had only 6 month to live because of my Leukemia I had in 1986. Now I am cured from this becaue I also used alternative medicine and the most powerful tool we have : our thoughts and will to live.

The body is able to heal.

I would like to offer my help in this issue. And I am not afraid of Big Brother.

Tonya Hountingwolf

P.S. Anybody can contact me via my website : http://www.sacred-earth.eu

83. Wanda Murray - November 4, 2007

This case needs to be brought before Bill O’Reilly on Fox News. He could expose this corruption. This family needs help! And Soon!

84. thankfuliamhealthy - November 4, 2007

It definately needs to be exposed – I believe that FOX is the best place ..

If you think that this is bad – just let Hillary get her CLAWS into the medial system .

85. Laura Jo Lindsey - November 4, 2007

My prayers are with you and I will do whatever I can to spread this story. Let’s vote for Ron Paul and take our freedom back before it is too late. Feel free to contact me at my email address if I can do anything. I am a writer, I will help you get this story on themove. God bless.


86. Kindness, fruit & vegetables.. the foundations of health. - November 4, 2007

Take more fruit and vegetables: THAT is the prevention needed for most illness and disease. And, avoid taking anything that is made in a test tube, as much as possible. DON’T go to the Doctors unless it is someing like stitches or a breakage. Daily diet is the MOST important thing one can do to keep the Doctor away. The big pharmaceuticals have no interest in health, only disease and illness. It is not in their interests to let a patient ‘go’. People MUST take responsiblity for their health and healing. I support this family in their time of torment and misery. Australia (where I live) has a very tough TGA, and even products that are made entirely of fruits and vegetables, and not allowed to be advertised by medico’s…. does that say something for this arena of life.

13 serves of fruits and vegetables per day. Stay off processed meats and foods; Drink lots of water – in fact, drink water full stop. It
‘cures’ so many things, that people whinge and whine about, which can be attributed to dehydration, but is left to the doctors to sort out.. shame, shame, shame; Stay off the alcohol;

And care about living creatures… when one is full of caring for others, one usually has a smile on one’s face…

Chemicals are not living. Life is.. so eat and drink, life. Think… ‘greens’ and ‘raw’ and ‘uncooked’ and organic’ and much will be cured, or prevented.. find a doctor who enquires to your daily diet and refuses to treat you until this is cleaned up, and then, you have a doctor worth visiting… stop giving them ‘all- power’.

I hope the family in question is given the bliss of triumph over a corrupt, uncaring, and violent society… that’s it from me…

87. Sui Juris - November 5, 2007

The problem is is that the lady doesn’t know who she’s dealing with or the rules of procedure. ‘Who’ is a bankrupt and insolvent corporation (ref: Act of 1871 – 41st Congress, Section 34, Session III, chapters 61&62; Emergency Banking Act of 1933 – 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; Judicial and Judiciary Procedures – 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)(A)) and as a 14th Amendment United States citizen, she has no rights. This is why the judge can get away with denying her continuences, deny her to hire her own attorney, and can practice law from the bench. All children born in America are wards of the State left in the temporary custody of the parents (“Birth Certificate” is a certificate of ownership and every child born in a hospital gets one and a federal tax slave number (ref: 26 C.F.R. 301.6109). Same goes when “registering” private property. It allows the police/courts to seize it. As contract supercedes the Constitution, the only rights the poor woman has are the ones THEY let her have.

88. Jeff Price - November 5, 2007

You are all delusional! This is “Big Brother” we are talking about. The FDA and drug industries are in bed with one another and have created a MULTI-BILLION dollar industry. Remember the “Golden Rule”? “He that has the gold makes the rules”! NOBODY or group of bodies is powerful enough, including Bill O’Reilly, to do anything about this. Besides, with all the money tied up in this mega-scam, to, by some miracle, “expose this corruption” and bring it down would bring financial ruin to this country and hundreds of thousands of people would be out of work.

89. Tomasio Tonkas - November 5, 2007

I haven’t seen so much disinformation in one place in a long time. Did anyone bother to research this? A couple of facts, a mole that is diagnosed as melanoma would NEVER result in stage IV diagnosis (please see the staging calculator at the melanoma foundation http://www.mpip.org/frameset.shtml?guide/stage4.html).

Imminent Death? Come on, even a REAL stage iv patient is generally given 18-24 months & the decline is slow and gradual.

There is something so wrong with this story. Either she had the worst doctors imaginable (who didn’t even know how to properly stage the melanoma) or there is some serious distortion going on.

Beware what you read folks…
Now lets see if this get approved!

90. cindy sutton - November 5, 2007

All around the world, millions of people use herbs, natural, holistic and all types of alternative medicine. Is big brother going to go against everyone? I had the same type of experience in the state of SC regarding my son and eventually filed a lawsuit in which I was somewhat successful. The doctors and agencies protect each other and are so arrogant, that they would rather lie and hide facts than face the fact that they might be wrong and not know everything. I pray that this becomes very public and this case changes the way our government tries to control our treatments. Slowly, we are all loosing our basic freedoms and rights.

91. Jim Quinlan - November 5, 2007

This is getting out of hand. Big corporations are sucking the life out of us and getting rich. Another big cash producer is asthma. I had SEVERE asthma for years and was told it was impossible to cure. I even went into full cardiac/respiratory arrest it was so bad. Then I found research in medical journals by a doctor who had a cure but sadly the cure is still not mainstream because (I think) it would cut off massive funds to big pharma. I created a website with all the research at http://www.asthmastory.com.

My heart goes out to Laura and her kids. This article is too incredible for me to comprehend.

92. Lynette Holdgrafer - November 5, 2007

This is so wrong what they are doing to this poor woman! I know first hand what this chemo can do. Yes if kills the bad cells but also a lot of the good. But as parents we have no say in our minor childrens’ care when it comes to this that’s from Big Brother!I have the greatest respect for this mother for what she did and the expense she probably had to pay out of her own pocket. It should be out in the open and investigated. And for what she did there is a choice for a second opinion which she tried!

93. Sonny Barfield - November 5, 2007

This is an inquisition serving the medical-pharm cartel. This country is a vortex of evil…why do you suppose we are despised through out the world. Black Salve has served me and family, and friends, very well. And it is cheap. A real Underground is forming in this “Democracy”.

94. Betty B. Stirling - November 5, 2007

Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Dr. Julian Whitaker would agree with the ideas of holistic medicine, especially concerning cancer cures. What this woman and her son went through is tragic. I will pray for her and her family. Only God can control this issue.

95. Furious Scientist - November 5, 2007

If there is even a shred of verifiable 3rd party evidence as to the credibility of this story, you owe it to everyone to provide a link to it. You say that one newspaper did a story on it, so which newspaper was it? What are the names of everybody involved, and why can we not find a single online news article regarding this despite there being a press conference on this. A judge cannot enable a gag order on articles that have already been made public.

And if there’s a gag order on this case, along with a threat of “jail time and contempt of court” to anyone talking about this, how is it that you are able to put this story out?

Unless you can provide information (names, phone numbers, etc.) that substantiates this story, one can only conclude that it’s a hoax.

96. Chris Stone - November 5, 2007

You can sit here all day and night and complain about whats happening to these people. You will get nowhere.

Sue the judge for his BOND. DO NOT sue the judge personally. He has nothing. His BOND is worth millions.

You can get a jury trial out of this. Do you think the jury will let him go? I don’t think so. This would be a great way to strike a blow for health freedom.

Oh, don’t hire the lawyer to represent you. To do so makes you a ward of the court (they don’t want you to know about that). Only hire them to assist you (write your own contract).

Remember this! A lawyers first duty is to the court, after all he/she is an officer of the court. Second, his/her duty is to the public.
Third, his/her duty is to you but if you give your money before you reach number 3 you’ll never see it again.

Best of luck!!!

Hell I’d have called Buba and his friends to talk to the judge.

97. Agrippa - November 5, 2007

This case is incredible. Literally.

98. Teddy RuxFin - November 5, 2007

Fox News doesnt debate facts or truth it only thrives on inuendo and disinformation its not a news network but a republican marketing tool.

99. Fred Flener - November 5, 2007

There are several issues involved.

1) First and foremost, are some of the police, social workers, correction officers and a judge who were unbelievably insensitive in dealing with Laurie Jessop and her son. I don’t want to believe the system is filled with people like these. But too often the people who choose these professions do so for the wrong reasons. Hopefully, this is an aberration, not the norm.

2) I believe most cancer doctors are caring people, and recommend chemos, radiation, surgery, etc., because they believe it is best for the patient. They are often wrong, maybe more often wrong than right. Patients, and when appropriate, their guardians need to be allowed to make choices to not accept the doctor’s decision. In Laurie’s son’s case he was 17 and intelligent enough to make his own informed choice. We need to guarantee all of us the right to make such choices, even if we are wrong. (In this case the parent and patient were right.)

3) I see nothing wrong with universal health care, even if paid for by government. My wife has undergone 12 years of cancer treatment, and the cost has been exhorbitant, but most has been picked up by my insurance (when I was employed) and most recently by Medicare. While undergoing treatment(s) we have recently been following most of Johanna Budwig’s protocols with flax-oil. The thing is that the oncologist does not prohibit this. He is a caring person who believes my wife should try whatever works. What we have to be careful of is that the buracrats will decide what we “need” regardless of our views.

4) Like doctors, police, and ministers, most of these people have positive motiviation for their action. It is when a few whacko abuse their positions that we need to address the issue. However, to chastize all for the actions of a few is wrong. It’s like the teacher who keeps a whole class after school because one or two kids have screwed up. Likewise, big pharma in most instances is trying to help not hurt, but sometime, like with many corporations, the greed motive overcomes the altrustic ones. Let’s somehow encourage them to keep seeking cures for these miserable diseases–maybe stem celll research–I don’t know. But, there needs to be continuous checks. In my simplistic mind one of the best approaches is to simply change the political contribution system and keep the big companies, whether a pharma or oil or energy, from influencing government.

In general, I am as pleased as I can be to see the interest that is being generated this type of grass roots lobby. And my sympathy and prayers for the Jessops.

100. michele - November 5, 2007

She lost her constitutional rights! And she is not the first American that I have heard losing their constitutional right. Lots of expats here that decided they no longer felt safe, and haved moved here next door. They confused her as a Jahova Witness and what degree does her G.P. hold? Where is the intelligent insight? Or emotional intelligence when it comes to reading people? Sounds like FEAR has taken over and US medical system has gone totally amok.

This comes from a society built on fear, violence and war. I am so very sorry for Laurie and her family! How criminal it is for a normal everyday American family to end up being treated like a hardcore criminal? Very scary!!!! Take this as a warning sign!!! We don’t all live in safety!!!!! I would sue the pants off everyone involved no matter what it took! Very alarmed at how sad and corrupt the police, justice, medical and all the things that citizens pay taxes toward to gain safety is the very catalyst to lose safety. A very grave and serious situation !!!

Michele ~ Canada

101. Eileen - November 5, 2007

TALK ABOUT CANCER CHECK THIS OUT http://www.sv40cancer.com

102. Sandy - November 5, 2007

Lee Woodard Sr. of Human Rights USA , a msn advocacy group has asked me to research this and seek direct contact with this family. While we normaly will not become involved in a case without a request from a party directly involved in a case he has waved all such restrictions in this instance and will puplicly state this due to tghe 1) urgency in regards to the young mans health 2) BECAUSE of the GAG ORDER 3) and the ongoing threat it reveals to thousands of youth in America today.

Anyone that can provide updated info or provide direct contact with this family is asked to forward it directly to

We must be realist and understand we can not promise anything, but Human Rights USA will make all efforts to safeguard the True Best Interest of the Child in a plan of action that can be developed with the consent and approval of the family involved.

103. Gaabiikeikeik - November 5, 2007

I in recieving news i had a cancer in the stomach recieved traditional medicines and thru another methid went into a Native healing lodge and was cured
Upon going back for a update Drs check …i was found with nothing there .. Drs said they had missread the xrays .. ya right .. they would not considert the things i told them … so its Dr against God -creator now in the end thru prayers it can be done and will continue to be so
Thank You for the chance once again to tell th truth of sciance versu natural healing i am Gaabiikeikeik

104. Rev. John: Willms - November 5, 2007

First – Traditional medicine is the best kind of medicine there is – It comes from our Creator and has been around for thousands of years.

Second – Since when has the Alopathic side (NON traditional) said that getting a second or third opinion is against the law?

Third – Since when is NOT taking a medical Dr’s advice – that is ALL it is – advice – against the law? Just because a Dr says it should be done doesn’t mean you have to do it. I don’t care if the child is 3, 5 or 17.9 years old. This mother did what was right and helped he son’s immune system take care of the Botch of Egypt.

You see, Cancer is a trademarked and copyrighted disease as are all other diseases mentioned in the medical texts.. You cannot cure cancer – that is a violation of trademark and copyright law. And the AMA has a monopoly on it. They say you cannot cure their disease and they are right – You violate the law by doing so.

Now this Dr, needs to get her head out of her hind quarters and take a reality pill because the evidence is right in front of her. And this mother has been damaged and has every right to sue the medical profession for everything they are worth and I’d LOVE to help her do that. I know the law ad it’s application here. She doesn’t need a lawyer – that is the worst thing she could do. She needs to know the law and hit them with something that the entire North AMerican medical “profession” will take notice of. THEN her son needs to do the same the DAY he turns 18.

The words are: ” If you do ANYTHIONG to y son without my specific permoission to do so, LEGAL ACTION will surely ensue.” Then file the case.

Also – the Judge needs to be taken off the case and if her lawyer doesn’t do this then she ought to sue him because he didn’t do right by her. He is obviously NOT impartial. Second Lawsuit. And have him disbarred.

I am sick and tired of these so called Dr’s that are supposed to be helping their fellow humans live a healthier life, yet all they know are what pharmakia tells them. Give them this drug -perform this surgery – make sure you can pay the mortgage this month and oh yeah – the Porsche needs a new set of tires etc… They don’t even take the hippocratic oath anymore. Well, if they do, then this Dr. needs to lose her license because she HAS DONE HARM AND CONTINUES TO TOUT THE HARM.
Buch of no mind idiots that don’t give a rat’s rectum about our health.

Good thing we do. There isn’t a medical Dr. in North America that I would trust.
Interesting to note that throughout the 7 years of medical training, a Dr. will receive about 1 week of nutrition training. Anyone who says that nutrition has nothing to do with health is an IDIOT. PERIOD. Garbage in Garbage out.

Blessed be the ones who stand for what they believe. Especially when what they believe is the right thing.

105. Kim - November 5, 2007

Good luck!

With big pharma, it’s all about CONTROL and THE BOTTOM LINE.

106. Using Alternative Medicine Leads to Jail « Yankee CowGirl - November 5, 2007

[…] This is only a brief summary of the story-I left parts out such as what happened when Lorie was arrested, what food Chad was fed in his foster family, etc… For more details, go here. […]

107. Andrea Boland - November 6, 2007

While certain key players may have a gag order, there should be a case name and number that members of the public can cite to request a look at the file. What would those be?

I am a state representative in Maine, and currently working on legislation that would require verbal and written notice to anyone who is about to get a vaccination that they may decline it for religious or philosophical reasons. Wehave a form people can sign, but most people don’t know about it. My request was initially turned down, but I am appealing that decision on Nov. 15, so would welcome any input.

In New York, dietary supplements are covered by insurance if they are deemed “medically necessary”, so I am also working on that piece here in Maine. It’s a first step. Whether it goes to the full legislature will be decided at a committee work session on Dec. 13. Any info welcome.

108. Dr Robert Jones - November 6, 2007

Like many others, I am appalled by this case. What more is there to say?
In England those of us who try to help cancer sufferers are simply ignored by the establishment in all its forms. I have just come away from a meeting with a breast cancer charity. My point was that women with metastatic breast cancer stand a good chance of deriving benefit from a particular therapy which costs about $7 a week and is completely harmless. They did not want to know.
The details have been on the web since 1996. Enter cancer and promethazine into Google and the websites will come up. Seek out the Western Australian site in Perth (CSA).
Unfortunately the cost of promethazine was jacked up from 3cts to 31cts for 25mg in 2002. The worse news is that it cannot be bought in Canada, and in the States is available only on prescription.
I hope users of salves will forgive me for this piece of self-advertising, but this is a procedure which penetrates to all sites of the body. Not all cancers are susceptible, but many are. It’s a good start.
This project goes back 33 years. The story is told in a book about to be privately published: IN THE DARKER SHADOW OF SCIENCE: THE SUBJUGATION OF CANCER.
Meanwhile my sympathy goes out to Chad and his mother. Very best wishes to them both.
Robert Jones

109. Linda - November 6, 2007

You go Andrea in Maine!!!! I was wondering after reading this article, if there will be any state safe for my children to raise their children uninsured, un-vaccinated, and non-allopathically cared for in the United States in 10 years. My daughter who is about to get married is already concerned with where she can find a legal midwife to have a home birth (what state that is) so that she can avoid a similar government intervention, like that which is happening to Laurie and Chad. Though this is by far one of the worst abuses I’ve read about, it isn’t the only one. I’m 100% in Laurie and Chad’s corner, and will do all I can from by half a nation away. We needed to stop this 50 years ago, hopefully we haven’t run out of time.

110. Rodleen Getsic - November 6, 2007

We are sending prayers for the Jessop Family, doctors, lawyers, judges, case workers, friends, family, and Abraham (who already endured this process). We all deserve the right to choose medical options that best fit our belief systems. We ARE breaking down the bureaucratic walls of America’s resistance to ancient medicines. Let us continue in Peace.

111. sandra - November 6, 2007

My name is Sandra
I am outrage, Parent do not have any right with there children any more what is this county coming too. What Chad and Laurie went thought is outrage. The people in the usa need to try stand up for what is going on here we can’t do it one at a time we all need to stand up together and get goverment out of our family and take are live back.I hope that laurie and chad sue the hell out the state of calif also the people who did this to her need to answer for what they had put this woman though and what they put her children though. All parent need to stand up and be hear we are the one that take care of our children not the state and 99.9999 percent of ever state think they no what is best for our children after meet the child for less then 15 minute . Please people stand up for yourself and stand together……..

112. Zurama Johnston - November 6, 2007

This is a complete violation of civil rights. How dare they force this poor woman to give her son medical care she does not agree with.

We should be able to choose what medical road we what to take for ourselves and our children.

Children belong to the parents not the state. Or are we losing our civil liberties one by one.

Perhaps we are not as free as we thought.

113. Sandy - November 6, 2007

My own efforts and those of Mr. Woodard to confirm this situation has so far failed. In a phone conversation with the news director of KFWB radio Mr Woodard was told that a search of their archives failed to turn up any story on Chad or his mother.

IF THIS IS REAL we are ready to try and raise a response nationaly with the aid of other advocacy groups. Before we can do anything we must confirm the facts.

114. Sandy - November 6, 2007

Andrea Boland, I am not sure what the form and appeal refers to. Is it a current waiver form?

Both these issues are prime concerns at Human Rights USA. Mr Woodard has often idntified dietary supplements as a major issue in medicaid and medicare coverage. They are currently only covered if a pump or button is used in feeding.

115. cutemalemodels - November 7, 2007

This post appears to be copied verbatim from an earlier post on “blacksalveinfo.com” — and each post cites, as its sole factual source, the September 12 radio broadcast of Dr. Gary Null — but I just listened through the podcast of that program, and there is no such reference. I cannot find ANY credible source for this story.

116. Infowarrior_uk - November 7, 2007

This is US criminal elite stopping the actions against the virus they created for the purpose of Eugenics (to control and lower the population). Google “Endgame” and watch.
Im reading this in the Uk and research in the criminal corporation of America’s elite, to read this dosen’t surprise me, just ,makes me ,mad to the bones.
We are not free, we are controlled, life is controlled and the more and more they try to move against us the more they expose themselves and wake normally dormant people up to the facts of the state we are in today. And this will be there downfall.

117. Mr Lee - November 7, 2007

The following is my post on Human Rights USA on this matter…

Being human, at times we let our emotions overtake sound judgment. At such times we often sidestep our normal procedures and safeguards. Such has been the case this week in a matter we have been investigating in Orange County California.

While we have not posted anything here on this site, some activist have helped to spread the story on the internet. This was done in large part due to my own response to wave one of our basic protocols.

In the matter of Laurie and Chad Jessop it has been told that Laurie was arrested in Orange County after turning away from conventional medicine and Chad being cured of melanoma using more natural means.

I have contacted several stations and persons mentioned in this story as well as completed a lengthy search.

A) No person or station had any knowledge or records of the claimed events.
My search could find no news source that collaborated any of the events.

B) My search did turn up similar references of the story that predated the events

Thus Human Rights USA has stopped all efforts related to this considering it to be a hoax. I personally take responsibility for any material, post or releases that has use our name on this matter and apologize that they occurred. This has been the first such incident in our history and we will take ongoing steps to insure it is the last.

I hold no one here or at other sites responsible for this. They took and posted information on good faith. I have always held to a level of responsibility here that in this incidence I failed to maintain. While that did not create the incidence it did fuel its spread.

Lee Woodard Sr.

Since it has not been determined where the story started I would hope no one would hold sites like this one that posted on it in good faith, in a harsh light. We can and should all learn from it.

118. Crissy - November 7, 2007

Maybe we should all have chemotherapy. I mean we all have cancer in our bodies. Another name for it might be free radicals. It’s whether our bodies have the ability to fight it off, or allow it to over run our bodies.

How sickening this story is. I know several people who had cancer and are cancer free by alternative methods. The juice I’m drinking has the acai berry in it, which was shown in a study done in the University of Florida that the extracts are killing up to 86% of leukemia cells! Hello people!

I even know a retired doctor, he is over 90, who said they didn’t use drugs to cure disease, they used berries! I think our medical intelligence has digressed. And it’s DEFINITELY all about the money.

119. angryscientist - November 7, 2007

Wow. I copied this from an earlier post at blacksalveinfo.com? You got it backwards, cutemalemodels; they copied my post. Gary Null read that e-mail on KPFK, not his regular show. To those of you who think this is some kind of hoax I made up, Gary also talked about it on his daily show Sept. 13, 2007, starting about 11 minutes and 45 seconds into the broadcast, for over five minutes. You can listen or download that show at http://garynull.ws/2007/09/13/the-gary-null-show–91307.aspx.

Gary Null is an authority on the alternative health movement. He is also a scientist. Not every form of alternative health treatment gets his approval; he only recommends what scientific research shows actually works. His site http://www.garynull.com has tons of information. He has been on the air talking about alternative health for about thirty years, has authored a number of best-selling books and award-winning documentaries, and has set records raising funds for public television. Naturally the quackbusters think he is a quack. Tell that to the scores of people diagnosed as terminally ill with no chance of survival whose lives he saved. Michael Moore is a friend of his, and has appeared in a couple of Null’s documentaries. Susan Sarandon is another friend of his. Barbara Seaman is another. Dr. David Graham, the man who blew the whistle on Vioxx despite FDA attempts to blackmail him, is another, featured prominently in Null’s film Prescription for Disaster, which I reviewed on this blog. That film and some others are available to view for free on Google Video. Gary Null has made plenty of enemies in the medical establishment, but when they try to take him on, they lose.

120. angryscientist - November 7, 2007

This is an advisory to anyone who donated money to Natural Solutions Foundation on Ms. Jessop’s behalf. They solicited donations here, in comment 79, and may have been soliciting elsewhere. Natural Solutions Foundation (also going under the names HealthFreedomUSA.org and GlobalHealthFreedom.org) is not authorized to do any kind of fund-raising on behalf of Laurie or Chad Jessop. They have never supported Ms. Jessop in any way. She has received no money from them and doesn’t expect to. She doesn’t want to be associated with them in any way, shape, or form. If anyone has sent them money meant for Ms. Jessop, please let me know.

121. john magal - November 7, 2007

The Angry Scientist should start a fund rising initiative to help the poor women with her legal expenses. We all want her to win. Deal me in.


122. Mr Lee - November 8, 2007

ANGRYSCIENTIST. I tried to make it clear that IF it is a hoax we all acted in good faith. It will take time to determine this. I just received an e-mail late this eve that I hope will assist in clearing this up. I am here now at 3 in the mourning because I came here to see how to cantact you regarding this thread and situation to limit any damage to any innocent partys.
I know my concerns have been forwarded to the Jessop family, and hopefully this will all be made clear over the next few days. If it is in fact real then it would seem that far more than a mere court order was at play in keeping the public in the dark on the matter.
I stand by my first post, as my cell phone records and easily repeated searches will affirm but that does not say we have not been broadsided by the system. If we have, so far they have won.

123. Mikel.N - November 8, 2007

Are they serious?!?!!?!!! Maxium security prison?!
there are violent thugs who have been put into half-securit prisons….the government is sick!!!

124. Paul - November 8, 2007

This is disgusting and just more proof that the establishment doesn’t care about making people well,just getting their money. I fully support the Jessop’s and their ideals.

125. Clairine - November 8, 2007

This Judge needs to be removed from the bench. The Doctor should to be jailed and loose the key. These power hungry freeks need to be stoped. Someone has to has some great ideas how this can be achieved. Please lets help this poor woman. Lets win this one. Laurie you are a great woman. This country needs more women like her. I’m praying for this family.

126. Linda - November 9, 2007

Mikel N. – I’m not commenting on Laurie’s MSP experience, since I do not know. But, I DO KNOW that my SIL was put in Max in Boston on an immigration violation that never was. On the word of an angry citizen, who was her ex-husband at the time under a felony charge for child pornography, the border patrol picked her up at a court hearing where she was attempting to get a restraining order on illegal alien charges. What they didn’t bother to do was check to see that INDEED her paperwork WAS up to date and she was legal. She even had paperwork with her to prove it and the border agents neither allowed her to show it to them or take it with her! They put her in a Boston women’s prison with hardened criminals where she sat for 2 weeks waiting for a lawyer she had to pay for to prove to the gov’t that she was legal! YES THEY DO THAT! And YES it is a travesty. How many law abiding citizens are being mistreated? Well, I know one personally, so have no problem believing this part of the story.

127. Robin - November 9, 2007

Good grief, people still are not getting the message. Attention all: THIS STORY IS A HOAX!

128. Diana - November 10, 2007

Whether this story is a hoax or not it is a fact that there are lot of corrupted government agencies out there. I see a lot of people not getting proper medical aid because the expense is more than they can handle and that is why they turn back to the old fashion remedies. If the government can’t control it then they outlaw it!

129. L Augustine - November 10, 2007

Wow, It truly disgusts me that this mother was put through all this harrassment. She clearly cares for her son far more than the FDA or pharmecuetical companies do. As an ordinary citizen reading this news article, I stand behind her and support her decision. What she and her son have gone through was for a higher purpose.

I am reminded of Erin Brokavich- the female lawyer that wouldn’t put up with corporate and beaurocratic hypocrisy. Thank God for people like this.

My prayers go out to Laurie Jessup and her son for continued strength and also for Rose and Abraham Cherrix. You get my vote of approval!!

130. L Augustine - November 10, 2007

I wouldn’t believe this story is a hoax just because a poster said it was.

131. Lindsey P - November 11, 2007

This is ridiculous.
This is the most biased piece of crap I’ve ever read.
I don’t believe a word of it, nor many of the comments, for a second. Grow a brain, you smelly hippies.

132. Barbra - November 11, 2007

Having worked in the pediatric neurology clinic in Richmond Virginia I have seen first hand the work and the difference it has made of Lee Woodard. He has worked and developed protocols, treatments and therapies with some of the leading pediatric neurologist in the country and he did this despite having no medical degrees. He has frequently merged modern and herbal treatments but has never set one above the other. He helped pioneer therapies such as patternization and helped them gain acceptance and insurance coverage as well as open treatments and test procedures to children it had been felt would not benefit from them. Anyone would be hard pressed to find a more unbiased opinion on such a matter or to more stoutly defend the interest of the child.

133. Mr Lee - November 11, 2007

I have just posted the following on my site. Not being a politician nor a bureaucrat I have no problem admitting when I have made a mistake.

From: Mr_Lee in response to Message 14 Sent: 11/11/2007 10:53 PM

They say “To Err is Human” so we must assume that my recent investigation into the Orange County/Jessop story is proof that I am human. This is not flip-flopping or shifting on an issue. It is accepting a preponderance of the evidence at two different points in time. Despite a lengthy investigation which included conversations with media sources in Orange County that had been linked to the story, I found nothing that supported the events. I came to a reasonable conclusion.

The fact that it was a WRONG CONCLUSION should in reality only raise more questions as to what is going on in Orange County, California. The court does not have the power in a gag order to erase what is already known facts in the public domain. It does not have the power to cause reasonable searches on the subject matter to produce false and misleading results.

Within hours of posting the opinion that the incident was a hoax I found the first e-mail in my box that would give me serious cause of concern. I consider this source impeachable on matters of alternative medicines and was not surprised at all to find she had been in contact with the Jessop family. Since then I have listened to recordings from radio archives, talked to several reporters in Orange County that WERE AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE and discussed the matter with others closely connected to the story. The atrocities that have been reported against Laurie and Chad Jessop ARE REAL. The crimes committed against this family (in your name, supported by your tax dollars) did occur. I have talked with one reporter in Orange County that is still pursuing the story despite the gag order and despite the fact that because of it the Jessop’s have had no contact with her.

As for the “Whore of the Beast” that has presided over this case, LET ME EXPLAIN a little law to you. The family courts were granted the power to implement a gag order to PROTECT MINORs that may be permanently harmed by the release of information that pertains to a case. IT was never intended to PROTECT YOU or CPS or hide the crimes the system commit against the families of Orange County. There will never be any justice in this case till this judge is removed from the bench and held accountable for her actions.

I was most surprised that all this had occurred in the front yard of the Orange County Register, and yet a search of their archives revealed no stories on the matter. It has been my experience that the OCR was one of the few premiere newspapers for revealing the graft and failures of the social services and family court systems in California.

I am not going to redo the time line of events in this case here. A good and accurate source can be read at

Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma

I have determined that the events listed in this blog are true and accurate. I can not speak on cancers that play hide and seek or the speedy recovery that appears to have taken place without the aid of conventional medicine. I leave these issues for others, hopefully with more capable minds. This story is a perfect example of violations of Family Rights and personal choices. It is about Abuse of Power, the fraudulent use of it and the waste of the taxpayers moneys. It is about a greedy, corrupt system that operates under the Color of Law like a thief in the night robbing us all of the most basic and fundamental rights.

While the Jessop family is most affected now by these Crimes of State, all of Orange County are put at immediate risk as a result of them. California and all of the U.S. is put at risk if these crimes are not challenged and the perpetrators held accountable, for it becomes a fact of accepted law.

WE ALL NEED TO RAISE OUR FIST and VOICES AGAINST THESE CRIMES PERPETRATED the JESSOP FAMILY. We need to call our representatives regardless of our state of residence and voice our dismay and disgust that our tax dollars are helping to fund these crimes.

Choose to sit back and do nothing. Decide that what “reality waste” is on the tube is more important to you than the basic freedoms and rights that so many have fought and died for. Then when your family is a victim,,, keep quiet then too… because you threw away the opportunity to care. It is now that you have the opportunity to prevent this from becoming the accepted fact of law.

Lee E. Woodard Sr.
Human Rights USA

Additional Info-Opinion

In the process of researching this it was found that Laurie Jessop was not new to alternative treatments. Ms. Jessop has written articles and sells an alternative line of products. This may in fact be the root of the problem. One has to wonder if there had not been previous concerns as to care and treatment of Chad Jessop. For years I have said that a childs care requires teamwork. The greater the medical concerns the greater this need is. If a parents tendency is a little off the norm then they should be seeking team members that are willing to consider and work within reason with those considerations. It is never in the childs interest for there to be basic conflicts of accepted care within a team. A CHILDS CARE is not the place to be making political/social statements or trying to impose one’s own concepts on society at large.

Was Chad CURED of an advanced malignant melanoma by alternative medicine in a period of five weeks? We will likely never know. The original diagnosis was very questionable by a general practitioner, and the line of events that followed has likely forever blurred the reality of what Chad actually had. It would not seem far fetched to assume he had been cured of melanoma in it’s early stages with such treatment, but it is far less likely to have occurred in advanced stages.

Issues of treatment should have been a family decision. Certainly Chad Jessop was old enough to decide this issue. Has the SYSTEM forced conventional treatment on Chad for a condition that no test showed to exist at the time? We will not know till the gag order is voided and possibly having reached age Chad sues all involved for the risk and damage that they exposed him to.

Why does this case keep resurrecting? MONEY… There are a lot of people that have a lot at stake in cases such as this.
Alternative medicine is a multi million dollar industry, while the conventional medicine/pharmaceutical complex reaches into the billions. Both of these industries stand to profit from cases like this, and overall you can believe that those profits are more focused on than the well being of Chad Jessop.

The matter of the court refusing to allow a paid attorney to represent the Jessop’s staggers the mind of any sensible person. If this was true it alone should have been enough to move the case into a higher court. This point I again suspect will remain an enigma until the WHOLE TRUTH is allowed into the public domain.

I will leave it up to time to prove my position. The reality is there now but beyond the reach of most searches…
I wish to thank all those that contributed to my being able to set the record straight.


Partially edited for spelling. Thank you for helping set the record straight. Anyone persisting in spreading rumors about this story being a hoax or urban legend will have serious egg on their face. I might make an example of somebody. Fair warning, back off or else! I let a lot of stuff pass in comments because free speech means a lot to me, maybe too much, and I don’t like repeating myself.
Angry Scientist

134. angryscientist - November 11, 2007

Just to clarify, even in the comment I much appreciate above, I object to his characterization of the judge. She is a sellout, but I have to object to the phrase, whore of the beast. For the record.

135. stephen - November 12, 2007

CPS should change their name to “The New Age Gestapo” CPS terrorized our family, took our kids out of school, interrogated them for many hours and coerced them against us, their own parents. Later our children wrote letters to the court telling the judge that the abuse never took place. The DA claimed that the kids were pressured to write the letters. They threated my wife that if she did not testify against me the children would be given up for adoption.

This kind of governmental abuse is rampant. Innocent people are being sent to prison and or getting their children put into foster care every day.

I went to prison, my wife bravely beat CPS and now we are together again as a family. Few people that deal with CPS have happy endings.

CPS is new age McCarthyism.

136. Ron - November 12, 2007


To the family: Hang in there. You’re not alone.

137. JD - November 12, 2007

We are seeing more and more of this. I never considered my taxes being used in such a way.

Also I must say, I never saw anyone do a about face while saying it is not flip floping and make it believeable.

138. JPS - November 12, 2007

Whether this story is a hoax or not, it serves to bring to the public attention the corruption within our judicial and medical systems in this country. If it’s true then I regret they have been subjected to such treatment at the hands of the system. Until we all unite as a people and force all legal proceedings to take place in the public eye, such atrocities as this will continue. Nobody knows what you think they know. Professional and expert are terms used to denote that an individual has completed a particular course in government programming that allows them conduct business in a particular area. It does not intimate competence nor does it imply a knowledge of truth or fact.. I applaud their decision to seek alternate healthcare. I urge ALL persons to work towards becoming self sustaining. Get off the grid and as much as possible withdraw from the system. Learn to barter for needs and services. The system is rapidly collapsing and will take you down with it unless you turn within and find your connection with source. This is not New Age BS, it’s survival. Wake up, look around, take action.

139. Mr Lee - November 12, 2007

Responce to post 134
It is a reference to bible passage, the beast being $ocial $ervices and the judge the mistress that rubber stamps their greedy acts.
Check the following shorts from main stream media and links to the issues and tell me that you feel your taxes are being well spent to act in your name.

June 24, 2006 – Austin Texas, 63 foster children received medical treatment for rape that occurred while in the foster care system.

Report: Girls in custody of Florida agency left unsupervised at night at hotel

Date: June 22, 2002
Publication: Associated Press Archive

Six girls in state custody were unsupervised at night and partied with adult men at the hotel where they lived while awaiting foster care, according to a police report.

The girls, ages 11 to 15, were removed from the Marriott Residence Inn on June 3, when hotel workers called police. The girls had lived at the hotel since May 13. The Department of Children & Families is investigating, district administrator David May told The Palm Beach Post.

LA ordered to stop housing kids in waiting room of county government office

Date: May 7, 2005
Publication: Associated Press Archive

Space-strapped foster care officials have been ordered to stop housing youngsters in the waiting room of the county Department of Children and Family Services’ downtown office.

The state ruled last week that the waiting room was an illegal foster home and ordered the practice stopped by May 20. Los Angeles County records show children have been staying there since 2003, when an emergency children’s shelter was closed to settle a lawsuit claiming the county was…

N.J. keeping foster children in detention centers with youths charged with serious crimes

Date: May 31, 2003
Publication: Associated Press Archive

Some New Jersey teenage foster children are being placed in juvenile detention centers for months with youths charged with serious crimes because child welfare officials have nowhere else to put them.

The New York Times reported Saturday that there are so few foster families or group homes available that kids aged 11 to 18 often are put in detention centers. Most of the kids have committed only minor infractions, such as skipping school, but are placed with kids charged with arson and rape.

Underground network moves children from home to home ; Parents accused of swapping adoptees without permission
[FINAL Edition]

USA TODAY – McLean, Va.
Author: Wendy Koch
Date: Jan 18, 2006

The children, removed from the Schmitzes’ home in June 2004, are now in foster care. District Attorney Garry Brown says some may testify against the Schmitzes, who were accused of child abuse in 2000 when they lived in Wisconsin. An extensive investigation followed, but no charges were filed then.

Also testifying will be Brenda Filkel and Sherry Dvorak, licensed practical nurses who worked at the Schmitz home, Dvorak says. In an affidavit attached to a search warrant, they say [Debra Schmitz] was often drunk “by suppertime.” They also say they saw six children — ranging in age from 8 to 14 — being thrown into “the cage” by older kids at the Schmitzes’ instructions and that, as punishment, kids were deprived of leg braces, eyeglasses and a walker.

[Ronald Federici], who has reviewed the Schmitzes’ financial records, says the couple eventually received subsidies for each child, taking in $8,000 to $9,000 monthly. The monthly subsidies ranged from $364 to $817 for nine of the children, [Didi Christie] says. She says one adoptive family helped pay for an addition to the Schmitzes’ home after they took in a child and another paid child support.

TIME / CNN The Crisis of Foster Care

In Harm`s Way a Post-Gazette series

Now surely one must wonder how the demons that could go about daily doing this get along in the office,,,

There has been many comments about the lack of links to the Jessop nightmare in main stream media. Why not try doing a search in NEWSWEEK. While they did not do a story you will find they have seen fit to mention this blog and my research. Odd I would think for such a source to keep tabs on a subject that supposedly has no merit.

140. Robin - November 12, 2007

Do any of these reporters have names? Do the newspapers they work for have names? Does the judge have a name?

I still call hoax. And don’t take my word for it:

141. Mr Lee - November 12, 2007

I have been to that blog already Robin. It expresses opinion about what is on this blog, nothing more. For what it is worth it is far less credible than my own two opposing opinions which at least while finding different results, they were the result of honest effort and research based on more than what could be found in the blogs.

Now my question is this. Once it is confirmed that these events took place, who will remember the issues that they actually raised?

142. Sandra Taylor - November 13, 2007

I have read the story about Chad and his mother, and feel deeply disturbed that authorities abuse their position of power to serve the interests of big parmaceutical companies who are controlling our health.

My son was 4 years of age when he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I refused medical treatment opting for an alternative and holistic approach. I was told i was an irresponsible mother and placing my child at risk of dying. The rare form of cancer was a blessing in disguise, since they could not prove to me that their treatment would work; therefore they could not demonstrate that conventional treatment would increase his chances of survival. My son’s tumour diminished 1/2 centimetre every day to the point that the scar tissue also dissolved. He has been free of cancer ever since, and now 19 years of age.

After his recovery, i established the Cancer and Natural Therapy Foundation of Australia to help people access information and resources on natural therapies so that they could make an “informed choice”. I run this organisation on a voluntary basis.

I live in Australia, and if there is anything that I can do to help- please let me know. My heart goes out to this woman. I will send healing from our group.

Love and Light,


143. Robin - November 13, 2007

I’m sure you have seen Orac’s blog, Mr Lee, it was more for the benefit of your readers who may not have seen the other side of the story. And Orac has pointed out a whole bunch of holes and inconsistencies in the account as presented above which nobody here has managed to answer.

Now, I’ll repeat my questions:
Name of the judge?
Names of any reporters who have covered this story?
Names of any newspapers which have run articles on this story?
You DO have this information, right?

I’m not questioning the possibility that there is a real case somewhere that all this was based on. But it also looks very much like the details of the story have mutated and exaggerated as it’s been spread through the blogosphere in Chinese-whispers fashion. Let’s just try to find out some simple, verifiable facts.

144. John Cain - November 13, 2007

Mr. Lee, you didn’t answer Robin’s questions. Who are the reporters? What papers do they work for? You haven’t shown any evidence that your original assessment of hoax was off the mark. Although this is an alternative medicine site, so I guess evidence isn’t really important. 🙂

145. angryscientist - November 13, 2007

Ha Ha. Evidence is important to me, as a scientist. I notice an eerie silence on the three entries I’ve been following devoted to this case on Orac’s blog, since I approved Mr. Lee Woodard’s mea culpa. Maybe Orac doesn’t want any more egg on his face. More evidence will be forthcoming soon.

146. Robin - November 14, 2007

“Eerie silence”, indeed. Maybe the regulars on that blog just consider it old news now and moved on. Why don’t you post there and tell Orac why he’s wrong, if you want to keep those particular threads going.

On the other hand, the silence here on this blog is getting positively deafening in relation to the questions I have asked above. Angryscientist, in your OP you said:
“Now that you know what sort of injustice masquerades as protecting children, you can do something to help wake up sleepwalking friends and neighbors…”

And Mr Lee said:

If I may ask: exactly what action is it that you are expecting us to take, if you will not tell us the crucial details of the case, but continue making vague references to “the” judge, “the” courthouse etc. Such a lack of specifics is the tell-tale hallmark of the urban myth. IF your story is true, a large part of the blame can be laid at the feet of a single judge who has acted in a clearly wrong and illegal way. SO TELL US WHO THE JUDGE IS! How else are we supposed to raise any complaint? Who do we complain about? Mr Lee and Angryscientist both claim to have spoken to reporters, been in contact with the Jessops themselves, etc. If that’s the case I don’t see how you can possibly NOT have such basic information as the name of the judge.

147. Mr Lee - November 14, 2007

When I first called KFWB a news director checked the archives back to the third and found nothing on this story. That was in part what my first conclusion was based on. A later call had me in touch with a reporter that was aware of the story an told me they had run it. As well I have heard a recording of that story. As well I have talked for about an hour with a reporter that does not want her name or that of her paper released because they are STILL WORKING on this story. I also have working relations with news sources in that area that are not mentioned in the blogs but I know to have a history for revealing problems relating to foster care and CPS. To maintain the integrity of this relationship I am not going to reveal these sources that are otherwise unrelated except to say they had confirmed the fact that there was a news conference as mentioned above but due to short notice they had not been able to send anyone to cover it. There had only been a three hour notice in this incidence, when a 24 hour is really the minimum to expect a response. Most news sources have their people out for the day working on stories and are unlikely to call them off to cover a conference of unknown consequence.
When many have read this and related blogs it seems to have become a matter of did it happen and nothing more. There was a reaction that all relevant information was covered. Since I have been working in these related fields for 20 years I had a better idea of what was likely or not, as well as considered the implications of human interaction in the cause and affects. An example is in my retraction when I question “the prior conflict”. If you recall Chad’s doctor was not in the office that day and a associate disclosed the findings and went ballistic starting the string of events. What was not revealed was that this same doctor USE TO BE the primary. The Jessops had recently changed over to another doctor in the same office. That little tid-bit makes the path of events that followed far more plausible because it gives us insight to the element of human nature that was involved. Or will you argue that because there is a M.D. after her name that the “woman scorned syndrome” could not have had any impact on the interaction.

The issue we should be looking at IS NOT IF. That will resolve itself in short order. The issue at hand is if you have a seriously ill child DO YOU WANT ALL POSSIBLE REMEDYS DICTATED to you by CPS under the Color of Law and with the USE of FORCE that they have available to them and are so quick to use. CPS has a 80% FAILURE rate across the board. Would you take your child to a doctor that has a 80% failure rate?

In the U.S. they want to control and regulate natural/herbal and supplemental ingredients. In other words they want you to have to go to a doctor and get a prescription for health aids that are freely available today. I helped to make coffee a recognized health aid for certain conditions. The system being what it is and things eventually following their natural course, if we allow herbs and supplements to be regulated, eventually you may need a prescription to go to Starbucks. Farfetched? yes A logical conclusion? yes

Keep in mind that Orson Wells 1984 was FARFETCHED at the time it was released. Look at how many of those farfetched ideas is a reality today.

148. no faith in the system - November 14, 2007

I guess America is no longer the “land of the free”, but rather the land where you do what your told no matter what you want,or believe in. If you try to do anything else you get roughed up. How much longer are we going to let government officials abuse their power.

149. angryscientist - November 14, 2007

Hey, Robin, what’s this to you? You’re setting yourself up for a big fall. Maybe that doesn’t matter to you, since you’re anonymous here, but Laurie and Chad Jessop are real people who suffered greatly at the hands of Big Brother’s minions.

I think Orac would prefer to let the matter drop. Since he seems to have taken heed of my warning above, I’ve no need to keep his version of the story going. I did make a comment there over a week ago, warning him that he who laughs last laughs best, which for now is enough. For the record, I never claimed to have spoken to any reporters. This is the true story of Laurie Jessop and her son. I’m just helping get the story out.

150. ActorMD - November 14, 2007

I’m not sure if this was a hoax or not but I do have some questions and criticisms about the article. The article is quite obviously written with some bias toward the side of Ms. Jessop and her son. I’m not saying that’s wrong, it’s just not professional journalism. So now that I’ve hopefully indicated that this piece was not written to give a professional, factual account of the case, I would like to ask the writer, if your faith in medical science is not as strong as your faith in the efficacy of these herbal remedies, than why do you use medical science as a means of proving your case?
Let me explain. Chad, as stated, had melanoma of the skin. A condition that shares features with several other dermatological and non dermatological skin conditions. A definitive diagnosis of melanoma is made based on a biopsy. So at this point, you must assume that medical science is solid in that Chad was correctly diagnosed with melanoma. Now, the severety or prognosis of his case depended on whether the cancer had remained localized to his skin or had spread into his blood stream or lymphatic system, the latter having the more dire prognosis. If you believe the doctor, Chad had a very bad prognosis and she might have made this assertion based on findings that she interpreted to mean that the cancer was now systemic. If, however, you do not believe in medical science, then you would not be convinced by the a doctor that says that the disease is systemic or has a bad prognosis. Fair enough. But then you must believe that the cancer is localized to the patient’s skin. I base that argument on the fact that there are many case reports and research studies that can prove that malignant melanoma is, by definition, a systemic disease and it has a much worse prognosis than localized melanoma.
SO far, I have used science and critical thinking to disect your story. I hope that I have not lost any of you yet. I shall continue. Now, Chad’s mother, used herbal agents on her son as a means to cure him of his melanoma. A repeat test of his condition (I’m assuming that means another skin biopsy as other tests would not be definitive) showed that Chad was cured.
Medical science was used to diagnose Chad with melanoma. (a fact you do not refute). Medical science was used to ascertain Chad’s prognosis (a fact you can not refute) and medical science was again used to diagnose Chad as being cured of the disease. The only scepticism you seem to have about medical science is in the pharmacology of these anti-cancer drugs. However, analysis of the effects on humans with these anti-cancer drugs shows them to be effective in certain cases of some cancers. To date, there are NO peer reviewed articles published in any of the major scientific papers about the consistant efficacy of herbal agents such as the ones that Chad recieved. If you believe in science, then you must believe that the doctor had a justifiable right to question the motive of a mother that is making alternative choices for her child in the face of this kind of evidence.
Just to make this clear, I am not touching the political aspect of this case. I believe that what happened to Ms. Jessop, if it happened as told in the article above, was atrocious. The political system has a long way to go if this is becoming more commonplace.
What I DO take issue with is the people that scoff at medical treatments that have been tested and passed scientific scrutiny. If charletons like Kevin Trudeau can convince this many people that proven medical treatments should be reconsidered for unproven natural remedies, then I think that education is a larger issue than medical fascism is.

151. angryscientist - November 14, 2007

If you believe in science, then you must believe that the doctor had a justifiable right to question the motive of a mother that is making alternative choices for her child in the face of this kind of evidence.

This is supposed to be a logical argument? Sorry, I don’t buy it. That statement is a non sequitur, among many. Besides, the doctor went far beyond questioning Ms. Jessop’s motive. Also, there are plenty of medical treatments that initially passed FDA scrutiny, but later scientific scrutiny showed them wanting, or deadly. Medicine doesn’t deserve blind faith any more than natural remedies, and my skepticism of medical science goes far beyond anti-cancer drugs. Read some of this blog if you’re curious what I mean.

I’m not a professional journalist, but I am a professional scientist, and this is a factual account, despite what you call my bias.

152. Ann - November 14, 2007

Can anyone expect that in any effort to disclose a wanton violation of rights like this story outlines, that orange county has gone to such lengths to hide, that anyone could present it in an unbiased view.

Even Mr Lee, clearly could not claim he was unbiased. He is a human rights activist and the lengths he went to indicate he wanted to verify this story. I am most likely to accept his findings more because when he thought it a hoax he was straight enough to say so than based on his follow up findings alone.

Maybe the question should be how would we want others to respond if it were our family. How much evidence would we post when a gag order prevented it. Maybe I am wrong, but is not the question who had the right of choice in the young man’s care. He was 16 or 17 at the time. Surely his mother was not forcing her choice on him.

153. DolceDama » Blog Archive » Ahh History! - November 14, 2007


154. angryscientist - November 15, 2007

I’ve received pictures of these allegedly made-up people. Thumbnails are at the top of this post. To see what they look like, just click on the thumbnail. These pictures were all taken this year.

155. Have you read this? « aljis - November 15, 2007

[…] Have you read this? November 15, 2007 at 10:29 am | In humanism, people | Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma […]

156. ActorMD - November 15, 2007

I see what you mean about the non-sequitor, I feel I should elaborate the statement so that my point is better understood. What I’m saying is that it is fine if you don’t believe in the scientific method as a way of processing and analyzing the discoveries and phenomena of our world, but if you DO put stock into that idea then you should agree that the results of true scientific study give us better insurance of the outcomes of our actions than blind trial and error based on anecdotal evidence. So faced with the option of untested therapy regimes versus tested ones, a doctor (essentially a medical scientist) will choose the one that he/she believes will provide an outcome that they can predict because uncertainty in therapeutics is not tolerated. I’m sure none of the people on this board would tolerate it if it was a doctor that was involved in the care of their family. I agree that medical science is not 100% right. I do not put blind faith into it. However, as a system of therapeutic management, medical science is the best we have.

“Besides, the doctor went far beyond questioning Ms. Jessop’s motive”

I don’t doubt this. I agree with you. However, portraying the doctor as an agent for a medical fascist regime that extends to not only child protective services but incidentally the law enforcement and apparently high school administrative levels might be deemed as going far beyond an unbiased report.

“Also, there are plenty of medical treatments that initially passed FDA scrutiny, but later scientific scrutiny showed them wanting, or deadly.”

Instead of being vague, I’LL give you an example of why this statement is TRUE. Vioxx was a drug that was pulled off the shelves because, as you say, it was found to be wanting or deadly after further scrutiny. This is an example of medical science in action. Had doctors not observed the incidence of heart disease in patients taking Vioxx, the system would continue to administer this dangerous drug to millions of people without being able to predict the damage that it could have done. By providing this statement, you just proved that the system should not have blind faith put into it, but it is not without its checks and balances and as such, provides a safer method of interacting with life altering therapeutics such as the anti-cancer treatments you dislike so much. If you believe in Black Salve as an alternative to a large border excision, then prove it! Get funding and do the clinical trials necessary. Publish a paper in a peer reviewed journal so that we can all see how efficatious it really is. Is it too much to ask for proponents of holistic medicine to run the required tests to guarantee the safety and efficacy of their treatments?

“I’m not a professional journalist, but I am a professional scientist, and this is a factual account, despite what you call my bias.”

What I mean by bias is the found in the tone of the article. Words such as “unholy alliance” and “railroaded” do not set an unbiased tone for the reader. Your phrasing of certain events, the sheriff’s department “hauling her off” to jail indicate a bias towards the Jessops. Again, I am not criticizing you for the article. You are free to publish whatever it is you can, however, a biased tone of any piece of work detracts from the credibility of that work.

157. Harry - November 15, 2007

Question for Mr. Lee (response #139)
You specifically said to do a search with Newsweek to show that they had mentioned the “Jessop nightmare” and this website. Can you tell me which search terms would generate a result that would do so? I tried , individually to increase the likelihood of a positive result, “Jessop”, “melanoma”, “Orange County”, “Woodward”, “angry scientist”, and “angryscientist”. Going as far back as 2003, there are no search results mentioning this story. If I’ve typed something wrong, let me know. And you do mean to search the Newsweek website, right? There is a search option for searching the entire web, but that’s a simple MSN search, which returns results similar to a Google search, with no regard for credibility or truth…

158. Mike - November 15, 2007

Re: post 147 – 1984 was written by George Orwell, not Orson Wells.

Re: post 154 – the alleged pictures of the Jessop family prove nothing except that three blond people exist somewhere in the world who all seem to enjoy posing for pictures while playing board games over a nice fruit tart. For all we know those are pictures of the Downey family from Wichita, Kansas: Rebecca, Sam, and Mindy.

159. angryscientist - November 15, 2007

Orac has picked up the gauntlet. I posted this on his (sarcastically titled) new entry “I have seen the light! The Chad Jessop melanoma story happened. Really.”

Orac, congratulations. You made my day, but you and your gang have a little more time to throw around this spiteful nonsense before the full truth comes out and destroys your credibility. You’ll see, none of your skepticism is warranted, because it’s all based on your own biased misinterpretations, which you’ll have to admit, soon enough. The truth is not on your side, not even close.

Hey, Mike, Mr. Woodard is not a know-it-all like some people determined to prove me a liar. His spelling is not so good, and he got the author of 1984 mixed up, but I believe he’s been honest here.

ActorMD, maybe you’d like to stick around and get into a debate about medical science? I’ve been working on a humdinger, another review of a Gary Null documentary. I have one question for you at the moment. If Vioxx is an example of medical science in action, why did the FDA try to blackmail Dr. David Graham to stop him from blowing the whistle on it? I think he deserves far more credit for getting Vioxx off the market than doctors observing the incidence of heart disease in patients taking it. Anyway, that’s kind of off topic. There are lots of issues around the enforcement of medical orthodoxy and the abuse of government power, specifically Child Protective Services targeting mothers for no good reason, which are more relevant here. I’ve gotten some e-mails from mothers tormented by CPS who didn’t feel like commenting for the general public. It’s too bad, because they have a lot to say which is far more relevant than all this hoax hysteria, but I have to respect their privacy.

160. Angie - November 15, 2007

I have been one of many that Mr Woodard has helped, and I know a little about him. He never went to college, he has had two major heart attacks and two serious strokes yet he manages to take action while many talk and post. Ten years ago we were a family with three kids trying to make do on 21,000 a year with one of our children severely physically and mentally handicapped. I had looked for help on the internet because of problems with special ed for Mike. I had mentioned in that process the cost of his care that at age six included diapers that was running about seventy dollars a week. The only serious response I received was one that suggested I contact Mr Woodard.

I sent him an e-mail explaining we had become concerned when Mike suddenly did not want to go to school and was having problems there. We had learned that it all started when they had moved him to a class more focused on his needs.

To make this short I received his first e-mail response on a Tuesday afternoon. By Friday we had received two cases of pampers covered by Mikes medicaid and a call from the school saying he would return to his former class on Monday. It seems they had been neglectful of ADA and IEP regulations.

Over the next week he helped by talking with me and my husband about the issues we had to deal with as well as connecting us to some local support. Aside from all this he gave us a load of leads as to some books, sites and other helpful info to aid us in learning how to deal with much of this in the future.

Mr Woodard has managed to make a difference for many DESPITE OF
personal and health issues. Consider how far less so many do that have so much more. He has been on mourning talk shows and has provided procedural training for nurses and home health care providers on devises such as mickeys in hospitals despite never having medical training beyond that of a emergency medical tech.

Sorry that this is off topic, but if people are going to toss stones because they disagree with well intended effort, I thought they should know what they are tossing them at.

161. "I have seen the light! The Chad Jessop melanoma story happened. Really." [Respectful Insolence] | NewAge.org - November 16, 2007

[…] update from a blog that I had never heard of before. In a breathless and frantic piece entitled Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma (also parrotted at Health Freedom USA, a blogger going by the ‘nym Angry Scientist told an […]

162. angryscientist - November 16, 2007

Since Orac and other skeptics are so insistent I name the judge, I decided, what the hell. She is Orange County Superior Court Judge Carolyn Kirkwood. Also, the Los Angeles Free Press web site has made this story their cover story.

163. Mr Lee - November 16, 2007

Responce to Harry post 157

I have been surprised it took this long for that question to come up.
I found the page doing a routine search looking for media sources that predated the gag order. It was the Newsweek that caught my eye so naturaly I went there. It was the normal Newsweek site that is basicly in red and the path was newsweek/health/cancer/ and then either Realted Sites or Related Blogs, I am not for sure which. As I had said they did not do a story but merely thought it relevant enough to link to a blog on it. The blog was not this or ORAC but one of the medical blogs that have covered it.

I went back the next day and was unable to find that with over a dozen search patterens including new ones that included newsweek in the search. Newsweek does seem to have an archive, but it appears to me to only include their mian articles, not their related links. I am going to contact them today to see if this is why I have failed to repeat that search result.

It was relevant to me in that altough it offered nothing new that they had deemed it worth linking to.

I do have hopes of settling this issue of IF by early next week to most peoples satisfaction. I SAID HOPES, it is not a fact yet. Was my search on this issue free of bias? NO. I have done enough work and research in this area to KNOW IT COULD HAVE HAPPENED. If it did I would want to help expose it, and let any family know they had support. That is what I do. Would I help to promote such a hoax? WHY??? What good possibly come from it. Such a hoax would harm the rights movement across the board, and as a result I might as well retire from such efforts and delet my sites.

When I started the first search I confirmed in just a few minutes that the Jessops where real people in Orange County, that Laurie had a history and involvment in alternative cures and that Mr Miller was active in the same community. That was all before I received any e-mails on the subject. Since one of the first things I do is confirm e mail addys to ensure the source of info is what it says it is, I have confirmed that as I would have suspected in such a case that the Jessops and the Cherrix family had been in contact with each other on this matter. Considering the Cherrix family history, is that realy any great surprise.

Personaly I do not have a problem that some want to have someone verify that this realy happened. I do have a problem that it seems to be the main issue. Hell I even have a problem that the medical issues takes second tier to the IF. I do not think that will ever be resolved to everyones satisfaction. To me the issue is How and WHY the family was forced to go through this. It was a violation of so many basic rights. Since it was supported mostly by federal tax dollars it was done in YOUR NAME regardless of which state you live in. Such events have happened before and if unchallenged WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.

This (as well as other blogs) should not be about me, MadScientist, or ORAC, but rather if we will continue to accept the erosion in the USA of our most fundamental rights. If our taxes will continue to support a system that is a total failure, but continues to be rewarded for it. The Jessop story clearly shows how much more abusive the system has become over the last couple decades, and this will not change unless the people DEMAND that change.

164. “I have seen the light! The Chad Jessop melanoma story happened. Really.” [Respectful Insolence] · New York Articles - November 16, 2007

[…] update from a blog that I had never heard of before. In a breathless and frantic piece entitled Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma (also parrotted at Health Freedom USA, a blogger going by the ‘nym Angry Scientist told an […]

165. Lee Woodard on the Chad Jessop melanoma story: “Why would I promote a hoax?” [Respectful Insolence] · New York Articles - November 17, 2007

[…] most recently responsible for spreading this story, a blogger who goes under the pseudonym of the Angry Scientist. For one thing, the first person to spread this story by e-mail, Thomas Cowles II, seems, after a […]

166. Erwin Alber - November 17, 2007

This yet another appalling example of medical fascism stomoing all over people’s freedoms and right to a freely made informed choice. These people in authority work for the crime syndicate that’s running America and are a menace to people’s freedom and health. They should all be locked up for the public’s safety, along with the quacks who peddle toxic cancer “treatments” and deadly vaccines. My the day come when sanity, common sense and respect for life again prevail in this world.

PS An effective natural skin cancer cream is available in Australia and New Zealand, even though it is possibly illegal to sell it.

167. Sheryl - November 18, 2007

I would like to point out a couple of things:

(1) If you do a little Google research, you will find that Hillary Clinton advocates EVERY FAMILY TO BE ASSIGNED A SOCIAL WORKER WHEN THEY HAVE A CHILD. I discovered this during MY research when I got into a pissing match with the Dept of Social Services in NC. (see http://www.jbs.org, “Beware the Child Protectors”).

Here is a clip from this 1999 article:
In her ghostwritten manifesto It Takes a Village, Mrs. Clinton gushes, “I cannot say enough in support of home visits” by government social workers. After all, she declares, “Keeping children healthy in body and mind is the family’s and the village’s first obligation,” and in those “terrible times when no adequate parenting is available … the village itself must act in place of parents. It accepts those responsibilities in all our names through the authority we vest in government….”

Insisting that in matters of suspected abuse or neglect of children, “a child’s safety must take precedence over the preservation of a family that has allowed abuse to occur,” Mrs. Clinton contends that “social workers and courts should make decisions about terminating parental rights of abusive parents more quickly, rather than removing and returning abused children time and again.” Government-authorized “home visitors” of the type extolled by the First Lady are authorized to pass judgment on the “adequacy” of parents, and to summon child protection workers should it be decided that the “village” must now “act in place” of inadequate parents.

Like most advocates of home visitation programs, Mrs. Clinton invokes the tragedy of child abuse to justify state intervention within the home. However, as the Physicians Resource Council (PRC), an affiliate of the Alabama Family Alliance, documents in a new study entitled The Parent Trainers, “most advocates of home visitation … clearly state that their goal is to institutionalize home visitation services for all new parents.” Deborah Daro, a former research director for Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA),

(2) You are getting a very clear example of what Socialized Medicine is all about. Please note that people in Canada come to the US for heart bypass surgery, which they pay for out of their pocket, because you have to be on a WAITING LIST in Canada to get the surgery.


You might want to check out this 1960’s hearing on the goals of the communist party and the specifics on changes required to turn us into a socialist government. It is a real eye-opener.


IF YOU WANT TO REGAIN YOUR FREEDOM, VOTE IN YOUR STATE PRIMARY for RON PAUL! Unlike the Mainstream Media is telling you, he is in no way a “nutcase”, and he has a tremendous amount of support. Check out his actual voting record, and you will see he has been 100% consistent for the past 30 years. http://www.ronpaul2008.com

168. Harry - November 18, 2007

To Mr Lee, comment 163

Thank you for responding to my question. Since your explanation is unverifiable at the moment, it’s not too helpful; however, I see no reason for you to come up with such an elaborate excuse, so I’ll take your word for it for the moment. You are right to comment that, again, Newsweek itself has not covered the issue. It appears they may have only acknowledging that some blogs are currently disputing the issue.

I, as do many of the posters from here and Orac’s website, do have a legitimate problem with the IF of the situation. I don’t doubt your sincerity in the matter. You claim to have dealt with many similar experiences in the past, and someone has posted a testimonial here (which we’ll take as true) as to how you’ve helped them out of a bad situation. Further, you provided links (see comment 139) from credible news sources describing true cases. In that case, the ‘IF’ should be MORE important to you. If there are other valid and VERIFIABLE cases out there, then the attention should be focused on those. Why spend time hyping a dubious case for which the posters have provided no reliable legal proof? If the case ends up being an exaggerated story (or worse, a hoax) , then I hope you heartedly chastise those involved. People who spread disinformation only make your job harder, since the general public will be less inclined to believe a similar story the next time. It’s the boy who cried “Wolf!”.

Again, if the story indeed turns out to be true, I’m sure the true skeptics involved will give credit where credit is due and express outrage similar to yours. But first the story needs to be verified.

169. Barbara Saker - November 18, 2007

This act is a symptom of the mindset that the FDA the big pharma set out to achieve. When the FDA made the statement that only a drug could diagnosis, treat, and cure a disease we were all in trouble. A drug has NEVER cured a disease. Healing comes by God’s design or Gods intervention only. A drug may assist the body in its ability to heal, but most often it only covers up the symptom while it does damage to the body.
Alternative medicine is always looking for the reason the body is ill. Alternative medicine says for the body to heal we must first listen to the language of the body and find what caused the body to break down and not do its natural job of healing. Alternative medicine takes away the need for drugs in 99.9% of all cases.
If only we could get back to understanding who we are and from where we came. Then we would understand what a great wonder our bodies really are. We would be able to seek the knowledge needed to know what to feed our bodies, how to keep our minds clean and pure, and how to bring about spiritual healing which always reaches our fleshly bodies. I pray for this family knowing that Our Father walks with them empowering them to make this journey of hardship to benefit all of humankind. I admire Lauire Jessop for her courage and perseverance in the belief that she knows what is best for her children and will not let anyone steal that from her. We stand with you Laurie!

170. Shelley Ojeda - November 19, 2007

My name is Shelley Ojeda. For about 25 years, I was A/R manager for Pulmonary and Critical Care Consultants in Long Beach, CA. I am currently working on a RICO fraud case here in Cochise County, AZ, and would be happy to refer you to a gentleman in California. He majored in History and minored in Psychology and has been educating folks regarding their Constitutional Rights (not to be confused with priviledges) so that they might represent themselves in a Federal court of law. If you give me Lori’s contact information, I will be happy to forward it to this gentleman. He has succeeded in getting 8 federal judges fired!!!

171. Forced Vaccinations in MD at gunpoint and attack dogs - Forums - Islamica Community - November 19, 2007

[…] make money off of, and their hostility to alternative treatments becomes really obvious when stuff like this happens. […]

172. Forced Vaccinations in MD at gunpoint and attack dogs - Page 2 - Forums - Islamica Community - November 19, 2007

[…] make money off of, and their hostility to alternative treatments becomes really obvious when stuff like this happens. Yes there are people who disagree about vaccines, theyre called idiots. And all those […]

173. Mr Lee - November 20, 2007

responce to Harry post 168

Harry I do understand your concerns with the IF and do not intend to play it down. The IF is very important. I have viewed the ORAC blog on the subject several times and have taken nothing there abusive to me or the subject, but consider this all to be respectful dialogue on WHEN a subject matter is considered authenticated in the world of cyber space.
I have noted that in your post as well as on ORAC that it has been stated that your intent is not to play down the events the Jessop family suffered through as much as it is to simply know that it happened.

While I can not prove that beyond all doubt I can add more insight as to why I changed position on this. First undersatnd that because of the nature of my work, all info that passes to me is not automatically considered free domain even if it was not passed on in confidence. Before I post private communication that was intended to aid me to meet a specific goal, I first ask permission to do so. For me that is just common courtesy and one that I try always to adhere to.

Within a couple hours after posting that I had found nothing that substantiated the events I received an e-mail from the mother of Abraham Cherrix, a young man who’ story I was very familiar with.
I quickly verified that this e-mail was from Mrs. Cherrix. Yes for those that wondered if, Rose and Abraham Cherrix have posted on this blog and have been active in the Jessop story. In my mind this rasied serious doubt to my just posted findings, but it would be several days before I posted a different opinion. During that time I spoke with Ron Miller (BTW the pics in this blog are from Mr Miller) on several occasions as well as several reporters in Orange County. I have heard a recording of one of the radio cast and will look into the legal and practical issues of having that set on the net. One of the reporters that confirmed these events specificly asked that I NOT USE her name or that of her publication because they are still working on the story (Not the one recently published).

Since sources like the LA Times and the Orange County Register did not cover these events in real time it is not likely they will now as it is old news. Any coverage from them now would come from coverage of the CHAD Foundation or other current activity that stems directly from the events in question. Today I will forward several recommendations to the Chad family on how this may occure.

One needs to keep in mind that two people can go to the same source to research a subject and walk away with differing findings. This is caused by a number of factors including individuals at the source point each talked with. Also the experience and mind set of the individual doing the search. One searcher may look at what is there while the other may note that as well as what is not there. One example is some of the Orange County sites listed on ORAC that fails to show cases involving the Jessop’s. I noted that cases involving CPS and familys are not listed on those pages. They list personal fillings and support cases, not CPS filed proceedings, thus are not relevant as evidence as to if a CPS filed case exsisted. If I missed a link that did cover CPS cases please let me know.

In the real world of today in which our rights including our right to know are in serious jeopardy we can not delude ourselfs by thinking that if it is real it will be in the main stream media are even for that matter in open court records. Even if that is accepted there should and must be real evidence that something occured. The internet gives us all a forum to expose kinks in the system but we need the education to use it. In the prescribed events of the Jessop saga there would have been a evidentiary trail that should have been kept and posted with the story. A copy of the warrant when arrested as well as release papers, summons for the court appearances are among those that the system could not dodge at a family court level.

174. Linda Brooks - November 20, 2007

This is totalitarianism at its worst! you notice the national networks and papers are ignoring such an important story. Of course! big money rules! In Texas, 17 is adult. Chad and his mom and sister should move here the minute they get freed from CaliforniaS.S.R.

175. Sharyn - November 20, 2007

Fact or Fiction is not the issue! The issue is the loss of our human & personal freedoms…not only in health care but everything in our daily lives. Our Government is becoming a Police State. That has been the agenda for a very long time. We the People have just been too naive to see it. Who wants to believe our Government would do anything to harm it’s own people? Well, wake up folks! They have and continue to do things to harm all of us. Flouridtion in the water is to control the masses. Mercury in vaccines is to dumb down society. Sheeple is what they want and it’s what they are getting. It’s time to take our country back. The only good doctor is a retired doctor….all the rest are just “practicing”.

176. Ferd - November 20, 2007

The term to describe this abuse of the Jessups by the government and medical establishment should be:

177. angryscientist - November 20, 2007

For those who may not know already, the CHAD foundation Lee Woodard mentioned stands for Choosing Health Alternatives Deliberately, a non-profit organization. Laurie Jessop is now accepting tax deductible donations to help pay for legal fees and to help promote legal change. The address is: P.O. Box 808, Lake Forest, CA. 92609.

178. ActorMD - November 21, 2007

This is in response to Barbara Saker (response #169).

You use many terms in your post that I think you should adequately define if you wish everyone to understand your argument. Phrases such as “language of the body” and “alternative medicine” are vague. At one point, all non tested drugs were considered alternative medicine. Penicilin was a Costa Rican folk remedy before it was developed and clinically tested and marketed. Does that mean that only the penicillin used by old Costa Riccan’s should be considered safe? Is the penicillin they produce an alternative medicine?
The vaccine for Smallpox was developed only after observation that the incidence of smallpox in milkmaids was very low due to their previous infection with cowpox. God’s design or God’s intervention was able to heal them, however, the many people who were suffering from smallpox had no cure. We would Still be suffering from smallpox had God not intervened and made the discovery of cowpox as a vaccine possible. Until the creation of that “drug” we were under the threat of another illness.
All of the posters on here can argue against the FDA and “big pharma” all they want but the truth is that these institutions are necessary for our survival. Folk remedies and “alternative medicine” may be an excellent platform for those who oppose any sort of commercial organizations involvement with medicine but the problem is that there is no science behind those therapies. I don’t discount the actual results that I’ve seen from certain treatments but if proponents such as yourself REALLY want to make a difference, get “big pharma” to run standard clinical trials using these “alternative medicines” and show the results. If these remedies work as well as you claim, the results will show it. By the way, just so you don’t think I know nothing about “alternative treatments”, I have used haldi (tumeric powder) as a application on mild wounds. It works very well and I actually prefer it over some of the antibiotic creams available. It turns out, that when clinical trials were run, testing this effect of the powder, it showed excellent results and is actually licenced as a drug in India.

179. ActorMD - November 21, 2007

Sorry, I just noticed a comment by angryscientist. You asked why did the FDA try to silence Dr. Graham’s testimony. That is not part of medical science. Medical science was involved in Dr. Graham and his research teams actually finding the truth about Vioxx. Political issues such as how that discovery would affect commercial organizations and the actions taken to achieve specific purposes for the goals of the FDA are within a realm that is set apart from the actual science of the drug.

180. S. Grimaldi - November 24, 2007

CPS needs to spend thier time taking children away from parents that are harmful to their children and on drugs NOT parents that take time to care for their children and get them well. If the state is now going to tell us what type of medical care we need to have then what rights do we really have? Who would have ever thought this is where we would be in 2007! But it goes to show you that when Big Brother isn’t going to make money off of something like a medicine or medical procedure that will cure cancer they want to hide it and prohibit people from using it because it isn’t a benefit for them. So sad what has out world come to!

181. angryscientist - November 25, 2007

ActorMD, it’s a curious coincidence you mention the smallpox vaccine as a shining example of medical science. Gary Null is about to release a new documentary titled Vaccine Nation, to show how little science is involved in the use of vaccines. It’s another example of Western medicine not knowing what the hell it’s doing. However, this entry isn’t about vaccines, so I won’t go into detail, until I see this new documentary for myself.

182. Shelly - November 25, 2007

CPS at work destroying innocent lives and families in America! Our story so similar though more about CPS failure to properly diagnose and evaluate the child with ATTACHMENT DISORDER and enabling a surreal fabricated story of a delusional psychotic teen and stopping at nothing to have a lynching even if it’s the wrong guy!! See http://wrongfullyaccusedinusa.blogspot.com/
…but what’s more uncanny is that this same anti-“alternative” medical establishment type experience we lived through just 15 years ago when my Jessica was dying of leukemia! Same thing, the Doctors threatened to have CPS take over her care if we did not follow the MD’s exact treatment!
FYI: It is truly the most powerful thing that BLACK Salve! Every household should have it! But so typical: it’s not “allowed” because it works!

Sadly, CPS and their antic’s have ruined my special needs daughter’s life and rendered me homeless and put my innocent husband in jail for 25 years in a stonewalled court case that I never would have believed possible if I did not see it with my own eyes. They will stop at nothing and the truth has nothing to do with it!

183. Mel Smith - November 26, 2007

98,000 people die in the USA every year from the miss-use of prescription drugs, but know one has died from the use of natural remedy alternative medicine.
If you have the proper balanced diet you will not get sick and need to resort to medical intervention.
Proper nutrients and minerals with plenty of sunshine will give you a long healthy life.
Stop eating processed,packaged food with MSG,Aspartame, Sodium Nitrites, Hydrogenated Vegetable oil and anything made with white bleached Flour. Organic is what we use to consume and we need to return to that process again to stay healthy.We have to change the FDA to protect the People and not Corporations.
Hang in there Ms Jessop as you have a lot of support in your favor.

184. angryscientist - November 28, 2007

Chuck Aubrey aka The Baron interviewed Laurie Jessop on his Gnosis show on KJLL in Tucson, Arizona on November 3 between 6 and 7 PM. If anyone wants to get a copy of the show, send a request with your snail mail address to dashoak@netzero.net.

185. jonmac - December 5, 2007

For me…I process and take my own herbs as needed, before I see any doctor.
When I attended NAU a fellow I knew was in the top 5 students in the pre-med program. I think he wanted to go into dentistry.
He did not have much in the way of “medical professionals” as acquaintances.
Because of this he was unable to procure a sufficient number of “references”….to write letters of recommendation.
In short, this fellow was not descended from the right blood line. The right bloodline is higher in preference than skill and knowledge.
Did they think this fellow wasn’t “down line” enough from his ape ancestors to be a good doctor?
Or did they think this fellow might be a maverick? That just maybe . . this fellow might think for himself? (You know that thinking for your self is not accepted within many professions).
Even good doctors will not speak boldly of bad doctors…even if they are butchers!
So why is everyone so surprised!

186. Milton - December 30, 2007

So where do I sign? How do I do my part to get the message out? I’ve been a strong voice against vaccines, My 31 year old brother has severe autism, And I know the signs of it, When My son was born in jan of 05 he was given the hep b shot and for the first month he show every sign of autism, Then like over night he just snapped out of it, and was perfectly normal, I believe if he had received any additional shots he would have been in a perminant state of autism. I live in NJ and there making it mandatory for the vaccines and I’m scared to Death of whats going to happen. I love my Kids and like you guys I want the best for them. The questions is who know’s best? The Government or the Parent?

187. Linda Brooks - January 9, 2008

The quack who started this is a general practitioner.That is not qualified to make a diagnosis. She is doing this because she’s bitter about not getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for butchery& poisoning. Chad is 17. The US Army allows 17 yr.olds to join and die in Iraq. Since Chad is old enough and mature enough to die at 17 in war, he is certainly oldenough and mature enough to make his own health care choices. The quack and judge must be immediately removed, forced to pay both the Jessops and CA taxpayers back and imprisoned.I have written to the CA Supreme Court and said the same thing.

188. Ben Smith - February 12, 2008

Poor woman!
This stuff is not just happening in the US but all over the world,
Just shows how the tentacles of BigPharma are like a cancer in itself.
choking off all natural remedies.
Here is a story of a similar case here in Australia.

Click to access DoCStealing%20Our%20ChildrenCourtOrder.pdf

189. Ben Smith - February 12, 2008

Sorry for the extra post, but this is about the MMR debacle;
It is making many beautiful healthy normal toddlers into
Autism victims. A scientist speaks of the lack of research.


Disgusting is too kind a word.

190. Linda Brooks - February 15, 2008

I wrote to the California Supreme Court in early Jan> So far I have not received an answer or update. They want to hide this Naziism. The Vice Principal who called police should be arrested and jailed. The sheriff who kidnapped Chads sister should have to pay back both the taxpayers and jessops and be imprisoned. So should Quack Masciana, the ogre judge and CPS. The supreme Court should stop this waste and declare it over with Chad an emancipated minor.Quack Masciana is not qualified to make such a diagnosis and the judge is unfit for listening to her. This judge should have been removed at the beginning.

191. Louise James - February 21, 2008

I am truely disgusted but not suprised at the outragous behaviour of the medical proffession.
The government’s behaviour is also disgusting but as with all governments, it is an ignorant corrupt force.
I work within the healthcare system in the U.K. and it has been known for years that doctors rarely keep up with alternative treatments or even medical breakthroughs, unfortunatly, they rely on medical and pharmacutical reps to keep them up to date and being a rep myself I know that the majority of reps will only pass on info that is benificial to their product, even if they do pass on other info, it is normally biased.
My heart goes out to this family, I had to battle the National Health Service (NHS) for 13 years, just to get diagnosed and to have the NHS treat my endometreosis with natural progesterone instead of an altered hormone that causes horrific side effects (I refused to pay myself as they take a large percentage of my wages to pay for the NHS as do all working people in Britain.)

A question; Does the gag order extend to the U.K.?
If not, kick up a stink over here, the US court would have a harder job trying to supress you here and its a start.
The British public love a good fight and we are not too keen on corruption within government bodies.
I also think that this type of horrific publicity abroad would put political presure on the US government. ( Being as the U.K. is about the only political ‘friend’ the US has!)
Of course another option is to move to Britain, the health service wont always pay for alternative treatment but they or the government dont normally make life harder for people who choose to follow alternative treatments.
Stay strong, be united, we are with you in spirit.

192. angryscientist - February 28, 2008

I inserted two paragraphs about Laurie’s experience with one of California’s leading attorneys for litigating against CPS, which are now paragraphs 10 and 11.

There is deep gratitude for all the many angels who stepped up, and put their lives and careers on the line to assist in the healing of a young teen. Although many individuals have been honored with anonymity, below are named some of the angels that have assisted in Chad’s recovery:

Abundant Life International, Inc.
Mark Lawson
905 E. Twain Ave. A-1
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Alternative Health Center
9225 Chesapeak Dr.
San Diego, CA 92123
(858) 467-1500

Life Center for Health
Calvin Ross, D.C.
31882 Del Obispo
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
(949) 661-9476

Gary Null talked about this case on his daily show September 13, 2007, starting at 11 minutes and 45 seconds into the broadcast, for over five minutes. That show was available for listening or downloading at http://garynull.ws/2007/09/13/the-gary-null-show-91307.aspx but Null has moved his archives to Itunes.

Chuck Aubrey aka “The Baron” interviewed Laurie Jessop on his Gnosis show on KJLL in Tucson, Arizona on November 03, 2007 between 6 and 7 PM. If anyone wants to get a copy of the show, send a request with your snail mail address to dashoak@netzero.net.


Laurie is committed to being an instrument in legislative reform, enacting a minor’s bill of rights and to assist those who are experiencing similar intimidation tactics by social services. Laurie is looking for the best vehicles to educate and inform the masses, as to the importance of standing up for our “Sovereign Rights.” Any suggestions that you may have with media contacts would be greatly appreciated. Laurie is in the final stages of setting up a non profit organization called the CHAD FOUNDATION (Choosing Health Alternatives Deliberately). If you have any ideas or suggestions, please send e-mail to chadfoundation@gmail.com, or if would like to make a tax deductible donation to assist in reform and help with legal expenses for the cause, you may do so by mailing to:

Laurie Jessop
C/O Chad Foundation
P.O. Box 808
Lake Forest, CA 92609

193. Mike P. - March 11, 2008

When you send your donation to the CHAD Foundation be sure to include your order for a “Wand of Horus.” Somebody named Laurie Jessop is selling these products through a website using the same mailing address as the foundation. See:


If you’re going to support one of her ridiculous, baseless claims with your hard-earned money you might as well support both simultaneously, right?

194. angryscientist - March 11, 2008

Hey, Mike, you can use Google, you must be so smart. If her claims were baseless, her son would be dead. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

195. Linda - March 12, 2008

David Harper the social worker is a liar. He should be fired and imprisoned for lying to Laurie and Chad. Sue his buns off! By the way, is Chad ever going to turn 18? After he and his mom sue and win they should take the money and leave the state of California.

196. Paulette Johnson - March 14, 2008

196. Paulette
I am seeking Naturopathic Medicine, very hard to find here in AR. when one is on govmt. “allowance”. I am physicaly dis-abled with fibromyalgia/osteoarthritis/ and a supposed mood disorder. I say a supposed mood disorder, because, after lengthy perscription “treatment” that didn’t change things, I began to research the “medicines” I was on! I was horrified! When I demanded to be taken off of them, I was told that, anti-depressants actualy BLOCK YOUR EMOTIONS! This literally opens the door for wrong thought patterns and a barrage of erratic behaviors almost beyond your control! I got off of them, but, the Lithium they had me on, supposedly only a psychiatrist could take me off of. I demanded the guy to take me off for a year, all the while he was saying that he would but never did. I researched Lithium- WOW! not just an anti-depresant, but, it shut down my thyroid, further exacerbated everything else and was producing a line of other ailments!! In June of 2007, and after about 2 years of that “merry-go-round” garbage, I took myself off of ALL medication for depresion and haven’t had a re-bound of severe depression since! It isn’t easy getting the alternative supplements that I need, as I am at the “mercy” of our gov. for income, which means a medicaid card, which I rarely use. Family Dr. wanted my daughter to take Nexium for one month as she tends to get GERD.
We chose an alternative. When we were in for a virus that wouldn’t shake, and asked if she took the Nexium, they didn’t say much,but were not happy with our choice. She has no more stomach problems.
ALL tests for biological retardation are negative! Had to be the vaccines!! UGH !
I home schooled my daughter as far as she could go. Was commended for it in front of the Special Education and the School Board administrator by her Voc. Rehabilitation case worker, who said,” She would not be as high functioning as she is, if you had NOT home schooled her! The schools don’t handle or teach our children right, “normal” or not!” She will be getting her driver’s license before long, she can navigate the internet better than I can,(with some things), she can clean house, cook enough to survive, handle some money very well, hold a conversation, mow the yard, run a vacuum, wash dishes, play a clarinet ( trying to find her another one), takes care of her dog, etc. She has done so much more than I was told she would EVER be able to do! Posh on “ORTHODOX” med. ! If I listened to our Family Dr. I would have had to undergo 6 major surgeries last year from Feb.- Oct.! I haven’t had either and am getting better all the time by doing what I can do with organic foods and what supplements we can get a hold of!!
DO NOT BACK DOWN, NO MATTER WHAT!!! I CANNOT HELP FINANCIALLY, BUT, I CAN PRAY FOR YA’LL ! WHEN YOU CAN THINK OF ANYTHING THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO DO FOR YOU,PLEASE, E-MAIL ME > tiggerificalyfun@yahoo.com Should you just need a listening ear, no matter what time of day or night PLEASE, call > 870-483-0106, I WILL LISTEN !!

When my daughter was a baby, I found that she was suffering greatly form her DTP shots, but didn’t know how to protect us if I stopped them. Today she is mildly, mentally retarded and an attorney won’t file suite for wrongful drug administration. She is now 27. After her MMR shot, I just never allowed any more of those vaccines to be given, and none have been forced or pushed upon us since.

197. Clayton - March 17, 2008

Go get the April Readers Digest- article on the FDA

198. linda - March 26, 2008

My teachers said we have no political prisoners in America. They are wrong. Chad and laurie jessop are political prisoners. By the way, isn’t chemical and surgical rape for such outlawed?

199. ALDO - April 28, 2008


200. Linda - April 29, 2008

Have just read the story on Linda and her son Chad. I feel absolutely disgusted and revolted at the shocking, inhumane, totally evil treatment carried out against a Mother wanting to heal her child. I live in Australia and have heard of similar stories where so called ‘Child Protection Agencies’ overule a parents wishes and take that child away, forcing them to endure painful chemical immune killers, in the form of chemotherapy drugs. I am unsure whether the establishment here would take such extreme action as that which occurs in America. I am sending Linda and Chad’s story to as many people as possible. We need to unite and spread the word.

201. Linda - April 29, 2008

Sorry, I meant to say Laurie and Chad.

202. Stephen Woolsey - May 15, 2008

There is no excuse for acts of this nature. The legal system has been out of whack in California for many years ( I was once a police officer there in the ’80’s). Further every act described is itself a criminal act subject to prosecution.
A couple of sidebars: California is not a Liberal but a Socialist state. A quick read of the Communist Manifesto becomes very revealing. This the root of the second problem is legal control. California is under the ninth federal court system, the most reversed federal court in the country, and will be unsympathetic to any sense of justice. It is likely that a lot of legal muscle will need to be applied to find balance.
One note though; parents should retain the right of parenting not relegate it to their children. That is the whole negative aspect of the problem the legal position of loco parentis or the state can take custody of their children gives the state.
Having the children with that authority is the “back door” to other child issues in that beleagured place such as pedophiles litigating for lower age of accountability or abortion rights for minors.

203. sun rise - May 23, 2008

sadly so much is being done to cover the trail of “statutory rape under the color of law”….whether Jessop story is real or not….there are similar events down under and so called “Protective” “Legal” et al are clear evidences that something is NOT RIGHT and it must be addressed in an open and transparent manner….if this remains status quo it will multiply….future will deem us as 21C Barbarism irrelevant if do not support it….apathy seems to be a common thread between continents of this beautiful planet we call home.

204. leisa - June 14, 2008

I’m sorry this family went through such a terrible time. A mother can be like a lioness protecting her child no matter what and good on her for doing what she felt was right. I was fortunate when my new baby was ill, I went to three doctors who refused to listen to me – I knew there was something seriously wrong with my baby, they thought I was a panicky “new mother” – on the third visit to a different doctor I refused to leave his office until he rang the paediatrician that delivered the baby … The pediatrician said to me on the phone “is it your intuition that there is something really wrong?” I said “yes” – he told the doctor to take x rays and send the baby immediately to him. My son was hospitalised immediately and would have died that night except for the paediatrician and my refusal to give up and Gods grace. There are some doctors that are good, so lets not lump them all together. the system is the problem, most doctors became that way because they wanted to help and I owe my sons life to one of them.

205. Bardy - June 16, 2008

So a woman who applied caustic salves to her son’s face got put in jail and is upset about it. What a shame. Next time anyone here has a wart, try putting Draino or caustic soda on it – that’s the equivalent of putting ‘Black Salve’ on it. Sure, it may burn the wart off, but at what cost? This cost :


Not looking so good for the AltMeds now, eh? Why not all go back to your Wands of Horus (http://www.goldkhu.com/contact.htm) and hope that when you put Black Salve on your kid’s face, he has a face left at the end of it.

206. angryscientist - June 16, 2008

Bardy, just so you know, I consider quackwatch a highly biased and unreliable source. Should I cite a few reasons why conventional medicine doesn’t look so good? Why isn’t quackwatch screaming about junk science like nuclear power and genetically engineered crops? Vioxx? Industrial agriculture? Hormone disruptors? Recombinant bovine growth hormone? Mercury in vaccines, dental fillings, and compact fluorescent light bulbs? Fluoridating the public water supply? All of these things are big health threats, and you’re worried about black salve?

207. Bardy - June 18, 2008

Hmm … my reply vanished for some reason. Anyway, since these things happen (technical glitches are a drag) here it is again :

The very fact that your reply indicates that “mercury in vaccines” and “dental fillings” are big health threats explains to me exactly why you find quackwatch unreliable and biased. Science always annoys people who insist on holding to crazy conspiracy theorist ideas despite a little thing called ‘evidence’. And don’t bring me a parent with a vested interest in avoiding jail as your ‘evidence’. AltMeds don’t seem to understand (or they just deny) that anecdote =/= data. Bring me test results, case histories which have been observed and recorded by competent professionals in such numbers as to show statistically significant results in rigorously controlled double-blinded studies. After all, BigPharma doesn’t get medicines approved by the FDA just on the basis of anecdotes and ‘My wife’s brother says it worked for him!’, so why should AltMed treatments be any different?

BigPharma seems to be the bugbear on this one. Don’t you think that the large drug companies would love this Black Salve rubbish to be true? They could end the tens of millions of dollars they put into cancer treatment research, slash the overheads from their R&D divisions, and just put their industrial might behind producing caustic black paste. Surely when the tremendous effectiveness of this paste became known, BigPharma and it’s mighty Black Salve Machine (which could certainly sell Black Salve at such slim profit margins as to put all the altmeds out of business), would have a stranglehold on one of the world’s most desired commodities?

No, the reason Black Salve is rejected as a profitable line of business to exploit by BigPharma is that it … doesn’t … work! If it worked, they’d be selling it (and reaping the profits) by the crate at every pharmacy. Not to mention, the world would be aflood with properly designed trials proving that it worked. You really think such a miraculous cancer cure could be kept so quiet? If so, then you need to examine the paradox in your thinking. This vast conspiracy to silence the Black Salvers hasn’t stopped you, or many others, talking about it, has it? Yet if the evil BigPharma has such influence that it can pervert the legal system into abetting in the coverup of a cancer cure, surely you would have been squished like a bug by now. Nevertheless, here you are, freely exercising your democratic right to encourage parents to rub dangerous caustic substances into their childrens’ flesh.

BigPharma, being regulated, would not be allowed to sell caustic substances to parents to rub on their children without falling foul of huge fines and legal action from parents which would cost them more money than you’ve ever seen in your life. Naturopaths and Wand Of Horus devotees, however, have no scruple about selling a totally ineffective and exceptionally dangerous product to people under false pretenses. It’s how they make money. In this way, people like you who push the non-existent ‘benefits’ of this trash are far worse than the BigPharma that you take such delight in accusing of all the world’s ills.

I take great delight in the fact you find Quackwatch biased – it is a giant tipoff to anyone that you’re not interested in facts about healthcare at all. Quackwatch is indeed biased – it’s biased on behalf of fact, evidence, and observable, repeatable testing yielding positive results. Of course you hate it – those three things are exactly what the AltMed community lack.

208. angryscientist - June 18, 2008

I don’t know why your reply vanished; it was in my moderation queue just like any other comment. Your naivete is showing. You neglect to mention one salient point about Black Salve, that applies to most natural means of treating disease; it cannot be patented. There goes that huge profit potential you think proves it doesn’t work.

If Quackwatch were based on what you say it is, why would you call it biased? Those things are in direct opposition to bias. Some in the alternative medicine community are indeed charlatans, but to say the whole community is lacking in fact, evidence, or repeatable observation is just your bias showing, and a giant tipoff you’re not interested in facts. Big Pharma is keen on discouraging people from trying alternatives, but that strategy isn’t working very well, so they may try to change the law to outlaw its competition again. What proportion of conventional cancer treatments do you think actually work? Most of them merely postpone the inevitable for a few years, if that. Chemotherapy and radiation are at least as dangerous as the Black Salve, probably far more so. Not to mention, I doubt it’s useful other than for some skin disorders, so the scope of its potential applicability is far less than you suggest. It sure as hell is not the way most in the alternative health movement make their money. It also was only one of many treatments Laurie Jessop tried to cure her son’s cancer.

I don’t blame Big Pharma for all of the world’s ills. You’re so fond of exaggerating, it’s hard to figure out what you actually mean to say. This story is more about abuse of government power against a defiant mother than Big Pharma, at least the way I see it. It just so happens in this case, the interests of CPS and Big Pharma are intertwined, but CPS finds all kinds of excuses to meddle with nonconforming mothers.

209. Linda - June 19, 2008

Linda: I would like an update. Is this young man ever going to be 18 or has he been secretly murdered by the quack and judge? Obviously drs and judges in CA only care about human rights in Myanmar!

210. Linda - June 19, 2008

To go from Feb. to May before getting the results is terrible! sounds like the whole clinic is full of quacks, Masciana the biggest.

211. angryscientist - June 19, 2008

Linda, I think Chad is over 18 by now, and last I heard he is alive and well.

212. Linda - June 25, 2008

If Chad is alive and well and survived quacks and cps to be 18, when is he going to be able to tell whether he had chemo and sue the state of CA?

213. angryscientist - June 25, 2008

Linda, I wish I could answer your question, but I don’t know when, and what I do know, I’m not at liberty to say.

214. PowerfulMothers - June 29, 2008

This is a sad eye opener. My mother cured my father from Lymphoma when he is was in his late 40’s holistically. Of coarse, there was none of this backlash of the legal system.

This story should be made into a movie to get more attention. The writer of this blog was well intended, but I believe that it would be more of a service to this family if it was re-written with a journalistic approach. Proper editing would bring more credibility. Find a college writer, or local newspaper writer to do the story for you and I believe it would help more to build more credibility.

I am totally on your side. Bringing in emotions, and ‘Big Brother’ can hurt your story, though. Use language that speaks the truth without the jargon.

215. I. Hate Harleys - July 8, 2008

Stumbled across your blog today. Thanks for the laughs. I suppose in past ages you might have been some muttering crazy old hag suffering ridicule and rotten tomatoes in the town square, or worse, burned at the stake as an incoherent witch.

You’re an “Angry Scientist”? You’re a software spinster by your own admission. There’s nothing scientific about writing code or tending to websites.

The pattern of drivel from you and some of your contributors reveals full and active membership in the I Hate Men and They’re Out to Get Me Club. So what? Men are men and sometimes bastards. Get over it and join the human race. And don’t forget your part: raise a few sons that respect their mother and the world will improve by that much.

216. angryscientist - July 8, 2008

No, thank you for the laughs. You either think I hate myself, or I am a woman, both laughably idiotic conclusions. And you call me a purveyor of drivel. Do you think I hate Gary Null?

I write software for a living, but I know plenty about the hard sciences. I was a physics major for a year at Caltech, but I decided I’d rather write software than work for the military, so I changed my major. When I post some of my theories, you’d realize how far off your assessment is, if you happen to return here. I call myself Angry Scientist because my knowledge of science makes me furious at some of the thoroughly misguided and moneygrubbing uses it’s put to. Anyone could be angry at that, but as a scientist, I understand just how the snow jobs are pulling the wool over people’s eyes.

217. Linda Brooks - July 22, 2008

I am glad to hear Chad survived the quacks and state of CA. to become 18. I hope he tells his story,slams them,and sues and receive bundles of money. I want to see Masciana slammed, ruined and imprisoned. Same with the other tormentors,including that loser murderer father. Its ironic: Patsy ramsey went free for murder. Laurie was imprisoned for saving her son.

218. PunkysMom - August 13, 2008

My son is 7, he has Cystic Fibrosis, and has had “adverse reactions” to one of his medications, when I asked the doctor to “test” him before giving the medication, he too called CPS. NO investigation was made and my son was taken away. I am going through the EXACT same thing with Orange County CPS. The difference is, I don’t have the money to make the situation any better. I was told that “if I didn’t plea that my son would go into a Foster Home TODAY”. I told my Public Defender that I had heard “children are 7-10 times more likely to DIE in a Foster Home” he nodded his head yes. I felt I had no choice but to plea. The next day I told him I wanted my plea reversed, and he only said “I’ll look into it” for the past 5 months they have continued the case, and always told me “I’ll look into it” without ever doing anything. CPS has made horrible allegations that were later proved wrong, but they refuse to acknowledge the proof. I have learned that Orange County CPS makes upwards of $112 BILLION dollars per year for taking children away alone… AND I was told that they MUST increase their “intake of children” by a certain percentage every year in order to continue getting the funding. I was told by a CPS worker that more than “50% of the children taken come from GOOD HOMES, and it’s only to justify the budget”. Orange County CPS takes around 3000 children EACH MONTH! There is a monopoly with our government making Family decisions, and we as parents are NOT allowed to make such decisions, even though we know our children better than anyone. By the way.. My child is HEALTHY… and yet they present my son as dieing, to the courts. I am still in the “investigative stage” and yet I was told by a Manager at CPS that they intend on “taking my son from me” permentently.
My word, and the truth has yet to still be said in Court. I have NEVER had even so much as a comment be allowed before the Judge. It’s all been CPS’ word. My son’s attorney has NEVER asked any questions, and has NEVER even met with my son. It’s all on the word of CPS.

219. PunkysMom - August 13, 2008

I forgot to mention, Carolyn Kirkwood was my Judge too, until she recently got promoted.

220. Linda brooks - August 14, 2008

I would like to know: has CHAD the bill passed?

221. angryscientist - August 14, 2008

Linda, I doubt it. I live in California, so I’d have heard about it, or seen it on the ballot.

Thanks for telling your story, PunkysMom. CPS is deservedly notorious for meddling for no good reason.

222. Cassandra - August 27, 2008

I read about this issue on the following website:

I am absolutely horrified. I am in total shock. She only did what any mother – any human being would do. How on earth can this be a criminal offense and specially in America?

I have posted a link to this article on the HealthyWays forums and I hope we can all keep this story alive by sharing it on all health related websites. Everyone should know about this.

223. vekloh - August 31, 2008

You should be ashamed of yourself. You give false hope to people by repeatedly stating (without ANY qualification) that a mother “cured” her son of melanoma. And then you go on to rant about Child PROTECTIVE Services and some wild-eyed Big Brother notions.

You are neither a scientist, nor a journalist.

I am no fan of Doctors, nor medicine, nor God, nor holistic approaches to life.

But when you repeatedly claim that someone has “healed” a deadly disease… then meander around some legal disputes, then reveal in passing that this panacea is something called “Black Salve”… you are preying on people who are desperate for LIVING, not validating their paranoid delusions about over-reaching government.

I repeat: You should be ashamed of yourself.

224. vekloh - August 31, 2008

and what the hell is a “logic expert” as you claim to be?

225. angryscientist - September 2, 2008

Clearly you aren’t a logic expert, or you’d not be so quick to cast aspersions. Nobody said the black salve was a panacea. That was only one of several things Laurie tried. Bottom line, Dr. Masciana insisted Chad undergo standard treatment for malignant melanoma, that he’d die in short order without it. For whatever reasons, Chad is alive and well without any such treatment. I don’t know what cured him, or even if the diagnosis was correct. The authorities were sure enough of the diagnosis and recommended treatment to put Laurie and Chad Jessop through hell for not going along with the program. That’s the point of this story, not that black salve is a panacea for melanoma.

Do you know anything about CPS or how the medical orthodoxy enforces its dictates? I doubt it. They cause enough trouble for parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids! Quackbusters are currently attempting to get Gary Null thrown off Pacifica Radio! That they’ll regret, I wager. This is part of the California Health and Safety Code


109300. The sale, offering for sale, holding for sale, delivering, giving away, prescribing or administering of any drug, medicine, compound, or device to be used in the diagnosis, treatment, alleviation, or cure of cancer is unlawful and prohibited unless (1) an application with respect thereto has been approved under Section 505 of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or (2) there has been approved an application filed with the board setting forth:

Bottom line, despite many attempts to change this law, it appears any officially unapproved cancer treatment is still illegal in California.

As for being a logic expert, I’m a mathematician. I took third place in a math contest as a junior in high school. I know logic like the back of my hand.

226. angryscientist - September 10, 2008

Dismissal Date October 04, 2007

Laurie Jessop has been a member of a Native American church for almost ten years. This was brought to the attention of Judge Kirkwood by a letter from Chief Cloudpiler (see comment from October 6). The judge decided to dismiss the case without prejudice.

Laurie was referred to the John Wayne Cancer Center for follow up analysis of Chad. By November 11th of 2007 the Cancer Center had received the original tissue block, and should have been able to move forward in analyzing Chad ’s case! Five months went by as the center kept rescheduling the appointment. Finally she pressed them to find out what was going on. Laurie was told that since she followed a holistic form of treatment for her son, she obviously did not care about her son’s best interest, and was then invited to seek treatment elsewhere! At the same time they claimed that they did not have the original tissue block. A few weeks later the lab called Laurie, and told her the original tissue block samples had been returned, and sent them on to be analyzed. The most recent pathology report which has been double checked for accuracy, found no melanoma present!

Chad is completely healthy, with a current height of 6’4” and still growing! Chad turned 18 in July of 2008, and is currently enrolled in his senior year of High School. From the time Chad was returned to his mother’s custody, the biggest headache he faced was from the school administrators, who had been unwilling to allow him to make up assignments! Chad has completed five summer school courses without having been given any special consideration, or any time off to recharge his batteries from the overwhelming year of incarceration, foster care, and trial.

Another prime example of the Orange County Department of Social Services taking children away from their mother for no good reason is the case of Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick, who was awarded nearly five million dollars last year. See this Los Angeles Times article.

227. Laurie Jessop - September 10, 2008

In response to Linda Brooks question, about passing a “Chad’s Bill.” We have not quite gotton to that point, as we have had to focus on Chad’s immediate emotional and accademic needs! We welcome insight and ideas into moving forward in passing a minors bill of rights for the state of California!

228. Linda Brooks - September 26, 2008

Iam glad Chad lived to be 18 and is back with his loving mother.I am glad he is back in school. I would have told the school off and had Chad get a GED just to deny them the money fro attendance.Further, I hope you sue that worthless vice principal for calling police. Such an unfit man should not be principal.it is also disgusting commie judge kirkwood got promoted. She should be promoted to a San Quentin cell. I hope you and Chad sue her and she gets defeated. Such a commie child hater should not hold public office. California is obviously a parent mother hating state. I suggest all people with kids move! Has your daughter been returned by CaliS.S.R?

229. Gss - November 20, 2008

This story sounds like a problem I had about 6 yrs ago but mine didn’t have to do with a health problem. I managed to piss off a major major corporation operating here in the USA by accusing them of violating my rights as an employee.

Anyway, I think this is only the beginning folks. There are big pharmaceutical companies at work, one of them named IG Farben. Guess where IG Farben was started? In Germany back in 1930s under the Nazi regime. I’m not aware of whether IG Farben produced cancer medicine but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Might want to look into that. Heading down the pipeline is some very controversial things involving medicine. Something called Codex Alimentarius which basically outlaws nutrients. And I’m assuming that the holistic medicine that Laurie used to make Chad better would be outlawed under this new legislation. Yes, you heard right, they are going to ban nutrients. They are going to make it so that people like Laurie can’t find alternative ways of treatment.
If you are interested, look up IG Farben, Codex Alimentarius, and Agenda 21. This is just the beginning.

230. mirai - December 1, 2008

Just dropping by to let you know we don’t disagree on everything.

This is a saddening story indeed. I know very well about the ill-willed nature (pardon the pun) of the pharmaceutics complex, the US are not the only country they still have in their grip. What gets me most is the ridiculously out of place and outright cruel treatment the familiy was subjected to by the police forces, supported and even ecouraged by the courts responsible! If something like this came to public attention where I live there would be nationwide outrage! That being said I’m convinced they didn’t suffer in vain. From an outsiders perspective, California always appeared to me as one of the most liberal and sophisticated states in the US. If they fight on there will be success.

Regarding that Codex Alimentarius, isn’t this just a compilation of guidelines compiled by the UN way back in the 1960s? To my knowledge most western country have been applying these guidelines for decades now. The Agenda 21, for your information, is heavily discussed or even opposed by most political parties at least in Germany, can’t speak of other EU members though.

@I. Hate Harleys: get a degree in information technologies and then say again there’s nothing scientific about it. Knowing a bit about computational logic I can assure you it doesn’t get any more scientific than defining mathematics itself.

231. angryscientist - December 1, 2008

The Codex Alimentarius has a long history, but it’s still evolving, as far as I know. Language to harmonize with it was included in CAFTA. Whether anything will come of that, it’s hard to say, but there are ominous signs.

232. gwen - December 28, 2008

I am going to post this on Healthboards and ask that everyone read it.

I have used a black salve on my skin cancers when the surgeons failed twice to get it all.

Then the company I bought it for, Alpha Omega Labs (Owner) went to jail for selling it, and was raided by the FDA. He finally got out of jail and had to move to Equador to help people.


Next time you see a product on Quackwatch, as the black salve is, watch it closely…it may be a product that actually works better than DRUGS!


[…] Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma […]

234. William (bill) Matthews - February 8, 2009

Is there any updates in this crime? The court system is UCC WHICH NEED TO BE PUSHED INTO COMMON LAW . BY APPLYING UCC 1-207.4 / 1-308
Remedy and Recourse

Every system of civilized law must have two characteristics: Remedy and Recourse. Remedy is a way to get out from under the law. The Recourse provides that if you have been damaged under the law, you can recover your loss. The Common Law, the Law of Merchants, and even the Uniform Commercial Code all have remedy and recourse, but for a long time we could not find it. If you go to a law library and ask to see the Uniform Commercial Code they will show you a tremendous shelf completely filled with the Uniform Commercial Code. When you pick up one volume and start to read it, it will seem to have been intentionally written to be confusing. It took us a long time to discover where the Remedy and Recourse are found in the U.C.C. They are found right in the first volume, at 1-207 and 1-103.


“The making of a valid Reservation of Rights preserves whatever rights the person then possesses, and prevents the loss of such rights by application of concepts of waiver or estoppel.” (UCC 1-207.7)

It is important to remember when we go into a court, that we are in a commercial, international jurisdiction. If we go into court and say. “I DEMAND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!”, the judge will most likely say, “You mention the Constitution again, and I’ll find you in contempt of court!” Then we don’t understand how he can do that. Hasn’t he sworn to uphold the Constitution? The rule here is: you cannot be charged under one jurisdiction and defend yourself under another jurisdiction. For example, if the French government came to you and asked where you filed your French income tax of a certain year, do you go to the French government and say “I demand my Constitutional Rights?” No. The proper answer is: “THE LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO ME. I AM NOT A FRENCHMAN.” You must make your reservation of rights under the jurisdiction in which you are charged, not under some other jurisdiction. So in a UCC court, you must claim your Reservation of Rights under UCC 1-207.

UCC 1-207 goes on to say…

“When a waivable right or claim is involved, the failure to make a reservation thereof, causes a loss of the right, and bars its assertion at a later date.” (UCC 1-207.9)

You have to make your claim known early. Further, it says:

“The Sufficiency of the Reservation: any expression indicating an intention to reserve rights is sufficient, such as “without prejudice”. (UCC 1-207.4)

Whenever you sign any legal paper that deals with Federal Reserve Notes, write under your signature: “Without Prejudice (UCC 1-207.4).” This reserves your rights. You can show, at UCC 1-207.4, that you have sufficiently reserved your rights.

It is very important to understand just what this means. For example, one man who used this in regard to a traffic ticket was asked by the judge just what he meant by writing “without prejudice UCC 1-207” on his statement to the court? He had not tried to understand the concepts involved. He only wanted to use it to get out of the ticket. He did not know what it meant. When the judge asked him what he meant by signing in that way, he told the judge he was not prejudice against anyone… The judge knew that the man had no idea what it meant, and he lost the case. You must know what it means!

Without Prejudice UCC 1.207

When you use “without prejudice UCC 1-207” in connection with your signature, you are saying, “I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.”

What is the compelled performance of an unrevealed commercial agreement? When you use Federal Reserve Notes instead of silver dollars, is it voluntary? No. There is no lawful money or alternative, so you have to use Federal Reserve Notes; you have to accept the benefit. The government has given you the benefit to discharge your debts with limited liability, and you don’t have to pay your debts. How nice they are! But if you did not reserve your rights under 1-207.7, you are compelled to accept the benefit, and are therefore obliged to obey every statute, ordinance, and regulation of the government, at all levels of government; federal, state and local.

If you understand this, you will be able to explain it to the judge when he asks. And he will ask, so be prepared to explain it to the court. You will also need to understand UCC 1-103, the argument and recourse. If you want to understand this fully, go to a law library and photocopy these two sections from the UCC. It is important to get the Anderson, 3rd edition. Some of the law libraries will only have the West Publishing version, and it is very difficult to understand. In Anderson, it is broken down with decimals into ten parts and, most importantly, it is written in plain English.


The Recourse appears in the Uniform Commercial Code at 1-103.6, which says:

“The Code is complimentary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where displaced by the code. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law, unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law.” (UCC 1-103.6)

This is the argument we use in court. The Code recognizes the Common Law. If it did not recognize the Common Law, the government would have had to admit that the United States is bankrupt, and is completely owned by its creditors. But, it is not expedient to admit this, so the Code was written so as not to abolish the Common Law entirely. Therefore, if you have made a sufficient, timely, and explicit reservation of your rights at 1-207, you may then insist that the statutes be construed in harmony with the Common Law.

If the charge is a traffic ticket, you may demand that the court produce the injured person who has filed a verified complaint. If, for example, you were charged with failure to buckle your seat belt, you may ask the court: “Who was injured as a result of your failure to ‘buckle up’?” However, if the judge won’t listen to you and just moves ahead with the case, then you will want to read to him the last sentence of 103.6, which states: (2) Actually, it is better to use a rubber stamp, because this demonstrates that you had previously reserved your rights. The simple fact that it takes several days or a week to order and get a stamp shows that you had reserved your rights before signing the document. Anderson Uniform Commercial Code Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Co. The Code cannot be read to preclude a Common Law section. Tell the judge, “Your Honor, I can sue you under the Common Law, for violating my rights under the Uniform Commercial Code. I have a remedy, under the UCC, to reserve my rights under the Common Law. I have exercised the remedy, and now you must construe this statute in harmony with the Common Law. To be in harmony with the Common Law, you must come forth with the damaged party.”

If the judge insists on proceeding with the case, just act confused and ask this question: “Let me see if I understand, Your Honor, has this court made a legal determination that sections 1-207 and 1-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which is the system of law you are operating under, are not valid law before this court?”

Now the judge is in a jam! How can the court throw out one part of the Code and uphold another? If he answers, “yes”, then you say: “I put this court on notice that I am appealing your legal determination.” Of course, the higher court will uphold the Code on appeal. The judge knows this, so once again you have boxed him in.

Explain U.C.C. 1-207

If you are confronted with explaining what the “UCC 1-207″ does here is
your answer.

When you are going to sign a contract ( drivers license, lease, buying a
automobile, snowmobile, a building permit, marriage license, devoice decree,
or any other document).

BEFORE you sign!!! you have the right to draw a fine line through any
thing that is not to your liking. It can be a number, a letter, a word or a
group of words. At this time you can add any thing you want in the contract.
Any changes you have made sign your name close to it and date it. A contract
is to have all of the contract in full disclosure at the time of signing. If
not the UCC 1-207 will stop you from giving up your rights on the contract
you are about to sign and void out any part of the contract that you have
not had the opportunity to view.

Now how the UCC 1-207 works.

After you put UCC 1-207 where your signature is going to be. ” your
signature” is the last you thing you put on the document. When you pick up
your pen from the signed contract it is consummated, you have given up your
right to change the contract. Here is some more UCC information. You can go
to a public law library for more information.


video can also be seen

235. Jerry Troop - April 15, 2009

I believe my life was probably saved by my using black salve at a time when I had no affordable medical care available. I am angered that Greg Caton, the developer of Cansema black salve was imprisoned for helping people cure cancer. He was recently listed in a Washington Post Parade Magazine cover story article as one of the world’s most wanted fugitives. In the Feb. 8, 2009 article, his picture was included along with 25 others including Osama Bin Ladin and 2 other terrorists, 3 Mafia crime bosses, drug kingpins, Multi-million dollar scammers, mass killers, and other viloent criminals.
He had already served his prison sentance and is sought on a probation violation.

236. susan - May 9, 2009

I must say UCC-1 is not the answer! Youtube Judge David Wynn Miller. This method is supported by The Haig and The ICC (world courts). I do not want any $. I will give you free details so you can stop being ripped off by LYERS/LAWYERS who truly cannot help you and I will tell you why!!!. Its cheaper and more effective to help yourself. I will help you with free paperwork to Sue these Judges and get them off the bench. Then eat the CPS for lunch!!!

237. Mike - May 15, 2009

you’re all retarded. i know this post will get deleted fast as hell, but i’ve gotta say it. to the kid saying they refuse to let you treat cancer with voodoo medicine cause “they know it WILL work”, you’re an f*in sped. they don’t let you treat cancer with it when REAL medicine will work and doing a magic indian dance while eating magic herbs and calling yourself a medicine man WILL NOT F*IN WORK, i promise you. if a kid dies because a mother thought herbs would heal his 90% curable with chemo cancer, but she thinks voodoo medicine is better, she basically killed him. so to all you cult members out there thinking you’re saving your terminaly ill kid with crazy witch-doctor medicine, you’re not, you killing him. so sleep well.

238. angryscientist - May 15, 2009

Mike, you don’t know half as much as you think you know. Chad is alive and well, no thanks to “REAL” medicine. Did you come over here from Orac’s blog? I could cast all kinds of aspersions on what you call REAL medicine, but you’re a true believer in the medical orthodoxy, so it’d be a waste of space. Herbs have their uses. That’s got nothing to do with voodoo or magic, though it’s true that witches generally know a great deal more about herbs than doctors do.

239. BJ Jhones - May 31, 2009

I just read this story. i was looking for Kevin Trudeau’s websites and unfortunately they are not online, and saw a link to this information. i am appauled at what is happening to this wonderful courageous woman and her family.

before my dad left his body, he told me to get rid of everything i thought i knew about the government, education, health care, etc., and start over as the truth is out there.

in 1978 i was pregnant with my first son. i remember the doctor pushing telling me to take some limegreen horse size pills – they he referred to as vitamins. i questions what was the purpose. ‘just vitamins.’ well on the way out of the doctors office i tossed the bottle of so called vitamins in the trash. this being my first child intututively, i felt i needed to care for my body in the appropriate manner. healthy foods, fresh water and non processed milk, as i intended to breast feed, which i did – all three of my sons. it later came out in documents that women who were pregnant in the seventies had children who were born with multiple birth defects. many of those women were given so called vitamins to help support the baby’s system they have reported. the documentation is out there on line. My point is this – i’m glad i did listen to my own inner voice.

My sons and I have never gone to doctors for our care. we use natural remedies all the time. things like flaxseed oil and soy milk to remove tumors from the breast, alone with castor oil pacts. lime juice for colds, energy work, colour therapy, etc. The only times we have had to go to the emergency room is for broken parts, which has happened occassionally, as the boys were dancers, and involved in sports.

i sent my prays out to her and her family immediately upon reading this post – and know there have to be a movement of the people to institute laws in every state for not only children to make a decision, but for parents to make decisions about health care and other areas of life without the multinational corporations using government agencies to get in the way of our God given choices.

240. Shower_Of_B-tards - July 2, 2009

This is just sick really. I spend most of my time studying the effects of modern medicine, and now I honestly wouldn’t take an asprin if someone paid me for it. It’s really worrying how little people actually know about Western medicine. Of course, the doctors prescribing people all these drugs (prescription drugs are the world’s second biggest killer, for those of you who didn’t already know that), know exactly what they will do to them, and they know that they are pretty much ruining someone’s life in the moment that they give them the drugs. I’d just like to say that I’m not just some random person who understands nothing about medicine. I actually used to work in a hospital on an oncological ward. Being a private ward the doctors were more corrupt than most and would perform unnecessary operations and MRI scans on patients just to get more money. Patients diagnosed with cancer would be practically forced to have treatment and would be emotionally blackmailed by doctors, who would ask them why they were so determined to make their families and friends suffer, and would be constantly told that they would die a horrible death if they didn’t have treatment. Most patients were brainwashed to the point where they ended up having chemotherapy and from then on they stopped living, because it really is impossible to lead a normal life during the treatment. Of all the patients I ever met on the ward, not one of them survived the treatment. The thing which the doctors didn’t want people to know is that, when scanned again just a couple of days before their death, more than 60% of the patients showed no trace of a brain tumor. Effectively, their cancer was gone and they in fact died from the treatment.
Those who do survive chemotherapy find it difficult to lead a normal life, their immune system is completely destroyed and the cancer is very likely to come back, even if it takes several years. When it does come back, it’s unusual to survive treatment a second time. The same goes for all Western methods of treating cancer.
The Laurie Jessop case is clearly just another example of all the government’s actions being motivated by power and money. They can’t stand the thought that someone would dare take some initiative and act against the laws laid down by the government, and are now furious because they lost money. Of course they wouldn’t have cared if some kid they’d never met died from dangerous treatment, just as long as they profit from it. And now they’re terrified that more and more people are going to be turning to alternative medicine because they’re finding out just how effective it is. I really want to raise awareness of cancer because I think it’s something so important as the high death rate from cancer is completely unnecessary and avoidable and government-induced. I can recommend the book Cancer Is Not A Disease- It’s A Survival Mechanism by Andreas Moritz. This is a really reliably sourced and informative book for anyone who’s genuinely interested in alternative treatment and cancer prevention. Spread the word as much as you can because it’s so important for people to know the truth about these things as ignorance is the biggest killer of all

Ellen Diann Messer - July 3, 2009

You will be interested in the different doctors on my web site http://www.cfhsm.ws
I am always open to new Natural research and this doctor from Italy exposed exactly what cancer is. Cancer bio ID is identical to fungus and that explains how it spreads the way it does. It is easy to cure for the most part. If doctors would get together with their different therapies and make accomodations according to each patient, recovery would be much greater. Sadly most are trying to PROVE their cure which the AMA will never accept anyway. See http://www.cancerisafungus.com

241. Ellen Diann Messer - July 3, 2009

I am so glad Laurie is going to do this and I am going to support her. Let me know when the CHAD foundation is ready to receive donations. I am not rich, but I can give a little and help a lot of other people give a little. This is perfect timing with this nation is such a great need for HEALTH REFORM. We don’t need more government control, we need to get the government OUT of the protectionism business. Protectionism and dictatorship are the same thing in the end.

242. Alli - July 17, 2009

This is nonsense. Do you all really believe that doctors go to medical school all those years to NOT help people, but hurt them? Of course, there are good and bad doctors, just like in every profession. But the majority are not out to make people worse off. This is just insane reasoning. These quacks that promise “cures” through crazy “natural” treatments are only after money, preying on those who are in a frightened, emotional state, such as the doctor at http://www.cancerisfungas.com. I am a nurse at a children’s hospital, and I can tell you the people I work with work to the bottom of our hearts to try to save a life, and many lives we do save.

243. angryscientist - July 20, 2009

Alli, it might help your argument not to overstate your case. Most doctors may have good intentions, but if their knowledge base is corrupted, so will their practice be corrupted. The pharmaceutical industry is only after money, and the FDA, who is supposed to keep that business honest, is doing all it can to grease those profits. Child Protective Services is also riddled with corruption. I don’t know who you’re calling quacks, but I’ll take my chances following the counsel of those the medical orthodoxy calls quacks, as opposed to expecting highly toxic drugs to cure anything. Sure there are quacks out there just out to take people’s money, but as you say, there are bad apples in every profession. What was Vioxx, if not quackery? Was that an honest mistake? I think not, since Dr. David Graham tried to blow the whistle on it long before his superiors at the FDA finally decided to do something about it. I suggest you watch Gary Null’s Prescription for Disaster documentary if you think your colleagues know it all and have the best interests of the public at heart. Related shocking Gary Null documentaries include several blowing the whistle on the HIV scam, Vaccine Nation, The Drugging of Our Children, and the latest, Autism, Made in the USA. Mainstream medicine loves to impugn its competition, but it has a lot of unnecessary suffering, disease, and death to answer for.

244. Czy większość chorób powoduje system medyczny ? cz.1 « Zdrowy Styl Życia - October 1, 2009
245. Czy większość chorób powoduje system medyczny ? cz.2 « Zdrowy Styl Życia - October 5, 2009
246. Czy większość chorób powoduje system medyczny ? cz.3 « Zdrowy Styl Życia - October 9, 2009
247. Czy większość chorób powoduje system medyczny ? cz.4 « Zdrowy Styl Życia - October 13, 2009
248. MONICA - November 4, 2009


249. Doctors don’t like to be proven wrong… at melvania - November 6, 2009

[…] {mosimage}Here we read the story of a woman whose 17-year-old son was diagnosed with skin cancer. And instead of following what the doctor (who was sure the son would die in a couple of weeks if the cancer was left untreated) told them, they decided to find alternative natural therapies for it. And the boy’s cancer is gone now, doesn’t show up on any tests…yet the mother is being charged with child abuse, and has been locked up by child “protective” services. […]

Jerry Troop - November 7, 2009

I wasn’t there to witness Chad’s recovery, buy I had excellant experience with Black Salve. The Person who created Cansema black salve, Greg Caton served 18 months in Federal prison on BS FDA charges and is now in exile. He has put the process to make Black Salve at home on the internet along with his story, which is as infiriating to read as Laurie and Chad’s story.
Here is his weblink. http://www.meditopia.org
I hope you and many others download and learn this process so that Black Salve in its many variations is never lost to the world.

Jerry Troop - November 8, 2009

Here is the web link that shows how to make Cansema on Youtube.

The other one contains printed material. Be sure to press English or Spanish to read that website.
It contains information that defies belief. I’ve followed this for a long time and everything Greg Caton says is credible to me.

250. Jerry Troop - November 8, 2009

By the way, how are Chad and Laurie doing? Any updates on this story?

251. angryscientist - November 9, 2009

As far as I know, unless this is the calm before the storm, it appears Chad and Laurie won this battle. Chad is a healthy young man, going to college, and there has been no further attempt to force him to take chemotherapy.

Jerry Troop - November 10, 2009

Good. To a point. But a horrible injustice was done and may be repeated. Has anyone been censured, disciplined, sued or fired?

252. angryscientist - November 10, 2009

Not as far as I know. The judge, as Punkys Mom observes in comment 219, got promoted. However, I think Laurie is pursuing a lawsuit.

253. D.S. Ryelle, N.D. - January 17, 2010

It seems like I read this story in the paper last summer or the summer before (which is why I was surprised to read that this was dated 2007…but maybe there was a similar case?) But at the time, the “Big Brother-biased Media” made it sound like Chad was pursuing prayers and hokey quasi-medical shit; not real, SOUND alternative medicine.

Now that I know the REAL story from the Jessops, I’ve changed my mind. Thank you for sharing!

254. angryscientist - January 19, 2010

There have been plenty of similar cases, but maybe you’re remembering the case of Daniel Hauser, who was ordered to undergo chemotherapy last spring by a Minnesota judge.

255. Evil Pharmaceutical Corporations. - Politics & Current Affairs Forum - March 30, 2010

[…] […]

256. Bobby - June 17, 2010

Very informative, Thanks.

257. trav - July 28, 2010

Holy fuck, are you people serious? You people all need to go to jail and be permanently sterilized forever.

258. angryscientist - July 28, 2010

No kidding! All of us? There has been so much contentiousness on this entry, how’d you manage to lump us all in one bucket?

I probably shouldn’t bother to respond to such a frivolous comment.

259. Jerry - July 28, 2010

No but the thread was getting thin and why let that fool get the last word. Any news from Chad and family?

260. angryscientist - July 29, 2010

No, it’s been awhile since I heard from them. The CHAD foundation web site is still up, but it doesn’t look like there’s been any recent activity, aside from a spam trackback last month.

261. Zdrowy Styl Życia » Blog Archive » Czy większość chorób powoduje system medyczny ? cz.6 - August 27, 2010
262. Laurie Jessop - September 1, 2010

An Update On Chad:

Chad had his 20th birthday a couple of months ago, and he is healthy, standing 6’5″! Chad is alive today, because of his determination to stand!


Blessings To All,


263. angryscientist - September 1, 2010

Frank Cuny of California Citizens for Health Freedom said last night on Roy of Hollywood’s show on KPFK that they are working on a bill that would have, among other things, prevented this travesty.

Restricted Alternative Cancer Treatment

Our goal is to change the State law so physicians and naturopathic doctors can offer integrated treatment of cancer. Our bill would also give the right to parents to select the type of cancer treatment for their child. Under current law if a parent does not approve of chemotherapy and or surgery for their child the child protection agency will remove the child from the home and have the treatment done on the child. The parents can also be arrested and their other children can be removed from the home.

Cuny was talking about examples, and I thought he might mention what happened to Chad, but unless I missed it, he didn’t.

264. Bunny - September 21, 2010

I only just came across this story on this site today. I am disgusted and so sorry for what this family has had to endure. I would like to know what the current situation is? What happened to this family?

265. angryscientist - September 21, 2010

The latest update is comment 262. The family is doing well. Hopefully the authorities will leave them alone.

266. Victor - February 1, 2011

I am proud to be an American because of people like the Jessops.

267. Pacifist - February 11, 2011

Thanks to Walter Last for this link in his article: ‘Are Most Diseases Caused by the Medical System?’
As a mother of a child that is currently a victim of the family court system and medical authorities colluding with the other parent to ensure power and control, I am grateful that this website remains accessible to the public.
Having Munchausen’s By Proxy documented in my child’s medical records by a doctor solely based on the other parents description shows the degree of ignorance mothers are up against. http://www.msbp.com/
I can fully empathize with Laurie & family and applaud their strength, love and self-preservation.
Unfortunately some of us must surrender FOR A TIME, for fear of our own decline in health. Losing some battles in order to be available to our children when they come of age and can choose their own healing modalities to repair their damaged health.
I believe Forgiveness is an essential lesson here for all of us.
My mantra: ‘Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do.’
Love & Light to all.

268. Obiwan Kenobi - March 11, 2011

Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma .. Hmmmmm.
So the Government and The Medical Mafia think that they own People..

Take very careful Note Medical Mafia! You DO NOT own People. People have the RIGHT to heal themselves with Natural Medicines that have been PROVEN to work for centuries UNLIKE the TOXIC USELESS DRUGS and CHEMOTHERAPY that YOU keep on Peddling. Thats right …the Stuff that Kills People.

I am one of many that will not tolerate The Cancer Industry LIES and DECEIT being used to make money off People.

269. Frank Costa - September 10, 2011

I was surfing the web for recipes on how to make Black Salve and came across this story. Glad it had a happy ending. Amazing how bad our government is in telling us how to live. They are supposed to guard the borders and fix the roads 😦

I used Black Salve on a skin cancer on my hand and it worked. Took about two weeks for the process.

My congrats to all who helped Laurie and Chad.

Gerald Troop - October 8, 2012

Yes. Black salve works.
And the man who introduced it to the world, Greg Caton, served 18 months in prison for his efforts.

And he posted a video on how to make it yourself on YouTube.

270. Nigel Humphreys April 2013 - April 5, 2013

Nigel Humphreys in the UK. I have passed the story to David Icke here in the UK who is a brave voice in the world of corruption. I hope he may be able to inform the world on this backward behavior of the USA authorities. My prayers go to the family in question xxx

271. sharon adkins - May 17, 2013

what is going on when officers can pick up our minors at school without parents being notified.is it only adults who has civil rights.same thing going on here in the place I live officers detain children and question them without calling their parents,the polce dept shouls be setting a good example to these children instead of doing whatever they can to get the results they want ,what r these children going to think of our police dept in years to come? the police is not following the law that says a minors family must be contacted and present before they can be questioned. civil rights…..violated by the very people supposed to uphold the law….someone needs to go back to school and learn the law….

272. James Musto - June 17, 2013

Three days from now, my dear wife’s ashes will be placed in her Church. She had a melanoma mole excised from her arm about 7 years ago and was declared “cancer free.”

About one year ago she noticed a swelling of a lymph node in her armpit. Biopsy came back “metastatic melanoma.” I immediately started researching the subject and discovered Dr.Hulda Clark and her book ” The cure for all cancers,” which I obtained from the public library.

I thought it sounded worth trying, but Mary refused. She insisted on using the medical establishments’ “Cut burn poison” method. I now refer top this as the “cut, burn, poison, here is your morphine, now die” method of cancer treatment . I have also recently started looking into the work of Royal Rife, and am wondering, “Can they arrest me for singing and/or playing an electronic organ for people?

273. angryscientist - June 17, 2013

I’m sorry to hear about your wife’s death. I don’t know much about Hulda Clark, but if it weren’t already too late, I’d recommend getting Gary Null’s documentary, Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally.

274. Nigel - June 18, 2013

Sorry about your wife James 😦 . I was diagnosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma on my back..and was offered to have it ‘cut’ away. I said NO THANKS! I went home and started researching the internet for hours and hours. That’s when I came across the GERSON THERAPY (search youtube). I quickly adopted its prescribed lifestyle. I also discovered BLACK SALVE and used it. The skin cancer was destroyed (but I hear it is also effective on Melanoma if you get them early enough – not sure…check this out yourselves). Anyway, my own BCC cancer is all but gone! Im 47 and otherwise fit as a fiddle (as they say in the UK). I have posted this in case it may be of use to others. God bless you all.

275. Are Most Diseases Caused By the Medical System? | One Radio Network - August 10, 2013
276. angryscientist - January 31, 2015

This isn’t an isolated case by any means. The medical establishment and its government goons don’t look kindly on mothers who dare question them. Last November Gary Null did a show on more recent cases of medical kidnapping, The Rise in the Medical Kidnapping of Ill Children.

277. Geneva jones - August 9, 2015

My name is Geneva I’m live in Cleveland ohio my daughter was taking out my custody because I refused to put her on a antidepressant drug which she had side effect of Zoloft and ativan but I suggested a alternative for her Dr stating it was it gonna work call CP’s on me now she was taking out my custody CP’s giving the hospital permission to putting her back on Zoloft without me being involved my daughter is autism kid she being violated in all her rights in different ways my rights also

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